Hope and growth

in #proofofbrainlast year

What have you heard about hope? What have you heard about Growth?


The picture of the bitter leaf growing in my compound defines hope and growth for me. I woke up one morning to get water, and I noticed the freshness of the leaves.

When the bitter leaf stem was planted, it was a dry stem that looked like a stick; however, my mom encouraged we to plant it nevertheless.

We watched it grow so slowly. The rains have been coming, and I saw that it had grown fresh to that extent. I can't wait for it to bloom more so that I can prepare my tribal delicacy of groundnut soup and bitter leaf. If you hail from South-South Nigeria, you should know this is one of the many great delicacies we have there.

The basis of the writeup is to remind you that there is always room for growth, there is hope for a betterment. Allow that project grow, allow yourself to expand. Allow yourself to go past that setback you thought was the stopping point. There is always room for growth. Cut yourself some slacks. You are doing well.