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RE: Psychology Addict # 40 | How do You React to Your Own Negative Thoughts?

in #psychology7 years ago
I'm bascially doing rumiception

That is definitely something worthy of putting sunglasses on Ego. You always manage to take everything to the next level.

Still, it is good to hear that 1) you are aware of it; 2) you understand it is not necessarily something productive and 3) that you are improving. Also, like you said, why bother when one doesn't really care? But this is where ruminators fail to make a sound judgment; hence, placing huge importance in every little event.

Similar to you, when I catch myself ruminating I go for a walk, do Yoga, try a new recipe etc... this has never failed (me) to lift at least some of the tension towards a particular situation; which, in turn, allows me to be more rational about it if I need to revisit it late on in a more proactive manner :)

It is indeed interesting how times heals wounds (I/we should write about this!).

You take care Ego 😘
Lots of love ❤ :)