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RE: Me Vs Depression & Anxiety- I Won the battle today!

in #psychology7 years ago

Hey @myindigoinsight, thank you for sharing this story, I believe everyone has such conflict inside of them, the demons we fight on daily basis, but you are absolutely right there are people who need some support from outside to get through and gain confident.Sometimes the things that we think obvious for everyone not obvious for those who suffer anxiety. I could not believe but there are so many of those people. I only noticed when once my own sister express the same thoughts and hesitations like you did in your story. It is good to have the community of people who support such group they definitely may safe someone's life,

Cheers, from art-supporting blog @art-venture



Hello @art-venture, thanks for stopping by to comment. With this blog i wanted to try and help others who feel the same by letting them know they are not alone, and i also wanted to try and de-stigmatise mental health a little bit by helping other people who do not feel this way understand what it is like. Not everyone can communicate how they are feeling, i am able to do this and i am very happy to read all these comments from people, it shows me that it worked :) But yes you are right, most people will feel similar things at varying points on the scale. I my self even did not believe i was dealing with anxiety and depression for a long time, i thought people who were diagnosed with it must be feeling much worse than i was, and that i was just being a bit silly. These are very real battles that people deal with, and we should be able to talk about them openly with out fear of being judged. This is why i wrote about my previous accomplishments, not to brag about it, but to show that people you least expect can be feeling this way. Through this blog i have connected with many people who are trying to build a support group accross steemit using the new tag mentioned in the blog, and a support group on discord. It's great to see and hopefully with time there will be a great network of support on steemit :)