The nation-state consensus, structured on a monopoly on violence, is built on trauma

in #psychiatry7 years ago (edited)

The nation-state consensus is built on trauma, that is how a monopoly on violence acts on the brain stem via deterrents to enforce compliance with law, trauma (wound) is used as an enforcement mechanism.

Statists tends to pretend like that perpetual, global trauma, does not exist, a form of addiction to the monopoly on violence, and while a good story those rose-colored glasses does not make it so, and the imbalance between recognising wounds in others while not recognising the cause - the monopoly on violence - acts as a vector for the continuation of active and deliberate violence towards non-consenting, innocent, humans.

A look at "obnoia" and the schizo-neurotic spectra

Law-integration disorders can broadly be divided into two spectra, the psychopathic or schizo-neurotic spectra (for example narcissism), and the hyper-empathic or schizo-psychotic spectra (for example autism or ADHD). The two spectra are then in co-dependence with one another, and both are slave mentality, and both are the result of decreased executive control, associated with a statist worldview.

This is your brain on the monopoly on violence

This is what a brain looks like (right) that pretends like the monopoly on violence does not exist, diminished executive control, obnoia, an attenuation of the self (ego) system, statism, submitting to mediation from a monopoly on violence resulting in active (non-aware) participation in violence towards non-consenting individuals.

An analogy can be drawn to your lungs on cigarettes, or, other forms of pathogens, both detrimental to organ function.


Psychiatric diagnosis as a political device (2010)


Interesting stuff, is this mostly your original material/concepts?

yes sort of, usually people have said similar things in every generation, I try to build on advances overall that have happened during the time my generation grew up. this one is really good,