PRP Benefits for Anyone

in #prpbenefits7 years ago (edited)

PRP Benefits for Anyone

Anyone can find PRP benefits rewarding. Here are some of the many varieties of PRP benefits available to you.

Are you experiencing symptoms of aging? Or are practicing anti-aging techniques to prevent aging? Your therapy probably comes in the form of various skincare products. However, having a facelift will result in far more benefits.

But surgery is expensive and invasive. Fortunately, technology is increasing in healthcare -- this includes the beauty side of health.

Recently, the PRP facelift has been on the rage. The PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, facelift, commonly deemed the 'Vampire Facelift' uses your own blood to rejuvenate facial tissue.

If you're ready to experience the next craze in skincare and anti-aging, find out PRP benefits and why you should get this facelift.

PRP Rejuvenates Facial Tissue

One of the PRP benefits includes the ability to rejuvenate skin. This trend started when PRP was found to heal wounds, and tests were performed to find out if the same worked for aged skin.

When tests were performed, results showed cells grew 5% and increased the production of collagen, protein, and human dermal fibroblasts.

Do those results sound like rocket science? Here's another explanation: when your skin ages, skin cell turnover decreases and your fibroblasts don't produce as much collagen.

This means your skin cells won't recycle old cells and replace new ones, and collagen won't produce naturally.

With PRP, the plasma in your blood helps increase cell turnover while increasing the production of collagen.

PRP Doesn't Require Surgery

One of the many PRP benefits is the fact that this isn't a surgical operation like a typical facelift. Rather, it's performed through injections.

First, your blood is drawn. Are you squeamish about blood? Don't worry, it's just a small amount -- usually, it's between two-to-ten teaspoons.

The blood is then spun into a centrifuge. This method separates your blood's platelets and plasma.

From there, your natural platelets and plasma are injected into your problem areas. These include wrinkles and sagging skin. A small needle is used to administer the injections and is done multiple times.

PRP Assists Many Types of Skin Issues

Not all skin is created equal. Therefore, each person is subject to different skin issues. Since PRP benefits you because this treatment uses your own blood.

Because of this, PRP heals almost any skin issues.

There include:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sagging and lack of firmness
  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Scarring from acne and other causes
  • Dry skin
  • Large Pores
  • PRP Facelift and Facial

You probably search for PRP, or Vampire, facelift and are also finding PRP, or Vampire, facials. While both sound almost identical, there are differences.

The facelift is recommended for those with aging symptoms such as wrinkles because the facelift formula is usually met with fillers such as hyaluronic acid that work with the PRP benefits.

The facial doesn't contain any fillers, only your blood, plasma, and platelets.

PRP Facials are Natural

Finding an anti-aging technique that works is a long process.

Not only that, but it's difficult to find a technique that is truly natural. Not all chemicals and artificial ingredients are ideal for all skin types, so a lot of consumers try and find natural alternatives.

This has been the struggle for consumers who want a medical approach to anti-aging, but can't use fillers, volumizers, and other prescribed products.

PRP benefits you because it works with your own blood, plasma, and platelets. This is why it's recommended for most clients.

Your own body will heal your areas of concern, leaving you with younger and healthier skin. You achieve this with little irritation, outbreaks, or sensitivities.

However, PRP facelifts are often made with fillers. Check with your doctor and make sure these fillers are safe for you.

PRP and Fillers

While you can have a PRP only containing the plasma and platelets from your blood, the PRP benefits of facelifts include fillers. These include hyaluronic acid, which helps to add moisture to your skin and fills any fine lines and wrinkles.

Some places even create their own specialized filler. Always make sure this filler is right and safe for your skin.

You Can Choose the Areas Where PRP Will be Injected

Most doctors will administer the PRP in common problem areas, such as around the eyes. However, certain skin issues require more injections or injections in specific areas. In this case, you can inform your doctor.

The doctor will have a consultation about areas of improvement and will provide education on the procedure and treatment.

Whether you have sagging skin or acne scars, inform your doctor so you'll experience PRP benefits.

PRP is Painless

Some PRP benefits include the fact that it's non-invasive, but it's also reported to be painless.

Local anesthesia is used to numb the skin. Since PRP requires several injections, usually in the same area, the anesthesia is used to prevent any pain. A facial mask can also be used to numb the skin.

If you're uncomfortable with needles, other options are available to avoid pain, seeing blood, and witnessing needles.

Patients who find these aspects troubling are said to be successful under sleep sedation and general anesthesia (where you're asleep).

There is also little pain during the healing process. Swelling, dryness and bruising are common, but those symptoms are short-lived.

Healing Time is Quick

Compared to other treatments, the healing time of PRP is very quick. Some even reported their skin was normal two days after the procedure.

It's still best to have the procedure done on a weekend or take a couple days off of work for healing time. The reason why is because redness and bruising are common.

Some have even reported itching, swelling, and dryness, so it's recommended to moisturize and take any pain reliever and swelling relief during the healing process.

However, everyone is different. Discuss the healing options with a professional, and keep their contact on file in case your healing symptoms become painful or too uncomfortable.

No Scars

A facelift or plastic surgery may seem like a good idea, but all patients are scared of any scarring. But there is little risk of scarring with the PRP benefits.

The reason why is the injections are done with a small needle and is only administered in small areas. The treatment is non-surgical, so there are no deep incisions.

The fact that your own blood, plasma, and platelets (with fillers) are injected means even any wounds are healed fast. If you do have a reaction or any wounds form, they heal fast because of the healing properties of PRP.

The PRP Benefits Last A Long Time

You're probably wondering how long this treatment lasts since it doesn't require surgery. You may also be wondering if you need to exercise and further skincare with PRP treatment.

Since your skin is treated with the plasma from your own blood, the results can last years.

Since some injections are paired with a wrinkle filler, the filler will last in your skin for several months. However, several treatments won't be necessary since that time gives the platelets enough time to improve your skin.

However, it will take a few weeks to see results. Some even reported to gradually see results.

The more powerful and anti-aging skincare types won't be necessary to use on your skin. But cleansing and moisturizing your face is still recommended, especially during the healing process.

PRP Won't Break Your Bank

PRP isn't cheap, but it's also not an extremely high price. The price of PRP benefits is worth it, especially when you estimate the amount you've spent on other procedures, methods, and skincare products.

The prices are around $400-$600 per treatment; however, some areas require multiple treatments.

Because of this, PRP is mainly recommended for those who have aging symptoms or are starting to see the beginnings of aging symptoms.

Women in their 20's can benefit from this procedure. PRP can be administered if you're experiencing premature aging, other severe skin conditions, or want to prevent aging symptoms.

There are Positive Reviews

If you still have uncertainties, know this facelift has received amazing reviews.

Celebrities are raving about it, beauty bloggers have documented their experiences and results, and reviewers on forums have said they experienced noticeably incredible results.

With so many anti-aging tricks and methods, it's impossible to know what works and what doesn't.

But since PRP works with your own blood, plasma, and platelets, you know PRP benefits your concerns because it's comprised of healing properties your own body creates.

PRP Helps with Issues Other Than Your Face

Since PRP benefits you with your own blood, it can be used to help other areas of your body.

This includes your bones, joints, ligaments, and healing of any injuries and wounds. You can even use PRP when opting for a breast lift and hair restoration.

However, PRP is still being developed when assisting with severe conditions.

Consult with your doctor and make sure PRP will work for you.

While they're similar, PRP and stem cell treatments are different.

Now You Know the PRP Benefits -- Time to Book an Appointment

PRP has incredible benefits and works with a variety of skin issues. Since PRP works with your blood, you can expect amazing results with little side effects.

If you're ready to take the next step in anti-aging, PRP is an innovated method that truly works.

Call us today and schedule a consultation to see if PRP is right for you.


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