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RE: The Horrible, Obvious Truth of Human Control Hidden in Plain Sight

in #propaganda8 years ago

Yes I am VERY glad you empathize FEAR. This is a strategy from way back, used in the organized religions, 'hell', 'sin' etc. Generations made to fear their own bodies, natures, women, the whole natural world. Included in this is divide and control of course.

But also the advertising industry depend on this formula which = induce fear and then offer the solution. They do this overtly and subliminally, just like traditional religions, and government do also.

Once an individual is made a jibbering wreck via fear, and thus instable is, like you say, how they hook you to their evil authority.

This sht is just as gross as the Mafia who will secretly smash up your joint (FEAR) , and then come all suits and smiles offering to protect you from 'the big bad man' (SOLUTION)which is really them all the time!

So, now we know. So what we gonna do now?