Wow I love this @misslasvegas. Your story is so awesome and so true! There is an art to asking...I think it involves a lot of patience and a lot of detachment from any particular outcomes.
I've also practiced hypnotherapy and yes, positive suggestions are so necessary. Especially when you're providing a framework of suggestions for the mind to "play within". If that framework is negative, then you're not doing any service to provide a space to thrive. That's my opinion at least.
Really appreciate your words here and glad we crossed paths. Followed you!
You're welcome. And likewise, I'm also glad we crossed paths. But that's how it works isn't it? If the mind is open, you attract more of like-minded people, if it's closed and the 'want' or 'ask' is forced, the attraction is also closed and forced. In my first few times of practicing hypnotherapy, I found it very hard to use positive suggestions and always found myself throwing in a no, or don't or won't....I usually corrected this quickly, as I was very aware of it, but it made me realize that we live in a very negative world sometimes where the no's, don't and won't are more present than the YES, the can's and will's. Since then, I feel it is my duty to teach others the power of yes to break free from limitations put on ourselves. And even that is hard at times, because all over our life paths we come across nay sayers and people who lost touch with their true selves. But nevertheless, I will keep doing what I do and won't let them beat me down. It is very nice to meet you and I'm looking forward to reading more of your work.
Yes! (literally lol) I love your words here. It's true, taking conscious control of our focus in a world that does not reflect back a similar focus can be difficult. It's through our consistency and practice to maintain our own focus, that we begin to alter the world around us. In my opinion, the strongest focus is the most flexible one. If you truly believe that this world is "heaven on earth" then you will be flexible enough to walk into any environment (even a war zone) and not only discover the heaven that exists, but also speak it in a way where others begin to also realize it for themselves. This then turns into a "morphogenic field" and by that I mean, when people are around you they then "feel" heaven-like. This then experienced in a collective sense would mean we literally would be living on earth "as it is in heaven".
I'm not religious per say, that example just came to me sporadically ;-)
By the way, have you tried theater improv at all? The most basic teaching of any improv class you will go to is "yes and". Meaning, when you are in a scene with someone, you should say "yes" (agree) with what was just said, and then "and" (add) to include new information and expand the reality. When we begin to say "yes" to the things in our life that feel good and then "and" those aspects, we begin the process of conscious creation!