I humbly disagree with your statements. I will state again that every report form every reputable group shows that immigrants into the US do not cause a drain on resources. They are a benefit to the economy. I am not talking about illegal immigration. We have to agree on that or we are only talking about misinformation. Lets take it from there and I am happy to engage with you.
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Well, I am more familiar with situation in Europe (where unfortunately it's much easier to drain state resources than it is in the US) but I never said that all immigrants cause such drain - just certain type. And it's not only a matter of draining resources but also of causing long lasting problems for the host country. Some people fit in and some don't. Nothing to do with race & color - its an issue with mentality I think. And the job of policymakers is to filter out those which would not fit.
To make long story short - when I go to another country I respect local customs, follow local rules and I don't expect that all my own "sensitivities" would be accommodated because I am just a guest. And if I decided to stay I would be prepared to adjust my ways to the ways of locals not the other way around. And just to make it clear: I am talking about adjustment in respect of such behavior which would be unacceptable to the locals, so let's say that I wouldn't eat pork or drink alcohol in a Muslim country but I would still put lemon juice in my tea 😉
But if one looks at statistics you are quite right - on the average immigration benefits the economy of the host.
Thank you my friend for your comments. I agree with what you are saying fully. Yes too many immigrants do not respect local customs and do not remain committed to both fully respect and fit into the new culture they find themselves in. And as you say also there is definitely two types of immigrants that each have two levels of quality. This is a real problem.
I think (and it is a complex issue), the West has to agree tto not get into any wars where they do not have a clear strategy of what to do with refugees. We all know the minute the bombs start dropping three things will happen. Innocent people will start getting killed, millions of people will want to flee and the aid groups will demand that first world countries take them in.
It has happened so often that anyone who says this will not be an issue must be considered a liar with a side agenda. There has to be a plan for what happens with these people. No plan, no war.
Next there also needs to be a redistribution plan that includes indoctrination into the new culture. Immigrants must go through training in local cultures the local language and show that they have a commitment to adopting both. There should be an international standard for this. It benefits both the host country and the immigrant.
Also there must be a standardized way to reject the bad apples. Right now it is too difficult to get rid of them. This should be easy and clear.
Finally, there must be much more done within these countries to calm the fears of locals and to focus on the need to be accommodating based on what is needed for the country not just for the immigrants. These countries benefit overall but politicians can come in and tell lies to paint the immigrants as interlopers.
Just some thought on the issue. What do you think and no I am not a politician nor do I want to be one. Thanks.