ecoTrain QOTW 9.9: "DO WE NEED A GURU OR TEACHER IN ORDER TO GROW SPIRITUALLY?" ❤️ I propose love as the main guru of your spirituality.

in #proofofbrain3 years ago (edited)


And we arrive at week 9.7 and the topic that corresponds to us to develop is "DO WE NEED A GURU OR TEACHER IN ORDER TO GROW SPIRITUALITY"

A recognition to @eco-alex for bringing us every week themes that allow us to leave the best of us.


We human beings learn from each other, by imitation. We are social beings, we are becoming more human by having more contact with the other individuals of our species. On the other hand, our longing for a better humanity drives us to follow those whom we value, who can be both the strongest and the most intelligent or those who are more capable of developing better interpersonal relationships, the latter, in general, they are pleasant people, whose treatment is beneficial for everyone who comes into contact with them. The more powerful the influence of the work or achievements of a human being, the more powerful is his authority to influence the behavior of other people; so that they imitate him in some way. Cultural values ​​play a very important role in this; because, although there are universal human values, each culture sculpts them according to its peculiarities. Finally, with the passing of the years, the decades and, many times, the centuries; some transcend for a long time and their influence and their ability to serve as a role model is projected, even, through millennia.


We have holy, illustrious and venerable examples, such as Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Confucius and Lao Set; to name some of the most important historical influencers, who have millions of followers and imitators of their teachings, all over the world. There are also some philosophers who have made their thinking a source of inspiration.
In this sense "imitation" is much more than a simple tracing. She refers to a personal reproduction, from the unique and unrepeatable experience of each of these followers, adapted to the historical moment in which we live and the culture within which we are born and which circumscribes us.

From my very personal point of view, I nurture myself and grow spiritually, with the teachings of the great masters who bring me 'holistically' closer to an idea of ​​universal good. A universal good that, for me, must be extended to all life, not only to human life, and to all the peoples of the earth.
And I fight with respect for the idea of ​​God that any human being may have; hoping that, likewise, the idea that I have of God will be respected.
Fortunately, I have met very valuable people, some have already died, they have also fed me with their teachings on tolerance, integrity, patience, discipline, joviality; - qualities and values, which according to my criteria contribute to elevate us spiritually.
Now, I am very opposed to fanaticism and fanatics, they cause me some fear and I also feel some compassion for them.
An extremist for me is someone who is deprived both of living and of glimpsing the complex and infinite variety and richness of the human condition.


It is thanks to my fondness for nature, in all its manifestations, that I have learned to silently contemplate everything that surrounds me. Over time, this helped me, along with the readings and thanks to some friends; to get closer to the idea of ​​spirituality that, I intuit, the peoples of Asia have. The silent contemplation of everything that surrounds me, for me plays a very important role in spiritual growth.
We must take care of what we eat in our body and the minimum necessary physical exercise; Well, an intoxicated organism, it is difficult for me to imagine that it can rise spiritually.

In conclusion, I think that it is not exactly a guru that we need to obtain a better and greater spirituality.
Reality is becoming complex, starting from very simple principles: hydrogen, an atom made up of a proton and an electron, constitutes almost all the matter in the universe in the form of stars...
Spirituality, I think, in the same way should be built from very simple principles, such as love, compassion, contemplation...

And perhaps, spirituality, as well as the universe, must start from a simple principle, from which all its beautiful complexity emerges.

For this I propose love as the main guru of your spirituality.



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