Why do I love watching these marriage proposal videos?

in #proposals8 years ago

Marriage proposal videos on Youtube (and social networking sites) are popular. They get millions of views and comments and probably earn lots of dollars from them. The weird and nerdy side of myself also, sometimes, binge on watching these videos.

Maybe the major reason why I like watching them is because I want to experience those things myself. And the sad part of it is that I may never get to. Because they're like fairy tales - something that, as a kid, we all enjoyed but of course realize, that it will never happen to us.

Another reason is the euphoria that I get from watching these people being happy. Their happiness transcends beyond the screen tickling my heart and making me happy.

There are sophisticated well-thought, well-planned, with the cinematics and participation of a number of people making the proposals grand and extravagant. But I do enjoy more the videos that are simple and captures the real emotions of the two people involved without these other factors.

Here is one simple proposal, and realistic, might I say, that I could not forget.

It's just so simple that it becomes relatable.


me 2 sometime

This is my first. wow nice genre find.
i'll watch some of these.

Try it! There's tons on Youtube. :)

and i learnt to post videos thanks to that post.