Without a defined goal marketing is worthless. It is what it is.
And reaching out means letting people know about it. That's the most efficient ( and time-consuming) strategy in marketing.
You are only proof of what I say.
Talking to tech sites blogs, and interviews and letting the marketing be viral.
It is what it is 100% waste.
But you are IMO was also the wrong person from the experience to it ( that's no personal offense).
Marketing at the end needs to result in a lead.
Or in a strong brand marketing.
Nothing happens, nothing to build on = waste.
This was literally done months before any proposal was made. Defining the goal is the most basic thing without which you cant even start anything.
"Reaching out means letting people know about it." Are you serious with this?
There is a name for every way possible in "letting people know about it". Email marketing, advertising, influencer marketing, PRs, general articles, videos.
Thats "letting them know about it." 😂
Jesus Christ dude. "Letting marketing be viral."😂
Ok, you go try that. Make shit viral. While you are at it, just go cure cancer and make world peace.
Just do it.
Im done here.