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RE: The Times They Are a-Changin

in #propaganda3 months ago

Apparently there are elections in 50 countries this year. Strange?
We had ours yesterday and today, despite everyone expecting a far right protest vote against immigration and the housing crisis, we have the same 2 parties in government that we've had since the foundation of the state. Of course the outgoing government have just used over a billion of our hard-earned to bribe social welfare recipients with a rash of extra payments and lump sums. People's attitude seems to be that they've never had it so good.


I heard about the elections in Ireland, something about a video going viral on TikTok... it's become an obsession now over here.
We also have two parties that have been in power for the past 30 years. Time for a change, hopefully, although we did see some bribery, like raising minimum wage. Nobody mentioned things like inflation or the coming economic crisis. Why spoil everybody's mood?