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RE: 6,000 Years Of Human History & God's 7,000 Year Plan

in #prophecy7 years ago

@humanearl sir....I am a God believer... First of all, we must begin by asking the right question. I could easily assume that there is a God, and go from there, but I won't. Instead, I'm going to begin with this: why do we have something rather than nothing? It's a very famous question, one that has puzzled countless minds for centuries. Still, however, it remains. Why do we have something rather than nothing? There are four basic answers to this question that seem to encompass basically every known belief system.

  1. Door 1: Reality is an illusion-a belief held predominantly in many Eastern religious sects such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc.
  2. Door 2: Reality is self-created-a term known in science as "spontaneous generation" predominantly held by some evolutionists
  3. Door 3: Reality is eternal-a view many naturalists, and skeptics alike would agree with
  4. Door 4: Reality is the product of an eternal Creator-the view of Christians, Muslims, Jews, deists, etc.

So...Let's start with door number one: illusionary universe. This sort of asks the question, "do I really exist? Well, by nature, you must exist in order to doubt your own existence. It is summed up in the words of Rene Descartes when he said, "I think, therefore I am". So that door is out.
Next door: self-created universe. In order for this to occur, we would have to commit a logical fallacy. The premise in and of itself implies that the universe existed prior to its existence. Not really a tenable position for a logical thinker.

So now we're left at a crossroads. Something exists, you cannot have something from nothing, and in the end there has to be an eternal "something". Either eternal universe, or eternal God. So what do we do now? We simply ask ourselves, where does the evidence point? If you look at any scientific data, in fact all key scientific data to date, what does it point towards? Eternal universe, or eternal God? Anyone who closes the door on God (door 4) must automatically choose door 3 (eternal universe) but all evidence points away from eternal universe. Look at Einstein's theory of relativity, the fact of the expanding universe, the laws of thermodynamics, etc. They all point to a finite universe, and therefore an eternal God.

Wel done and perfect work sir...
GOD BLESS YOU...Smart topic for Discussion by @humaneral sir...


Thanks so much for this. We know the universe is not eternal. I'll go even further. Where do the laws of nature come from. All they are are just codes for how thing work in our world. Surely it's reasonable to assume there must be someone who wrote the codes.

Also God said that he has made himself known through what we see in nature. We know it just didn't happen by chance.