Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, recently stated in a Reddit 'Ask Me Anything' session that 'Cryptocurrency is... a rare technology that has caused deaths in a fairly direct way' - Erm.. really?
Bill Gates is someone who for some reason, a large percentage of 'intellectuals' appear to admire - if you read the comments in the rest of the AMA you will see that nearly all of them are in full support of GMO plants/foods and just make blanket-type statements along the lines of the classic 'the science is settled, GMOs are safe'. They completely ignore the reality of huge numbers of problems stemming from Monsanto - one of the corporate cronies of Mr. Gates - including extremely shady (criminal) legal practices intended to create monopoly and remove natural sources of seeds (they even have their own private army). Monsanto also effectively controls the US government in significant ways, ensuring that the 'science' that actually gets to affect policy is very much in their favour and studies that show their products are dangerous get buried. The following video, in addition to the links mentioned here already provides further insight:
We could also go on to discuss similar patterns with vaccine safety, vaccine injury and scientific fraud held up as 'settled science' when it comes to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's work with large scale vaccination programs. This is a complex topic and I am willing to go into the details if anyone asks, but be aware that I have had hundreds of debates on this topic already and it is very rare for anyone to ask or state something that I have not already addressed previously and no-one has caused me to change my position (anti-vaccine). Yes, vaccines have some measurable results in some cases, but no - they are not the best option for increasing health and no, they are not totally safe. It is a testament to the lack of honesty, critical thinking and diligence on the part of of many 'thinkers' that they will try to claim that vaccines are fully 'safe and effective', even when BILLIONS of dollars has been paid out to families of people that the industry itself fully admits died or were seriously injured as a direct result of the use of certain vaccines.
I can provide a wealth of material on this, but this short video from an early vaccine pioneer, in which he calls vaccines 'junk' - is a good introduction:
Thanks to @madevi for this insightful presentation from Micro Biologist Trevor Gunn on why Vaccines are junk science and how we have been misled:
Bill's World, Bill's World, Party Time - Excellent!
It's quite simple to predict what position Bill Gates will take on any given 'controversial' subject in advance. We simply need to find out which aspects of the issue will give corporations more power over people's lives and which will give them less power over people's lives. If the 'thing' being discussed results in more corporate power over people's lives, he will typically support it and not if it doesn't. As usual with these types of 'beings' - they twist the truth to try to cover their lies to attempt to justify their position - relying on the almost total ignorance of many people to cover up the high levels of denial and Bullshit in their ideas. Here's what Bill said about cryptocurrencies:
The main feature of crypto currencies is their anonymity. I don't think this is a good thing. The Governments ability to find money laundering and tax evasion and terrorist funding is a good thing. Right now crypto currencies are used for buying fentanyl and other drugs so it is a rare technology that has caused deaths in a fairly direct way. I think the speculative wave around ICOs and crypto currencies is super risky for those who go long.
here covered this well.This is remarkably similar to the position taken by world bank agents, 'illuminati bloodline' family members and their related cronies (surprise, surprise) - wherein they repeatedly level criticism at cryptocurrency that is equally applicable to the prevailing fiat currencies - but they conveniently deny that little detail because most people haven't realised yet. @fulltimegeek's upload from 'Black Child' on
Let's break down 'Dollar' Bill's words here one by one:
The main feature of crypto currencies is their anonymity.
Well, no - it isn't really Bill. Cryptocurrency currently cannot be used much 'in real life' without it being converted into Fiat currency which requires it to go through an exchange of some kind (that require ID) and then probably into a bank account - so nice try, but no cigar. Furthermore, the main featureS of cryptocurrency are far more than an element of anonymity - ranging from the elimination of central control from your obviously corrupt banker cronies, through to zero transaction fees and an increase of personal empowerment.
The Governments ability to find money laundering and tax evasion and terrorist funding is a good thing.
Oh, you mean like the tax evasion performed as a matter of course by the world's largest corporations - who essentially always get away paying nothing in tax? Do they do that using Cryptocurrency Bill? Do they really? ;)
(No, they don't).
Oh, terrorist funding, you say? You mean like that exposed by US Military whistleblower Scott Bennet , whereby the CIA was found to be funding ISIS directly via swiss banks (you know - that anonymous banking system in Europe?)??
Right now crypto currencies are used for buying fentanyl and other drugs so it is a rare technology that has caused deaths in a fairly direct way
Oh, you mean like US Dollars are used to buy Fentanyl? And Euros? And Blowjobs? Seems like we should ban blowjobs.
See what he did there? He tried to make cryptocurrency users responsible for drug deaths when the drugs are made by corporate interests who arguably should be in jail, are used by people who have their own free will but don't use it in a balanced way, partially through their own ignorance and having bought into the idea that 'synthetic drugs are just fine' and finally completely skipped over the reality that US Dollars are probably involved in more death than any other form of token of exchange. Next!
I think the speculative wave around ICOs and crypto currencies is super risky for those who go long.
Maybe so - but that is no different to people who invest in startups via share buying, crowd funding or just people who want to 'go long' on having enough food to eat but play poker at university.. Like you did, instead of studying (according to your own biography - as I recall). But you are probably right Bill, we should all play it safe and just let the prevailing establishment do whatever they want - afterall they are clearly the best people to be running the world, just look at all the problems being solved - from war, to famine, to drug crime - it's all been pretty much solved already, except for the annoying interruptions from cryptocurrency getting in the way.. right? lol
So, @ned, @dan, @ausbitbank, @aggroed, @drakos, @gtg, @dannyshine, @dollarvigilante, @teamsteem, @transisto, @exyle, @v4vapid, @lukestokes, @benswann, @davidpakman, @corbettreport, @pressfortruth and others here - it appears the game's up - we can expect to be sitting on death row any day now.. Best just hand ourselves in. :)
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul
Vote @ura-soul for Steem Witness!
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This guy will shill XRP like a madman... In my opinion, he wants to create distrust and then navigate people towards Ripple with the help of the media/politicians/CEOs/banks before the big mass arives.
We will see soon.
Possibly, yes. There are comments in the Reddit comment area for the AMA that say words to the effect of 'Oh, it would be hilarious if people accuse Bill of being a shill for xyz' - with the assertion being that he has so much money that he doesn't need to shill for anyone.. They miss though, the reality that money is not the ultimate form of wealth or power. Those with the most money often seem to seek control. They use money to control other people and if they have more effective ways of doing that than using money then they will use them.
"Those with the most money often seem to seek control." Of course. Power is addictive. If he sees an opportunity in something to be more powerful, he will take it. Or maybe not even for him specifically but for an idea. If talking crap about cryptos/BTC aligns with the overall agenda these people have, he will jump in and help.
Also, they want to bank the unbanked. That's a lot of people. On the surface, it's full charity but if you think about it, that's a big investment with an insane ROI potential.
Plus, I rarely see super rich people saying "Oh, I don't need more money."
Most of us share an 'inheritance' of unhealed and unconscious feelings/emotions. These are 'the unconscious self' to a large degree. Much of these feelings are rage, terror, panic, fear and guilt. The net result of this being that many people who appear 'intelligent' are actually driven by aspects of themselves that they don't even know exist and thus their logic is broken, but it all occurs in their own blindspots. Since the societal investment in continuing to deny everything I have just said is so strong, they tend to congregate and even build entire nations on the unspoken agreement to deny how they really feel - hence 'manners' and many other forms of social control.
I feel this is a major aspect of the causation of all of this dysfunction, we can all heal ourselves and this is the most we can do.
aha - thanks for saving us again!
Need I say more about this globalist genocidal maniac?
You don't trust bill the shill?
I don't trust him, but in the interest of fairness - this quote is not an accurate representation of his logic. He meant, in this quote, that vaccines (allegedly) reduce childhood illnesses and thus will result in families reproducing less since often they have many children to attempt to counteract high levels of child mortality. Bill may be deceptive but he isn't dumb enough to state publicly that he wants millions of children dead.
On vaccines:
Thankyou, that is a particularly helpful presentation since although I do have videos from numerous medical professionals from numerous fields saying the same and similar, I have not seen one where the data for so many vaccines and diseases was combined in one place (that all show the incidence rates declining significantly prior to the introduction of the vaccines). Followed!
yvw, i think this is the best presentation around on vaccines. In Europe they have banned thimoresal from vaccines, but then replaced it with aluminium... A substance that is not recognized by the blood/brain barrier and causes damage to the human brain, causing diseases like alzheimers and dementia.. The worst is that this stuff isn't needed anymore, they used thimoresal as a conserving agent, but these days we have cooled supply lines, so... It is just to keep costs low for them, at our expense... suffice to say i don't do vaccinations anymore.
I have added this video to the vaccine katalist at ureka - you will find many more videos and resources there too.
This post has been soft-censored via
the flagging tool courtesy of @sneak.
doesn't like it, when you say things he doesn't like.
Let it be a lesson to any of you would-be free thinkers!@sneak the technical developer of this platform,
The only settled science here is that I am going to flag every single paranoid nutjob who refuses to face facts about their vaccine fears being thoroughly and completely debunked.
Fortunately there are only like a dozen people on steemit with any significant stake who are both sufficiently gullible and sufficiently paranoid to buy this nonsense, so it won’t be long until this stuff doesn’t trend or gain traction here. I can’t wait.
Get on with your work. You are meant to me making this site a user friendly place - not wasting time flagging things you dont agree with.
What work is that?
You know - getting SMTs going; Sorting out a half decent UX; making the sign up process smooth and quick - so that all the time people like me spend promoting this platform doesn't go to waste. By the way, why did you choose to work for Steemit?
Allow me to take a different approach. You clearly feel very strongly about the vaccinations issue. Are you worried that people won't vaccinate their children? Are you worried for them, their children, yourself or your won children?
You are welcome to address the science with verifiable claims, we are waiting - so far I have only ever seen you make statements without any direct evidence provided.
The points made by this microbiologist are a decent starting place for an adult discussion:
We agree again!
When I first read where Gates said crypto-currencies were killing people I just registered it as yet more fear mongering from "those who must be obeyed".
Bankers, lawyers, politicians and real estate folks are terrified of blockchain tech as it will eventually either put them out of business or make them honest.
As a broken down old code cutter I see that distributed decentralized blockchains go against the tech giants promoting cloud computing. They want to use centralized cloud computing to turn computing into a utility like we did to electricity over a century ago.
Both Google & Microsoft want us to rent our software rather than own it. It's the only way they can suck more money out of guys like me who are perfectly happy to continue using Office 2003. They are finding that most users just do not need more and more advanced word processing. So they took a page from the utility companies.
We are seeing that the experiment of centralized power utilities is detrimental to the environment and more costly to the users than if we would develop alternative energies cheap enough for individual users to run generate their own electricity. Our current solar technology makes this possible but our current politicians are hindering it's development.
But I digress.
All this talk by guys like Gates is an effort to maintain a centralized control over computing, banking and yes even governance.
Absolutely, yes - it is, as with everything they do, part of the intention to maintain artificial power hierarchies, with themselves and their 'club' at the top of them.
I hatez microsloth. In only a way a programmer can hate code.
The microsloth way of doing things is permeated throughout the entire electronics sector. What they are doing is criminal. Leaving doors (attack vectors) blatantly open for krackers to use. It is so bad that stupidity cannot account for what was done.
And yes, I know many people that look up to gates. They see no wrong in what he has done, although the trail of destruction is quite obvious. What he did to the program industry. What he has done with vaccines. Ugh, It is so much easier to believe he was born a rots-child and bought his way into the computer industry.
However, I know a lot of people that actually know him. And they all say he is very smart. So, that really leaves out all the "oops" arguments.
Oh absolutely, he is not dumb - he has several doctorates from a Swedish university that revolve around AI and cybernetics - if I recall correctly.
So yes, we always enter into investigations of this kind with suspicions of either 'stupidity' or 'evil' and so the balance is tipped towards evil here. The only caveat is that I know that denial is at the root of both stupidity and evil, with many who are in great denial no longer understanding their own predicament. Super wealthy are typically surrounded by sycophants who will never challenge them, so their denial goes all the more unnoticed. I don't have absolute proof of pre-meditative evil on the part of Gates - but I don't need that to know what the fruits of his actions are.
On that note though, there was the case of one of his own 'personal engineers' who lived at his house being arrested for child porn trading.
"Super wealthy are typically surrounded by sycophants who will never challenge them.." Our neo liberal capitalist system turns out to be the perfect habitat for psychopaths and sociopaths... So the top of the international business world has about 8 times as many psychopaths and sociopaths than the average. The psychopaths can't help themselves and a sociopath emulates the psychopath because of success...
Bill Gates is just in fear of losing control and as we know negative control exercised in this way is directly proportional to negative power, no wonder he has such a love for FEAR-AT currency. He does not want to lose his power. Peace.
well said!
Bill would have to be first in line, since his company provides software for creating blockchain things.
reddit was lost when Aaron Schwarz died.
bill gates was lost when he was born. he is no idol, he was born into it, and he has done nothing but make himself money at the expense of others since.
but most people don't know how he screws them, because it is so well hidden. well, not really, it is right there, people know Windows was a clone of the mac, they didn't care. and perhaps they shouldn't.
but then, how do we let them attack and destroy all competition? because that is why we have no competition. billy (builds) gates.. that is what he does.
feel like this can't be said enough, we don't need windows, we don't need microsoft.
I agree we don't need them, although for the moment there are various apps which run best on windows and that don't run at all on Linux/GNU
ya, well if they can get World of Warcraft to run on linux, without help, the others can be made to work as well.
well you are probably unaware of is that the hardware vendors literally force the linux community to reverse engineer all the drivers for the hardware. that is the difference between linux/windows. that is it. that is all that makes it 'better'.
if the linux community could focus on development without interference.. we'd be enjoying an even better system. but as it is, it still starts up, shuts down, and updates (all much faster than windows... ) and only when I tell it to, and isn't tracking me.
so while what you say is true, it is simple, dumb blind businesses that are doing what they do, going where the customers are, they have little interest in noticing the platform they are on is counter-productive.. they don't want to change the world. and greed moves the world 'forward'... or backwards, depending on your perspective.
I am not unaware of the driver situation. I agree with what you are saying but when app producers will not support linux and no similar app is available on linux, then we have no choice but to continue using the windows version.
linux/gnu has several core failings which prevent a more wider adoption, with one of them being the absence of a truly user friendly GUI that eliminates the need to use the command line. maybe @utopian-io will open up development for linux as I'm sure part of the problem is a lack of funding.
mint, based on ubuntu, has been placed on many computers by me, for people with zero awareness of command line.
I now have significantly less work to do to assist these people, they literally never get malware anymore, and things just work.
so while that may be the argument used against linux, i'm guessing the complicity against it is more mainstream propaganda than truth.
linux is much closer to a user friendly interface than many are led to believe, and it is in fact the computer manufacturers that are adding a level of difficulty with lockdowns in the bios (lenovo is the worst..) and other attempts to make it more difficult. pretty much every new laptop refuses to load either the ethernet or wifi chipset on release...
anyway, i hear you, I'm just not convinced the reasons are valid, it is more of lack of interest perpetuated by propaganda. and fear... dear God fear. if you've never talked to an IT professional about linux... they are clueless ignorance there.. they have been brought up on windows, which does not mirror real life computer maintaince, it becomes knowing the ridiculousness that is windows more than truly understand the inner workings (you can't know the inner workings of windows... )
so really we have a huge problem of education in the negative sense, people are trained to know windows and fear anything else.
I have used various forms of linux for over 10 years and actually created a UNIX command line compiler during my applied computing degree so I have a pretty good understanding of what's involved with the OS variants. I currently use Fedora as it is a balance between enterprise grade software and user grade.
it would not take a huge amount to boost linux enough to overtake windows, but currently it involves a degree of organisation and maybe unification that hasn't been present yet. there are also issues with larger companies doing licensing deals with microsoft etc. - but this may become less relevant the more advanced linux becomes.
what will help the most is open source hardware schematics that can be replicated with 3d printers etc.
The thing is, Bill is smart enough to know that what he said about cryptocurrencies is completely untethered from reality. He's smart enough to know that it's not crypto's fault that people use fentanyl, or that some people orchestrate terrorism. He knows that people are much more highly likely to use national, "legal" currencies when transacting for those purposes. Which means he's deliberately lying. And a lot of people will hear these types of canned arguments and do their zombie head-nod and campaign against crypto. I've already begun to see it from ordinary folks online. They didn't pull these talking points out of thin air--they got them from soundbites and blurbs in the media from "important" people like Bill Gates and Paul Krugman. If they'd actually originated the arguments themselves, they might have considered how stupid and illogical they sound, but since it came from the mouth of "authority", it doesn't require contemplation. Meh. I do feel that more and more people are becoming impervious to this bullshit--like we've taken bullshit vaccines or something.
Yes, that is the main function of such talking heads in the engineered society - they act as 'heroes' for the masses to look up to and mimic.
I love this article! I am very like minded. As soon as I read what Gates said, I knew exactly what he was up to, but that's no surprise like you said. He is just one of the globalist elite. I saw a video of him promoting depopulation. I know that the bottom 95% of us are just annoying to those illuminati types.
I hope the swamp draining worldwide continues. It is long overdue. People like Gates have taken advantage of the world for so long with the crooked power connections between business and politicians/judges. Time for them to be tried.
Thanks! As I pointed out in another comment here, as far as I am aware, the main comment that people point to from Gates regarding 'lowering the population' in relation to vaccines was most likely a reference to the fact that people in poorer areas often have large families to attempt to counteract the high mortality rate due to childhood diseases. He is claiming, as far as I am aware, that vaccinations therefore are a good thing because they protect children and so therefore less children will be born as a result.
All that said, his father was head of 'planned parenthood' which has been identified in quite a reliable way to have been formed by eugenicists, rather than by 'concerned pillars of society' - so I remain totally open as to exactly what his real agenda is!
I listen once on some alternative youtube channel that Bill Gates often visit spirit realms where he receive (sort of) instructions what to do. That someone who said that, said he often see him in spiritual realms. Don't remember who said it.
It's a tough thing to prove, but my awareness is that when we 'sleep' we typically (not always) enter the astral realm and can interact with other beings - we all do this with varying degrees of awareness, so some already know this and some don't.
My understanding is that many people are being 'guided' with or without them realising!
I agree. Never had good feeling about Bill. Intuition tell me he don't have good intent.
Just like Trump speaks to his base through Twitter, with no regard of what others may feel is the truth; so does Gates speak with those whom his decades old campaign of dumbing down computer users has worked.
Quite possibly so!
Wow. His hubris knows no bounds. How can people say stuff like that with a straight face?
Living in a giant techno-bunker complex probably helps!
Sounds like old billy boy needs his next dose of crack TBH haha, what a numpty.
My crypto pays for things like food, my daughter's swimming lessons petrol to run my car and even pay rent on really bad days.
I don't do drugs and I am not a terrorist (well I don't think so anyway)
But well-done Bill, with exposure like this then more people will join Crypto as people who didn't know about it sure will now.
Nice post @ura-soul
"The Governments ability to find money laundering and tax evasion and terrorist funding is a good thing."
I seriously laughed out loud at this because I know how much the US, and other western governments, have done and still do this very thing.
You also nailed it about how big corps evade taxes. It's unreal how much these people get away with and try to control our lives; yet the majority of people either have no idea or are apathetic to it. Unreal.
Great post!
Absolutely, yes - what's the best way for a criminal to distract their victims? Maybe by pointing at other people while shouting 'criminal'!
Thank you, nice article. It is very crazy that Bill is invested in such catastrophic businesses. Monsanto & Bills vaccinations are not good by any means. Hey if you want some insight on the so called "gun epidemic" in America, check this out
Well written analysis of the situation. We all have to be strong and fight back against fudders and haters. Following you in order to stay in touch and send in my support.
Thanks, followed back!
With that single comment, I lost respect for Gates.
After having seen grown men literally cry as a result of having to program for Microsoft Internet Explorer and also having seen his general intention over the years aligning with the forces that are completely anti-heart, while dressing it all up as being the opposite - I had very little respect for him to begin with!
You don't need to convince me, bill gates is a first class creep. It bothers me how I haven't been able to detach myself from microsoft tech. Any suggestions as to where to start?
If you don't need to use apps that only run on Windows then you can use a Linux/Gnu variant as your operating system - there are many to choose from. I recommend Fedora.
So, to start it would be good simply download that ISO, and copy it to a thumb drive. You can boot it and play with it right away, even if you don't install it to your drive yet. Just to get an idea. Hope that helps! Feel free to reach out if you need more help, the more people we get away from MS, the less power they have over us all. is a great newbie friendly distribution of Linux. Like @ura-soul said, if you don't have windows only applications to care about, switching to Linux is a breeze now days. Installation process is super simple and fast, hardware compatibility is great and always getting better. You can also use virtualisation in many cases, if you do have programs that can only run in Windows.
Cryptocurrencies save lives 😍
Block lives matter!
Bill Gates is an enemy to humanity! With his poisonous vaccines and GMO food this man is like Stalin!!! Please read my blog I have lots of blog post about the New World Order and who they are.. I could use some upvotes I'm starving for bandwidth. Thank you
It seems he's getting old while their greed is growing faster.
An excellent article. Bill Gates is a menace to freedom. Like Warren Buffett and that dolt James Dimon they are truly control feels in bed with a notion of a New World Order. I am voting for you as witness because of this post.
wow very interesting news. And very important information also. Thanks for share.
Once you're part of the power structure, it's your duty to punch down at any threats to that order.
only if the power structure is heartless in nature
Check out this link. It is a list of the committee of 300 (illuminati.) Bill Gates is a big part of agenda 21. Need I say more?
interesting. how can you provide an analysis like this?
Years of research, an open mind, an active heart and open channels to spirit.
GMOs are economically a good thing, given that full disclosure is required. The science isn't settled on every GMO, but on some of them it is. Approach each individual GMO differently. Golden Rice is a good one.
Vaccines are on average going to help more people than they harm, but there are side effects for a reason. They're not always entirely safe, but they're still a good thing.
For every claim I am aware of in support of GMOs and vaccines, there are extensive rebuttals and science to back them up that most appear to have never encountered. Specifics are needed for such statements to hold weight.
I have some info you might like, find me on Discord please... TwoFlower#1887
i saw this he said something along the lines of 'cryptos are directly hurting people'
like buying fentalyn hmm... i wonder how people bought drugs before crypto!
Great article getting the truth out. Regarding Bill Gates, globalist, and President Trump, it was interesting on hear a short discussion on a local radio station this morning. In this discussion, it is clear that Bill Gates does not honor or like President Trump, which in my view strongly supports the view that President Trump is not a globalist. This short discussion starts at about the 2:00 minute mark on this podcast: