I wrote a post on addiction the other day in which I had stated that all addictions affect the same part of the brain.
Absolutely correct! The mesolimbic pathway to do with memory, motivation, reward etc.. when under the influence of dopamine, that is it! And like you said, whether it is because of a substance or behaviour the brain/mind pattern is the same!
I agree with what you said about loneliness driving people into social-media addiction! Emotional-psychological factors are contributors that play a huge role in initiating addictions.
What a great illustration of the Rational Choice Model of addiction you brought me here! Thank you. I am always fascinated and interested in learning about people's unique approach to feeling better. Although, I truly wish that people understood that it doesn't really need to get to that point. Because like you said, through adopting activities that lessen stress levels and anxiety one would need to go looking for fixes :/
This is a complex topic!
Thank you once again my dear for taking the time to read my work and leave such a beautiful, meaningful comment. I always, always learn from your comments :)
Have a wonderful week ahead! :*