Proteas make great cut flowers.

in #proteas6 years ago

Proteas are native to Africa, and are most well known as a cut flower. The huge colourful blooms are long lasting and spectacular, and come in many shapes and colours. The plants also vary in height from small compact shrubs to large shrubs. They are suited for temperate to warm climates, but it is important to plant them in a sunny position and make sure they have well drained soil. Once established, the plants only require a good occasional watering . The smaller growing varieties are suited to growing in pots or containers. Today, Proteas are grown commercially in many Countries. Your fresh cut Proteas will last a long time if you regularly cut 1 to 2 cm of the bottom of the stems and put them in fresh water. I photographed these cut flowers locally.
New5 044.JPG
New5 045.JPG

100% of New South Wales - the State in Australia where i live - is now officially drought declared. This is huge and should be a big wakeup call to everyone. Why? Because this has NOTHING to do with "Climate Change". This is a man-made drought brought about by the use of Geoengineering (Chemtrails) , and the use of HAARP. The goal is to shut down the food supply and raise food prices, creating hardship for the people. If farmers cannot grow crops or raise Livestock, people don't eat. This is a worldwide phonomenon, not just in my Country. Why should you worry ? Because they are doing this worldwide, and you will be affected. This is weponizing the weather, creating not just drought but also floods. Think i am crazy ? Do your own research, don't take my word for it. Here's where you can start reading about it;

There are 3 pages

Protea are excellent additions to any garden. However, not everyone has garden spaces to enjoy them in. There are some varieties which perform excellently in pots and therefore can be enjoyed on a deck or patio. Below are some tips for receiving the best results from growing your Proteaflora plants in pots!

Most Proteas prefer soils that are well-drained and acidic and we suggest avoiding heavy clay soils. If you have a garden with heavy or clay soil, consider improving the drainage by using a free draining garden mix and either creating a raised garden bed (minimum height 30 - 45 cm) or installing underground drainage pipes.

Fav. comment Award !! Great choice of Pics again.

Striking goblet-shaped creations, they’re an amazing combination of fluffy centres and brightly coloured bracts, which look almost too fabulous to be real. And just as beautiful are the protea’s close cousins, leucadendrons, leucospermums and serrurias, all with incredible flowers that can offer splendid colour to a garden.

Proteas put on a gorgeous display in gardens, mainly through the late winter and spring months. They are tough and hardy evergreen plants, will thrive in exposed positions with poor soils, and are also both heat and cold tolerant (from -6° to 40°).

In terms of their preferred climates, they’ll grow in most regions except for the more humid zones. However, there are two things they won’t negotiate – one is full sun and the other is perfectly free-draining soil. Get those right and you can invite the protea gang to your garden party!

Fav. Comment Award !! Great choice of Pics. Well done.

Proteas prefer a nice sandy loam or open soil. Some Proteas are less fussy and are quite happy in a heavier soil although they will not survive in heavy clay soils. If you do have heavy soils it will be necessary to first mound the soil to improve it and then dig in compost and gypsum to break up any residual clay.

pH or the acidity or alkalinity of soils. Plants often grow best where the soil pH is similar to their conditions of origin. Proteas prefer to grow in acidic soils as this reflects the conditions where they originate in South Africa and Australia. The majority of Proteaflora products need an acidic soil with a pH between 5.6 and 6.5. Some of our products do tolerate neutral to alkaline soils with a pH between 6.6 to 7.5. If that's a bit confusing, your local nursery should be able to tell you about your local soil and advise you on testing and treatment, if necessary. Check out the Our Plants page to find the plants best suited for your garden.

Silly Sausage Award !! Wonderful Pics and information.

Thank you for selecting me.

Thank you for posting @ctrl-alt-nwo.

Lovely flowers that previous to your description, there was no name to which to assign these beauties.....thank you.

Man can try what he will and has since time began.....interesting how God lets these things play out......look how things turned out with the Tower of Babel.

Hope you are enjoying some Proteas.....choosing from these colours....would not have been easy.

All the best.


Yes, i think the Lord is going to make sure we learn a lesson, although it may be hard love and a hard lesson. We sure are in for some interesting times ahead.

When I see a jet with a trail of a chemtrail allways say ... that it's a chemtrail, then the guy behind me say "that it's just smoke from the fuel of the airplane" and me.... the jets don't do that, some engineers says... it's just vapor in high altitude... and still don't believe it...

The differnce is that Contrails ( from jet engines ) evaporate quickly behind the plane, just like your breath evaporates quickly after you breathe out on a cold morning. Chemtrails persist in the sky for a long time, and spread out across the sky, creating a sort of soup-like fog type of cloud. Sometimes you can observe the planes turning the sprays on and off again. You cannot do that with Contrails, but you can do it with sprays. It's full of Aluminium in an aerosol form, toxic to all life. The idea is that it reflects sunlight back into space, thus cooling the earth, But the problem is, it also creates a "blanket" that traps the heat in too. It's just an excuse they use for carrying out their goal of "managing" the weather for their goal of carrying out Agenda 21.

Thank you so much @ctrl-alt-nwo

PROTEAS: The Most Beautiful and Abundant Flowers You've Probably Never Heard Of.

Many people don’t know that the Protea flower is adapted to survive ravaging veld fires. It needs the heat and intensity of fire in order to sustain its species. It produces new growth after a fire and grows back stronger.

The Protea is also named after Proteus, the god in Greek mythology who was adaptable and could change into many forms and do what was needed to survive.

Text Source

Chemtrails & HAARP

It’s really terrifying to think that a tornado could sweep away your home with only a moment’s notice and that earthquakes can trigger tsunami waves that kill hundreds of thousands of people, or drought causing farmers not being able to grow crops or raise Livestock, which undoubtedly leads people to starve.

It’s even more terrifying to imagine that some of this is actually man-made by the use of Chemtrails and HAARP. Just not long ago I read an article about North Korea’s leader admitting use of weather weaponization. Imagine what other countries like US are capable off.

”Tests of Chemtrails & HAARP causes irreversible damages all over the world!!!”

Well i am so glad you know about this and have knowledge that helps people to understand the danger.

My country also good this chemical problems! It mixed to water and now it's re-effecting people by different ways of illnesses! More over water becomes a huge problem! Like you said, these things are made by us! Not by nature!
I like the shape of this flower! It little bit similar to Lotus flower in my country! Nice photography and description of it!


It's really good that you are aware of this problem. Chemtrails are putting very fine particulates of Aluminium into the soil and water, and we all breathe it in, along with other toxins. This results in many illnesses. Thanks for the feedback !

This is breathtaking beauty, my friend @ctrl-alt-nwo ! You find masterpieces to share with us! You probably love to grow flowers in your garden? I have seen such flowers in Ukraine, but we are not sure that these are the same! They are called crackers, because they never die, like dried.
I'm sorry, I do not know their original name! But I will give you a flower that grows in a garden in Ukraine, and I call her the queen of the garden!


Nice flower, but I thought you would be the queen of the garden !

A beautiful plant @ctrl-alt-nwo and all proteas require extremely well drained soil which is both acidic and very low in nutrients (i.e. fertiliser containing phosphates kills them). Proteas will quickly die if their roots sit in waterlogged or wet ground for long periods in areas of high rainfall.

In the main feeding is not necessary providing you keep potting your protea on regularly each year with fresh compost. Any fertiliser containing phosphates is dangerous but there are slow release (8-10 month) granular fertilisers which can be used. However most pre- mixed acidic composts will already contain slow release fertiliser.

In general don’t unless you particularly need to shape up your plant or to remove damaged stems. Proteas can be cut back to the base and will re-grow perfectly well. However this is advisable only if the leaves of the plant have been frosted and then quick action is needed to encourage the plant to reshoot.

Great Pics !

A beautiful plant and Proteas prefer a nice sandy loam or open soil. Some Proteas are less fussy and are quite happy in a heavier soil although they will not survive in heavy clay soils. If you do have heavy soils it will be necessary to first mound the soil to improve it and then dig in compost and gypsum to break up any residual clay.

A natural mulch such as bark, straw or leaves protect the plant's surface roots, retain moisture and keep weeds down. Pull out any weeds by hand and avoid using herbicides near Proteas.

Proteaflora plants are pretty tough once they're established. Water at least twice a week in the first summer, preferably daily when it's really hot. The soil around the root system should not be permitted to completely dry out when the plant is young. You can gradually reduce watering as the plant becomes established about 2 years after planting old. Then the watering frequency depends on the prevailing conditions and whether your variety is listed as drought tolerant. Thank you @ctrl-alt-nwo

Protea cynaroides, the king protea, is a flowering plant. It is a distinctive member of Protea, having the largest flower head in the genus. The species is also known as giant protea, honeypot or king sugar bush. It is widely distributed in the southwestern and southern parts of South Africa in the fynbos region.


The king protea has several colour forms and horticulturists have recognized 81 garden varieties, some of which have injudiciously been planted in its natural range. In some varieties the pink of the flower and red borders of leaves are replaced by a creamy yellow. This unusual flower has a long vase life in flower arrangements, and makes for an excellent dried flower.

Protea cynaroides is adapted to survive wildfires by its thick underground stem, which contains many dormant buds; these will produce the new growth after the fire.
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Indeed Proteas are such a beautiful flower but it was my first time to see them because we haven't had much varieties of flowers in my country which most are just imported and grown in cold regions in my country @ctrl-alt-nwo
Geoengineering is a sad part of how some people control the lives of so many and nothing we can do but to survive it. I can feel the climate change, it is now flooding inside my house because of the unusual rains.

I am encouraged by your awareness about the Chemtrails. Thanks for your comment.

Stunning Protea Flowers

From Banksia to Leucadendron, we can’t get enough of the protea family’s blooms

Leucospermum ‘Flame Giant’

Bright red stamen with yellow tips give this pincushion the appearance of a fireball in motion. Attracts hummingbirds, or other nectar lovers and is excellent cut flower.


Leucospermum ‘Vanessa’

Alien-like stamen emerge from a fuzzy center. They are evergreen shrubs growing to 0.5-5 m tall. The leaves are spirally arranged, tough and leathery, simple, linear to lanceolate.


Banksia media

Elongated flowers come in a piercingly bright shade of yellow. They are cylindrical in shape and as with all natives, they attract birds and insects to your garden to feed on their prolific supply of nectar.


Protea flowers are even more beautiful if combined with other flowers.


As much as I’m trying to write a comment about this beautiful Proteas flower, I would like to give you my honest opinion on your second part of your post.

I feel very sorry and at the same time furious about this taugh situation in your country which is spreading all over the world, especially knowing the truth. I definitely don’t believe you are any crazy, unless I’m crazy as well. As a matter of fact few months ago I wrote a short post about this issue and my concerns. You can take a look at my previous post here.

Chemtrails and HAARP are real. It’s man made and they are using it to their benefits which are harming us, the regular people.

Protea flower text from multiple google sources

I saw your post, it's very good. We need to raise awareness about Chemtrails. Thanks.

They ("Shadow world powers") are diffidently trying to manipulate the weather. Not nice to fool with mother nature as they say.

These are lovely flowers, always can find plants that are new to me on your site. Thanks. :-)

Yes, they are playing God with the weather. Proteas are not going to do well in your climate, but you have other choices.

It really is a beautiful flower and an amazing one as well that goes without saying

While as for the food issue just for the sake of money some people are just making themselves worse than a scum. Only if they thought of that this what if their family gets affected by this situation than they would know the pain but somethings never change so will this sort of people as well.

May the Almighty have peace on all of us !

I dream to finish building my house, dig a deep well and not depend on someone's marasmatic ideas to improve the economic climate. I think that there are enough idiots in any country. In the poorest country of Europe) in Moldova, there are no minerals there, except for sand and limestone, there is some gas and oil on the border with Romania, but this is always a contentious issue. There is no industrial production of oil and gas. The highest tariffs for energy. This can bring to naught, any hobby, what to say about the fields. Watered, but, due to this, the prices for food grow to the sky. And, as for these flowers, I'm delighted! They are like lotuses and water lilies. Leaves are like ayhorniyu Eichhórnia crássipes - water plague. If water lilies are cut off and placed in a container with water, they will live, close in the evening and open in the morning. But, we do not do that. Too few of these plants are with us and they are under protection.

Yes, wells are a good idea, as long as not too many of your neighbours are digging wells too. In the USA, groundwater supply is being mostly drained as too many people are using it. There are entire Countries that have to import all their water supplies.

We are of the opinion that the more water from the well is taken away, the more water it will have. We have problems when the well sinks. I think that this is due to the geological and climatic features of a particular locality.

Here in Australia, we have the Great Artesian Basin. It is highly regulated and to use this water you must have a license. But this is not inexhaustible. In all wells, the water taken out must be eventually replaced with new water in order to continue the supply. Usually the water supply for wells is topped up by rainfall from nearby areas that collect rain ( recharge areas with sandy or more porous soils )which then seeps underground to the aquifer. Some aquifers are supplied with water from a long way away. But if there is no rain, aquifers cannot recharge, and then wells will eventually have less and less water until they run dry. If your well never runs out of water in drought and even when a lot of others are using the water in the same aquifer, then you are very lucky indeed ! In our Great Artesian Basin, if too much water was taken out of it, the ground would probably sink, as there is huge pressure which forces the water up to the surface when a bore is drilled into it. This is maybe the reason that sometimes wells sink in your country too. The return of "normal" rainfall patterns would ease the reliance on wells and bores to extract groundwater, but the "powers that be have a way of starving us of water in some areas and flooding with too much in other areas.. .. Geoengineering and HAARP.... Weaponizing the weather against us.

The pressure is great, that's for sure. We have a seismic zone. At a depth of about 100-12 meters in water there is a lot of hydrogen sulfide. This is a sign of geothermal processes. I was able to set fire to this water in one source.

This water can be drunk, even without defending. This water is lifted by deep-water pumps from deep wells. But, wells of private owners, usually, with a depth of 30-40 meters, no more than 5-10 meters. These layers of water are above the limestone slab. This is the rainwater and the water of the river basins. There are just huge lenses.

Wells, in the lowlands, are rarely used for drinking purposes, this water is used mainly for irrigation. The centralized water supply is fed by the Dniester and Prut rivers. These are powerful sources. But, sometimes there are problems with regard to the Dniester. Above moldova, against the current, the Dniester flows through the territory of Ukraine, if the floodgates overlap there, an alarm appears. Sometimes it happens)) Even worse, when these gateways open)) After they closed them. streams of water flood the settlements that are near the river. And it's bad, and then it's bad)) It's hard to please us))

Looks like we don't have to worry about your water supply then. Thanks for the feedback !

Thank you so much!

Love to have some Proteas in Thailand! But I never saw these plants imported here!
They are very impressive flowers.
Chemtrails have been sprayed to kill plants and trees which are not aluminum tolerant. So,Monsanto can promote their GMO seeds to farmers here. Plants and banana crops just turn yellow leaves all over the place.
These cabal also tested HAARP in creating earthquakes with their high frequencies. Now they can use more targeted high energy weapons to create forest fires and burn houses. These criminals should go to hell!

You are certainly well learned in the weather modification field. Great to see my friend.

Thank you! Keep up your excellent effort to share your information!


For many years I have been trying to explain to my friends that it is no "Climate Change". Unfortunately, their brains are so washed out that it's hard to talk to them. All this is conditioned by politics and the one who earns the most. A cruel world.

Yes, you are right, it's great to see that you know about the problem.

The worst thing is that they accurately distract the world from what they do behind our backs. It is certainly terrifying and it is difficult to determine on what scale.

Have you noticed that they give people and allow people to do almost everything, bring chaos and stupefy everyone (almost everyone). In which direction is everything going?


Correct. Distraction is one of their tactics. The other one is "divide and conquer" - create tension between different groups of people. Their goal is to carry out Agenda 21. They want to control all the natural resources in the world along with everyone ( who is left ) in it. people just do not realise that this is their plan, and that we need to work together ( with some help from higher places ) to stop it.

Thanks for you sir.

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@ctrl-alt-nwo, I see most valuable message through this post. This is not only gardening post. We will face biggest problem you mentioned finally. It will not to be one or two state. Around the world very nearly face those problem and need to find best solutions for resolve Chemtrails.

Planning on adding ecologically indigenous water wise plants to your garden this summer? Now is the time to choose the celebrity’ plants of our fynbos region, proteas. All thrive in the poor and acidic soils and their blooms will attract a variety of nectar-loving birds into your garden. Proteas and pincushions are also suitable for low maintenance, low water gardens and there are now hybrids that flower at different times of the year.

I can talk more about climate change and solutions. But it's not a place to talk more. Comment section will be huge with upload images and contents. Thanks for reading my comment. I get some context through

It's great that you are aware of the problem in our skies, thanks for your comment.

Protea is a native flower from South Africa which is a symbol of "change and hope" for people around it. This flower is very popular to be used to make a series of models. Very popular in America and Europe, this interest began to enter Indonesia in recent years. Not only is it used for the "center" sequence, this flower is also often used for decoration and also making a bouquet.





The Proteaceae family of plants is incredibly diverse. Spread across the southern hemisphere, it is most commonly found in Australia and the southern regions of Africa. Australian native Proteaceae include Hakeas, Banksias, Macadamias, and Grevilleas, as well as the Waratah.

Many Proteaceae are used successfully as cut flowers. Typically, the flowers are Inflorescent, that is, although they may look like one large flower, as in the case of the Waratah, they are actually made up of many small flowers. Some of the most popular Proteaceae used for flower arranging include the Hairpin Banksia (Banksia spinulosa) and the yellow Coastal Banksia (Banksia integriflora), a wide range of Grevilleas, such as the yellow Silky Oak (Grevillea robusta) and bright pink Prickly Grevillea (Grevillea juniperina) and, of course, the state flower of New South Wales, the Waratah (Telopea speciosissima).

Hakeas are another diverse group from the Proteaceae family, and many make wonderful cut flowers, particularly Hakea decurrens. The Pin Cushion Hakea (Hakea laurina) is one of the most stunning of the Hakea variety of plants, both in its hard wood-looking bud shape and its flower form, which is a bright pink ball with light yellow spikes. Hakea seedpods are also widely used in flower arranging, as they come in a huge variety of interesting shapes.

Many of Proteaceae plants will grow in a wide range of soil and climate conditions, although they will generally not do well in more arid areas. The Coastal Banksia in particular likes well-drained, sandy soils, but most species of Banksia grow well in Sclerophyll-type conditions.

Proteaceae are widely coveted by gardeners that want to attract birdlife, as they not only create a protective habitat, but also nectar or fruit for food. In fact, Banksias in particular are an important part of the Australian native food chain, due to their prolific production of nectar and the protective habitat that their spiky leaves and flowers give to small birds. They are also an important source of income for the cut flower industry. Many also produce perfumes, particularly some Grevilleas, such as Grevillea curviloba. Some proteacae also produce small, edible fruit, including some varieties of Macadamia, and the Red Bauple Nut (Hicksbeachia pinnatifolia).

Many Proteaceae plants are an important part of life in Australia. The Banksia seed cone, for example, was made famous by the author May Gibbs, who created the "Bad Banksia Men" in her book, Snugglepot and Cuddlepie. The Telopea speciosissima variety of Waratah is the official floral emblem of New South Wales.

Thanks for you.. for this feedback..

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your describing style really very impressible.i like your every work.because your work anytime perfect and real.everyday i am got alots of new idea of various kinds of flower.flower always main symbol of nature beauty. this Proteas well known as a cut flower and very attractive flower and we can growing to doing our house garden this amazing flower plant any house roof.its colourfull bloomed very long lasting and have many shapes and colours in the world. your showing proteas plant flower just fantastic.thanks to sharing for your awesome creativity.i am always attracted them.i want you stayed anytime live long happily in your whole life.i wish that you success being your future and your all dreams comes true.may god bless best wishes anytime with you.all the best.keep it up..take care yourself and best of luck of your great work.. my good friend.. @ctrl-alt-nwo


Thanks sir @ctrl-alt-nwo for the valuable message. Relly you have describe the problem which is one of the biggest problem worldwide.






We need to find the solution to resolve chemtrails. I always like your beautiful flowers photography. But today you have described a valuable topic. I also appreciate your beautiful photography of cut flowers.

The website i mentioned suggests solutions or things we can do. Thanks for being aware of the problem, and thanks for your comment.

Beautiful flowers, hard words.

Yes, and hard words for a big problem.

Thanks for you @ctrl-alt-nwo

I like how you covered it in flowers so people need to read it to understand. Better tactic to get your message across the interested reader where others just see flowers.


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Wow amazing & beautiful great cut flowers plant .
For your post propagation.

Thank you very very much for upvoting my posts @ctrl-alt-nwo. I really appreciate it.

As far as the geoingeneering is concerened this year I became a firm believer in chemtrails because i have witnessed a dramatic increase in chemtrails from april to june. And surprise surprise we had for the most part a shitty cloudy and rainy summer in Slovenia which is not something that is a usual occurence here.

You're welcome. Do you find the Chemtrails are sprayed when rain is supposed to be coming ?? We find that when rain is forecast, then the Chemtrails start so that the rain does'nt come.

Yes I did notice they spray chemtrails a day or two before they announce rain but in all the cases I've noticed the rain actually did come.

And that made me think there was a correlation there.

So it's surprising to me when you say that in your case the chemtrails actually stop the rain from coming.

Maybe chemtrails (different mix) have the ability to do both - cause rain or prevent it.

You are right, the Aluminium aerosol in Chemtrails is used in conjunction with HAARP to move clouds ( rain ) around. So they can create either floods or droughts in any area ,at will , to suit their objectives. In agricultural areas, where they want to stop cropping and livestock production, most often it will be drought. I often travel through rural areas where agriculture is the main industry, and there are chemtrails cris-crossing the sky - lots of them. They are sprayed there usually just before a weather front with rain comes across so they can push the clouds away. In your case, i guess the Chemtrails are sprayed to keep the rain there, not push it away.

Is it possible chemtrails themselves induce rain or storms?

Very cute flowers, her in Austria we have some of these in the Gardenhouse. They are so amazing, I love the Proteas🤗 And thanks for all


This is wonderful garden and so really. that is useful info...

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The Proteaceae group of plants is staggeringly various. Spread over the southern half of the globe, it is most usually found in Australia and the southern locales of Africa. Australian local Proteaceae incorporate Hakeas, Banksias, Macadamias, and Grevilleas, and the Waratah.

Numerous Proteaceae are utilized effectively as cut blossoms. Commonly, the blossoms are Inflorescent, that is, despite the fact that they may appear as though one huge bloom, as on account of the Waratah, they are really comprised of numerous little blooms. The absolute most famous Proteaceae utilized for bloom orchestrating incorporate the Hairpin (Banksia spinulosa) and the yellow Coastal (Banksia integriflora), an extensive variety of Grevilleas, for example, the yellow Silky Oak (Grevillea robusta) and brilliant pink Prickly (Grevillea juniperina) and, obviously, the state blossom of New South Wales, the Waratah (Telopea speciosissima).


Proteales, the protea request of dicotyledonous blooming plants, with 3 families, around 75 genera, and about 1,060 species. Alongside Buxales, Ranunculales, Trochodendrales, and Sabiaceae, Proteales is a piece of a gathering known as fringe eudicots in the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III (APG III) natural order framework (see angiosperm).

The biggest family in the request is Proteaceae, which has near 75 genera and 1,050 species and is kept transcendently toward the Southern Hemisphere, generally in Australia, South Africa, and Madagascar. Platanaceae has a solitary Northern Hemisphere sort Platanus, with 8– 10 species. So also, Nelumbonaceae has only one sea-going class, Nelumbo (lotus), with two north-mild species. The reassignment of these families into a solitary request was an astounding result of family-level sub-atomic examinations. It is difficult to envision three such divergent families being gathered into a solitary request, yet even nonmolecular information offer some help for this relationship, especially the relationship of Platanus and Proteaceae.

Individuals from Proteaceae are woody trees and bushes. The plants are portrayed by blossoms that are typically exclusively little however are joined into thick, frequently conspicuous inflorescences (botanical groups). They have a four-separated perianth (whorl of petal-like parts), with the four stamens (male dust creating structures) joined to the tips of the perianth fragments, at times with just the anther (dust sac) obvious. The basic or some of the time much-separated leaves are normally on the other hand orchestrated and are frequently thickly secured with hairs or have a thick fingernail skin, and the stomata in a few animal groups are limited to profound pits with blocked passages. A few or these attributes might be adjustments to enable retard to water misfortune. The plants commonly develop in locales that have a long dry season every year. Indeed, even indirectly related individuals from the family may display comparative adjustments to flame, to be specific huge underground woody tubers or seeds held in woody follicles that are discharged simply after a copy.

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The Proteaceae are mostly southern hemisphere tropical and subtropical evergreen shrubs and trees comprising about 75 genera and 1,000 species. The leaves are simple, estipulate, and mostly alternate. The flowers are actinomorphic or zygomorphic, mostly perigynous, and often in dense cone-like inflorescences or heads with involucral bracts. The perianth is uniseriate, 4-parted, and valvate, with one stamen adnate to and opposite each lobe. The gynoecium consists of a single, simple pistil with a single long style that is often bent back on itself (at least in bud), a single stigma, and a superior, often stipitate ovary with one locule containing 1-many, usually marginal ovules. The fruit is a follicle, achene, samara, or drupe.


Protea /ˈproʊtiːə/[1] is both the botanical name and the English common name of a genus of South African flowering plants, sometimes also called sugarbushes (Afrikaans: suikerbos) or Fynbos. In local tradition, the Protea flower represents change and hope.

The genus Protea was named in 1735 by Carl Linnaeus after the Greek god Proteus, who could change his form at will because they have such a wide variety of forms. Linnaeus's genus was formed by merging a number of genera previously published by Herman Boerhaave, although precisely which of Boerhaave's genera were included in Linnaeus's Protea varied with each of Linnaeus's publications.

The family Proteaceae to which Proteas belong is an ancient one among angiosperms. Evidence from pollen fossils suggests Proteaceae ancestors grew in Gondwana, in the Upper Cretaceous, 75-80 million years ago.[2] The Proteaceae are divided into two subfamilies: the Proteoideae, best represented in southern Africa, and the Grevilleoideae, concentrated in Australia and South America and the other smaller segments of Gondwana that are now part of eastern Asia. Africa shares only one genus with Madagascar, whereas South America and Australia share many common genera — this indicates they separated from Africa before they separated from each other.

Most proteas occur south of the Limpopo River. However, Protea kilimanjaro is found in the chaparral zone of Mount Kenya National Park. 92% of the species occurs only in the Cape Floristic Region, a narrow belt of mountainous coastal land from Clanwilliam to Grahamstown, South Africa. The extraordinary richness and diversity of species characteristic of the Cape Flora are thought to be caused in part by the diverse landscape where populations can become isolated from each other and in time develop into separate species.

Protea is both the botanical name and the English common name of a genus of South African flowering plants, sometimes also called sugarbushes (Afrikaans: suikerbos) or Fynbos. In local tradition, the Protea flower represents change and hope.

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very filling looking flower, so much stuff wrap up

On the Proteaceae—the evolution and classification of a southern family

A scheme of phylogeny in the Proteaceae is derived from analysis of new and previously available data on morphological, anatomical and chromosomal characters. The probable attributes of a common ancestor are indicated and it is concluded that the family has no close relatives, although it possibly diverged early from the Rosiflorean line. Chromosomal evolution has been complex, with early polyploidy, repeated dysploid reductions and great change in chromosome size, from a probable base of x = 7. Habit, wood anatomy, leaf form and sequence, chemical features, inflorescences, pollination and pericarp anatomy are discussed in relation to adaptation, phylogeny, parallelism and convergence. Distribution is analysed ecogeographically and in relation to the fossil record and chronology of continental movement. Ancestors of major groups may have differentiated before the break-up of Gondwanaland. Early members of almost all tribes were probably trees of mesothermic closed forests; xeromorphic characters found in many modern genera are secondary and of multiple origin in Australia, South Africa, New Caledonia and to a lesser degree in South America. The Proteaceae, with 75 genera, are divided into 5 subfamilies (3 new) comprising 14 tribes, further subdivided into 33 units of subtribal level. New genera described are Toronia, Acidonia, Pycnonia, Triunia, Malagasia, Athertonia, Virotia, Floydia.

Excellent shots and a great flower plant this is very interesting seeing it for the first time :D

Cut flowers is big on shape . It's looks amazing by his shape and color, good plant for garden .
Agree with your view on haarp. If devil is on earth, then Haarp is a devil .

You are great@ctrl-alt-nwo

That is a amazing garden & really looks for flowers. the great for the
Yellow Shrimp Plant information.

100% like and resteem

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This is very beautiful garden and wonderful flowers . .it is great article & for sharing.

Thanks @ctrl-alt-nwo
Have a great day.
Resteem your post

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What a different flowers with so beautiful colors , the man made drought is very awful condition,piteous what is the human being are becoming and making this world, there is not any end of man,s greed, thank you for reminding us such important topic, it is very important post.

Well done for being aware of the problems facing us. Thanks for your comment.

Those are beautiful photos! I'm really sorry for hearing about the drought that is happening.
I hope you guys will be able to fix the situation soon. Man made problems really suck.
I think that people should discipline themselves to care for mother nature
Thank you for sharing this! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Cut Plants looks awesome sir thanks for sharing such a wonderful plants,thanks for sharing the website.

The man made drought is also being encouraged passively in my country too and doing all possible means to discourage farmers and the if the drought will be hit in my country then there will be very very difficult situation as the population here is very huge.

Very nice flower sir, the name proteas is perfectly fit to its name.


So very beautiful garden, thanks for sharing.really nice for cut flowers

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