That's right. Everyone can boast and everyone does. More or less, depending on the situation, as well as physical and mental constitution. Usually this also happens unconsciously in moments in which even the person who boasts thinks he is only passing on purely factually related information. Often, neither the addressee nor the broadcaster is aware of boast. The object is often possession, but also characteristics with which everyone likes to distinguish himself from his neighbor. This makes it possible to establish an advantageous ranking for the braggart, at least for the duration of the current encounter. Being associated with something special also gives a person the status of something special. Even if the relationship described in boasting is based on pure chance and is not associated with any particular achievement, the nimbus of the special is unconsciously transferred to the reporting person. Very few people are immune to this.
On average, not many people can really stand being comparable and meeting a standard. From childhood on every individual believes to be something special and this assumption is also quite normal. Finally, we are quickly aware of the existence within a social structure and are accustomed through education to classify ourselves according to our individual abilities in a comparative way. This is because most relationships within the entire living nature are based on the principle of individual competition for resources and not primarily on solidarity, which ultimately serves even material purposes. I think bragging is very common and admire those who have overcome this stage in their personality development.
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you see the world as it is don't you my ribbiting friend
I totally agree with that, at some point some of those bragging seek to be recognized of being "above or ahead" of whoever they are competing with. That competition word sure is one trigger of the bragging acts.
I like it that you mentioned that sometimes the achievement or whatever the person is boasting about is
leaving the bragging person unaware that perhaps such opportunity has also been offered someone and it just so happen that he's the one who's taken and have done something about it and struck it lucky.
I like the fact that you've acknowledged that it can be overcome once one realizes what on earth would you gain out of it specially so if you're doing it to seek out competition. I have to admit that I am allergic to bragging moments but it depends .. if the person serves it right - then I would probably join one- upping that bragging person, if there's more to it - I'd probably be the first to take off and flee from their pedestal .
That's what I always try. Often enough this is not possible, especially when one is emotionally involved. But today I know exactly what man is made of, how he is constructed and how his society ticks.
Our existence is no longer a secret, as it was 500 years ago for all mankind, or for the young frog, for example, 50 years ago. I see the world from a modestly enlightened, scientific perspective and today I am always very good at what really is and not at what I want to see.
That was a real low riding bragging now. Cool eh?!
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hahaha I wanted to write "you're bragging" after this
but you've made your point and I totally agree
being able to discern and accept what is real for what it is and not for what you how you want to see things - is quite a gift
and we, bees also have that ;)
hahaha where did we earn our bragging rights?
I guess in the animal kingdom hahaha
Kingdom of animals. That's it and we are part of. The strongest ape is sitting on the biggest amount of bananas. This fact rules all our life. The christian arrogancy, the view that we are above the animals and therefore more valuable in gods eyes is a very fat show-off. Typical bragging.
I can only laugh with this comment hahahahah
btw.. aren't you joining the steem camp either?
I've bought a second hand ticket but don't know, when to jump over. It's just a hour to go there. Today I'm busy until tomorrow evening.
I did not at all...
I can't, I had to be in the garden this weekend specially today, we had our harvest festival so it was pretty crowded plus our lot happened to be just beside the one which has the calabash exhibit so I did some tending and harvested two boxes of peaches, the whole house smells like it now
I miss out meeting someone I really want to see there, though
all of you in the first place :D