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RE: My Visit to the de Young Museum's Psychedelic "Summer of Love" Exhibition

in #psychedelic8 years ago

No I did not, how recent? I also just messed up on upvoting this post. I failed to check whether randowhale was used. I couldn't figure how come it wasn't working on this post. I should have looked closer. Oh well, a 2SBD donation to him. I will have to hunt up my custom made VHS tape of Ken Kesey's that I bought several years ago, on the Merry Pranksters footage. It was like a psychedelic spin art. Pretty neat. When I bought it online it was pretty cool as he sold it without a charge and then just said when you receive it just mail him the amount due. I just spent a few minutes looking for the tape, thinking it might be where I last saw it. Wrong. I'm guessing it's gonna take a little bit to find which box I stuffed it into.


Oh gosh, thank you for wanting to promote my post! Hopefully my upvotes on your comments help recoup most of the 2 SBD, I really appreciate it. :)

Sand died on April 24 so a few months back unfortunately. I'd be really interested in seeing that tape if you find it and can somehow upload a clip, it sounds pretty rad. Memorabilia like that has a way of hiding deep at the bottom of storage boxes haha, but maybe you'll find it.

I am going to do my best to find that tape now, I just checked out when Ken Kesey died and that was Nov 10, 2001. I remember hearing about him dying and thinking, "ok, maybe that will be worth something someday." So I probably bought it in 1999 or maybe 2000. Wow, that's like 17 years ago, ouch it seemed like yesterday. I will definetly do a blog on it, so that ought to give me incentive to find it. Trust me, I thought of sending you a picture of where it might be stored. We are talking lots of boxes, and several places where those boxes could be. I probably put it in a box 7 or 8 yrs ago. Now, I have concern since it was a VHS tape it my have deteriorated.
Don't worry about the 2SBD, I am using a percentage of my SBD's to promote worthy posts.

I hear you about how quickly life flies by... I'm following you so I'll keep an eye out for your upcoming posts and I especially look forward to seeing that tape when you find it.