Excuses like, "I can't, I can't, because..." these assholes, everybody has. Which doesn't mean you cannot do anything about it. On the contrary, step by step – all this can be overcome.
Excuses and excuses are small buzzes that can completely deprive us of joy in life, if they only allow. These are psychological attitudes that become some kind of mental stretch marks or psychosomatic speed bumps. Once you admit them into your life, they immediately turn into an insurmountable wall around your comfort zone. There – over the horizon, you have to consider. This wall crushes. Deadly pressure. It is death for your creativity. Death is for your vitality. It is death for a full life.
In order not to become, a victim of such a life "half", it is extremely important to get rid of excuses and excuses. Before they kill you.
Pull these weeds out of your life with all the courage and bravery. Put them in a pile and throw them away. Make this. Don't stand in your way. Otherwise, you're finished.
Sometimes getting rid of excuses is as easy as brushing your teeth or building up the courage to do something new. Moreover, sometimes it is very, very difficult, much more difficult than you can imagine. But you have little choice: either you have them or they you. We offer you ways to deal with your excuses and excuses until they have dealt with you.
"Risk-taking" or the art of overcoming yourself
"I prefer a short but full life, not limited, though long" — Avicenna.
It is much better to fight for a better tomorrow, at the risk of regretting it, than to regret that I did not dare to do anything for fear of defeat. Do not be afraid of failure if you want to develop and go forward. Progress is impossible without risk-that is the law of life.

This is very important for understanding how development takes place and how utopian is the hope that things will somehow evolve peacefully.
Our journey along the road of life is incredible and wonderful, but it is impossible without risk. Otherwise, it will turn into stagnation; we will be coasting grunting in his comfort zone – sluggish and unproductive.
Then all we will have in life is our comfort zone. It will pull us daily routine in the web, from which it will be impossible to get out.
Moreover, it's okay if we were in this "swamp" was great. However, since this is not possible, we get only an illusory "well-being" instead of an opportunity to develop.
Here is the thing: Life is a risk. Only when we risk-live to the fullest. Moreover, a successful life is an even greater risk. The only reason why humanity has managed to move so far in its evolution is that our most desperate ancestors took risks.
They are not afraid of dangerous adventures for new heights. They were able to overcome your fear, why would they not worth it.
How did they manage that? They overcame themselves: their fear, their doubts. They overcame their risk-taking. They decided to act decisively for themselves, despite the potential risk.
If they did not do it – do not adjust each time to new conditions and not overcome all the vicissitudes of life – humanity, as a species, would have disappeared long ago. Creativity, the ability to adapt, to overcome any difficulties – all this involves risk. Only risky people can survive. Moreover, humanity has to become so, despite the fear that many people experience. Otherwise, their indecision and hesitation will block the road to progress and development for all.
As the philosopher, Alan Watts said: "what is needed in this Universe is not confidence and certainty, but courage and excitement of the player; not stability, but adaptability; not solid ground underfoot, but the ability to swim."
Anti-corruption and the art of being a good player
"Success is failure turned inside out" — John Greenleaf Whittier.
There's only one way to get rid of excuses that just haunt you – is to develop the quality of a good player.
In addition to flexibility, adaptability, anti-scrupulousness is also necessary. Professor, economist and trader Nassim Taleb in his book «anti-Corruption, introduced this concept. How to benefit from chaos", and it denotes the ability to benefit from failure, loss, error; the ability to harden, develop and become stronger when faced with chaos.
A good example of anti-coarseness in mythology is Hydra. When it cut off head, instead it-grow two.
Before rebirth (caterpillar) we are ignorant, co-dependent and fragile. After him (bird Phoenix) - possess knowledge, independence and reliability. However, after a few rebirths (Hydra), we become wise, interdependent and anti-corruption.
To easily adapt and become a good player in life, it is necessary to transform our inner Phoenix, which is resistant to disorder, into Hydra, which becomes stronger when faced with chaos.
The explanation is very simple. We fail. We fail one after another. And we're starting to make excuses. After all, we are all human, and we are imperfect. And people make mistakes, no matter what they do.
Therefore, the question is, "what do we do about it?" Great advice once gave Samuel Beckett:" tried all the time. Would fall all the time. It doesn't matter. Try again. Fall again. Fall better."
If you look at the errors through the lenses of anti-coarseness, they are steps and new turning points, not failures and failures. This is the information we get on the way to the target. Moreover, it can help to find new ways to solve problems – sometimes even mystical.
Every artist, writer, adventurer, player – if you look at everything they did, what was wrong and failed – will note that these moments helped him to break out of the routine and existential depression. Because of this, he went forward. However, the excuse, on the contrary – only created obstacles.
Like creative people and players – we all need courage and courage to meet with failures, not to come up with excuses, but rather to become even stronger and go to new heights. Not all this happens in one day or even a month. This process takes time. This art. It's like gambling. Moreover, the only thing that matters is how brave you are during the game. If we are not afraid – we will become stronger, we will not be able-and we will sit in a swamp of a habitual and native comfort zone, coming up with to ourselves all new excuses why we can't change anything.
The ability to benefit from our mistakes along with improvisation (interlinked anti-embracing Hydra) makes us more adapted to life circumstances. Moreover, it is much better than to be tormented by guilt (co-dependent fragile caterpillar) and to come up with new excuses. Thus, you get a chance to develop, as get rid of the most important obstacles and limitations – excuses.
To live a full life, you should understand that mistakes are inevitable. However, they will only make you stronger. It's much worse to live a miserable life because you're afraid to make a mistake and fail.
"Who is not busy with birth, he is busy with death."
Indeed. Who is not busy in the revival with the help of anthrophony, he is busy dying with fragile stagnation.
Fear is often our greatest enemy. We are afraid of failures and that is why it is easier to present an excuse than to throw ourselves