
No, I don't even think it's legal

It's actually what's know as an orphan chemical. It's related chemical, THC, and source are both illegal, but CBD is not (in the US at least...), allowing it to be sold as a supplement. This may be changing soon, so if it's something you're interested in trying, I'd do it soon, so you can stock up .

Edit- I have a similar cycle of extreme swings. My heart goes out to you, and I hope you're able to find better ways to cope and to continue producing wonderful art.

The thing is - I produce art all the time, it's the only thing that allows me to stop destructive thinking. That's why I post new pictures at least twice a day, and create even more of them that I can't show here because it's work (mostly for yet not published books).
About the pills - I'm really not sure what is it. So I saw cannabis - and automatically thought that it's illegal

as well what is very good for balancing your mood is meditation. Me as well, I always thought it would not be as powerful as it is. But it is very good for killing destructive thinking, it is some kind of "hard" when you begin, but it works and helps,from my experience. There are many guided meditations on youtube where you can begin with, some kind of energy balancing meditation, or what else appeals to you. Another thing is binaural music, as well very powerful...maybe this can relief your inner struggle a little...but you have to try yourself if it helps you for your life, if you do so, please let me know if it worked for you as i am curious if it´s only subjective how these things work for me (but there is yet scientific proof that both things change your brain structure ;)

I wish I had a dollar every time someone tells me about meditation:(

don´t know where you live, here it´s legal for medical use. CBD shouldn´t be illegal at all, because it is no psychoactive substance, therefore I don´t know countries where it is illegal ;)

Yes it´s illegal Fabian in many countries :S how I wish it were not.