Another big reason is Sex, especially in India. Its a taboo here, people aren't allowed to have sex until they get married because of traditions and cultural values. Humans by their very nature are sexual creatures.
When men don't get enough quality sex they become violent. Quality sex isn't watching porn on your PC.
In India sex and violence go together like hand and glove. Look at the global, multi billion dollar pornography and sex industries. These industries trade on the sexualization of violence against women. You can't neatly separate these two issues. It's a toxic environment for girls and women in particular, who are most often the victims of sexual and domestic violence at the hands of men. India is witnessing an increasing number of rape incidents or I can say "Brutal rapes" where rapist go far beyond the level of demon mentality. For example, three teenagers were accused of rape for inserting a wine bottle in a girl's vagina until she started bleeding and died. Where this animalism come from?
Sex should be a reducer of tensions and aggressive behavior.
Since my hippie times where the big good sexual transformation and a big fight for sexual freedom that was associated with pacifism and non-aggression as a way to stop violent Behaviors.
After this times business learned from the cousin of Freud that subliminal or explicit messages sexuality could be used to increase sales of products.
After this era sex was transformed into consumerism as a product that you can buy, use and throw away easily.
Nowadays Movies tend to play with the unconscius mind and create movies about sexual fetichisms, pedophilia, violations and sexual violence and is trying to "normalize" and increase this unacceptable behaviours.
People don't "Do sex" anymore they "Have" sex. :)