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in #proposals3 years ago (edited)

You've clearly lost your mind.

I've asked you several times to stop using my artwork. Again, you ignore that, and instead continue acting like a bully.

I don't enjoy how you harass people here. It's unfortunate you choose to be the type of guy you are.

Do you really think people here are stupid enough to believe this nonsense you ramble on about? How can you not see how ridiculous your own behavior is? That part is truly baffling. Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy as well?

I think out of all the meltdowns I've witnessed here over the years, you're up there in the top five most insane. Would you be confident enough with your behavior here recently to show it all to a loved one or close family member and ask them what they think of you and how you're acting? I suggest you do show them or at least someone you trust and get their feedback. Let them ask you questions about where your head is at and listen to what they have to tell you. Those people are probably the only ones who can help you.

Whatever you're going on about is just your imagination running wild.

I don't appreciate you utilizing your interpretation of my artwork as a tool to help convey your twisted/demented message. These images have nothing to do with whatever it is you think they represent. What you think they represent and what you're accusing me of now, combined with the fact you're stealing my artwork and using it to help express your thoughts; this is all very disturbing behavior.


An artist and it appears that day I was writing horror fiction. The post was most likely tagged fiction. So glad you all know that.

Could you please stop using my artwork and harassing me now?

Would you like to be the reason I leave the platform? Is that your goal here? Push me out? How long do you plan on bullying myself and other members here? If it's for a while, I'll just leave. Fuck this...

I've asked you several times to cut it out. The ball is in your park.

I rarely even used downvotes around here. Not connected with any groups. Certainly not what you're accusing me of.

Leave me out of this and stop using my artwork. You're to the point now where I feel pressured to take this situation to the next level. And nobody likes going to that place...

Frankly, you will not believe what is coming next...

There's a strong chance you're the only one that believes your own nonsense but if whatever's next is anything like what you've been up to since I met you, I assume it'll be more abuse and harassment coming from you. It would be nice if you'd stop though and leave me out of it. You've been asked numerous times. I don't see you as someone worth losing my patience over though.

You seem incredibly emotionally immature and socially stunted so I realize trying to talk to you is a waste of time but again, I ask you to leave me out of your shenanigans and move on; I suggest you do something more constructive with your life and stop harassing people on Hive. That's all. A simple request. Shouldn't be a big deal.

Of course you're free to have a beef with anyone you cross paths with in life. You seem to have a beef with some people here. But how you drag others in who are not involved is purely fucked up and your beef with them, myself included, is that we're simply fed up with your behavior and you don't like that.

Move on with your life already, dude. This is ridiculous. And leave my art alone. At times I enjoy life being a cartoonist; creating characters, producing artwork. That stuff was not produced for you to take out of context then weaponize and use as a tool to help intimidate or push others around. Stop doing that. Would you do the same for others? I see you already have here in this comment section so the answer is yes. I see I'm not the only one you came here to insult today. You're allowed to stop doing that as well.

Leave people alone. What you're doing isn't cool.