What about those who wants to climb a ladder but doesn't know which wall to lean to? Should they try their ladder against every single wall out there? Or should they just sit still and wait...
I'd suggest trying it all, what about you @maverickfoo?
What about those who wants to climb a ladder but doesn't know which wall to lean to? Should they try their ladder against every single wall out there? Or should they just sit still and wait...
I'd suggest trying it all, what about you @maverickfoo?
What about finding out what you really, really want, first? Then choose the wall that can bring you to your goals and ideal life.
Any ways on how to find out what I really, really want @tifaong?
Thank you for asking @aaronmcheong
Start by asking yourself powerful questions and visualizing.
If you're unsure what makes you happy, it could mean you've never done anything that makes you happy. You gotta do different things in your life to find what really makes you happy.
Ask yourself powerful questions because I believe you hold the answer.