Being creative is a way of life.
I’ve decided some time ago that I need to work on my creativity and creative thinking. I’ve decided so firstly because I feel a huge potential within myself in this area. It’s hard to explain, but I feel like there is a burning fire of creativity somewhere buried inside of me and something is blocking it from breaking through. I have a very strong intention to change that and work hard and consistently on my creativity. I just feel it is going to change my life. :) Actually, it already is changing in small steps.
Creative thinking is a way of approaching any issues and problems from a new and fresh perspective which should lead to unconventional solutions and new out of box ideas. It is not like the ideas are generated from nowhere, but creative thinking is based on the ability to think of new way of integration, interaction and changing of old ideas and inventions.
Amazing ability, huh? :) I believe it could be obtained and trained. Let’s see some ways of stimulating our creative thinking.
1.Try out brainstorming
To my mind this is a helpful method to deal with any issues at all. It can be used both at work and personal life. Funny thing is that I even when I’m alone am doing some kind of brainstorming myself. It just happens naturally. When I have a problem or any other issue, I automatically start to look at it under different angles. Firstly, I understand what I am thinking on this or that issue, what my feelings are, etc. Then in my mind automatically a process starts when I start to challenge my ideas and thoughts. I think on the same topic but changing the attitude. I start to imagine what other people could say or think about this issue and what solutions they may have for the problem. I remember the behaviour pattern of all people and book characters I know and try to imagine what they might do or think in such a situation. When I have a problem that involves some competitors or maybe even rivals my first instinct is to try to understand what they think on the issue and what actions they may take. This makes me always more prepared for various situations as I think over lots of different possible scenarios. This helps me a lot in my life and I feel puzzled when I see how many people are actually not able to do the same thing, as a result they often get in trouble as did not see some possible complications coming.
Of course, no matter how diverse my imagination is it’ll never get to the same level as imagination of several separate humans, that is why brainstorming is done in groups of people. Really enjoyable thing about brainstorming is that all the ideas are considered to bee good and no critic of ideas is allowed. So virtually anybody is welcome to share literary any idea at all, and that is the most beautiful thing! Sometimes, people who are more kind of introverts and rarely share their thoughts have some golden ideas hidden under their cloak. By listening to other people thoughts you also train and expand your own imagination over and over again. So, don’t hesitate, brainstorm!
2.Play brain training games
Ah! There loads and loads of those, just google it! Here I’ll share my favourite activities which I do on a regular basis.
a. Write morning papers. This is a technique when first thing in the morning you just sit down and write everything that comes to your mind without thinking and editing. There is an opinion that those morning papers should be no less than 750 words per session.
b. Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking
There is a card with some kind of line or figure and your task is to think of various ways how to finish them into something meaningful.
3.Start a new creative hobby like painting, photography, writing, gardening, kwilling, scrap-booking, soap making, dancing, cooking, sewing, etc.
This just changes the way of your thinking and encourages you to pay attention to details and notice things others don’t. For example I am working hard to master the art of writing and willing to start learning the art of photography.
4.Challenge your curiosity
I believe this is the worst problem about my creativity. For a long time, I was never curious about anything at all. Like totally! Nothing was interesting for me even a little bit. Several years ago when I recognized this situation I’ve decided that it’s too bad for my self-development and I started to artificially seek for and maintain interest about various things. When I recognized even a tiny glimpse of interest in myself on any topic at all, I did everything I could think of to learn more on the topic. I attended many various master classes, courses, events, I’ve learnt a great deal of new thing I knew nothing about earlier. In such a way step by step I discovered within myself a love towards psychology and I feel it’s just the beginning of journey. I can honestly say that this decision of mine not to sit and wait for some magical thing to happen when I’ll feel what excites me, but to go outside and try loads of various things was a life-changing decision for me. I can only advise to explore new things, even what may seem boring from the first sight. Assume everything is really exciting and keep an open mind while staying positive. Try as many new things as possible!
5.And finally do not forget that the key to creative thinking is to keep an open mind, believe in yourself and have have a positive attitude towards mistakes.
I just love psychology, so be sure to subscribe for @aleksandraz and read my other articles on this topic.
Thanks! :)
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we can invent anything that is useful to humanity. bastausar creativity
Congratulations you have made it to my top 5 list.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks, it's quite an honour! :) Wish you luck with your posts.