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RE: Psychology Addict # 29 |The Architecture of Sustainable Happiness – Positive Psychology

in #psychology7 years ago

Hi Abigail

Firstly, the level of quality in your work is off the scale here on the Steem Blockchain, and I thank you for raising the bar and giving us all something to aim for.

This is a really interesting piece and I found myself thinking 'ahh' and nodding in agreement with much of what is written.

It was enlightening to find out about the study that shows that single women find comfort and happiness when single due to the increased support level during these times.

I am wondering if the 'circumstances' percentage is larger for some people than others? I find that some people can be stopped in their tracks by large negative events, while others (after a short period of sadness) can pick themselves up quicker and get back on track, so to speak. Perhaps this 10% can be larger and eat into the ' 40% of intentional activities', which could indicate a more severe derailing if a major event occurred?

As always, following your articles, I am left with plenty of food for thought, and I shall take these thoughts to the beach today where I find it a good place to do some mulling. :)

A great piece, thank you!


Hello @abh12345 :)

Firstly, the level of quality in your work is off the scale here on the Steem Blockchain, and I thank you for raising the bar and giving us all something to aim for.

This is a very kind thing for you to say. Thank you so much!

You have brought me a truly interesting question here :)

Perhaps this 10% can be larger and eat into the ' 40% of intentional activities', which could indicate a more severe derailing if a major event occurred?

In my opinion this is absolutely possible. Because, remember, following this model, the 40% is all about being proactive. So, yes, if one just remains within the pain without engaging with no intentional activity at all, the 40% becomes 'inactive' and 'overpowered' by the life circumstance (10%).

This is something I have seen a lot in people who have gone through break ups.

So, let say, woman A (real case) - Got divorced 9 years ago - life circumstance; but, unfortunately never engaged in any intentional activity to overcome this sad event. Instead, she has spent all this time bitter about her ex, his current wife and life style. A is fully functional, she has a job she likes, and her son is a good kid. But, she is totally entrapped by those ill-feelings, which has actually defined her and her life for the past decade.

Now, woman B (also real case) - Got divorced 6 years ago, grieved for nearly a year and then discovered she had to do something to stop thinking of past events. She started salsa lessons, she decided to 'transform' her garden etc... at one point she was taking so many different classes she was struggling to keep up with things. But then she found balance and continued with her gardening and Yoga lessons. Nowadays, she only really thinks of her ex because of her children.

The reason I feel comfortable comparing these two cases is because both women describe themselves as extraverts; and also, they both asked for a divorce for similar reasons. But you see how, as you point out, in one case then 10% 'ate' into the 40% share of the model?

We just need to understand that no one else is responsible for our own mental and subjective well-being :)

All the best to you.
Thank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to read and comment!

It's my pleasure to try and make a valuable comment on your posts, they deserve as much!

.. following this model, the 40% is all about being proactive. So, yes, if one just remains within the pain without engaging with no intentional activity at all, the 40% becomes 'inactive' and 'overpowered' by the life circumstance (10%).

This helps me understand that the 40% in the model can be flexible and vary for person to person, and I've certainly felt this is the case looking at the people around me.

We just need to understand that no one else is responsible for our own , mental and subjective well-being :)

Responsible, no, but perhaps some (myself included) seems to let others have an impact on it more than others?

Thanks again for motivating our brains to think!

Responsible, no, but perhaps some (myself included) seems to let others have an impact on it more than others?

Yet another good point here, which I agree with. And this is when factors such as personality come into play! :)