Moving Mountains #1: Respond VS React

in #psychology7 years ago

Challenges are bound to happen. Sometimes at work, sometimes at home or sometimes with your friends but what's important here is how we deal with these challenges.

Do we REACT or do we RESPOND?

To REACT is to:

  1. act on impulse (at the spur of the moment)
  2. act based on emotions and feelings
  3. say and do things that you don't necessarily intend to and end up hurting someone or making a situation worse than it already is

To RESPOND is to:

  1. carefully analyze the situation
  2. to look at things from different perspectives
  3. say and do things after considering the pros and cons and relaying your message in an objective manner

I gotta admit that it's really much easier to react and I think I do that almost 80% of the time, but it's time for me to start making better choices and to put in conscious effort to respond.

Let's encourage each other to be better people. Together, I believe we can move mountains!


Who is in this with me? =)