in #proofofbrain4 years ago (edited)

Although this is a very basic concept, many people have been so thoroughly programmed, they believe that viruses are contagious and that they can "catch" them.


They also believe that "coronavirus" is a specific disease that can be "caught" - Both these beliefs are bollocks.

Here is an analogy: If you get food poisoning it will make you throw up.
You will have a chunder.

But you cannot "catch" chunder (Well you can in a bucket, but it's not contagious)

You cannot die of "Chunder19", nor can you "vaccinate" against chundering. It is a by product of being sick.

So is any virus. Viruses are passive by-products of underlying illnesses

Unfortunately this is very hard for most people to grasp.

That may be because if they grasp that idea they will have to grasp that pretty much everything else they have been told is bullshit as well. And they really don't want to go there...












Excellent memes sifty, sorry I missed them when the post came out.

Bullshit will never stop


I am downvoting this because I don't wear a tin foil hat.

Thanks a lot cunt you have cost me 3 cents...


no worries cunt anytime

tenor (20).gif

Where do you get the info or the so called 'facts' that you believe and are indoctrinated with?

It's historic. A simple google search is all I did.


Oh shit are you a cult member?

Best just listen to the directives of the horsefaced one...


What?! Haha. I'm actually very contrarian on a lot of things. But I'm not reflexively so, I do my own research. It's just that I've never heard that you can't catch a virus before. I know they need a host to be able to replicate. Being transmissible is one of their key features, without being able to 'jump' from host to host viruses wouldn't exist. So do you think viruses don't exist?

Viruses exist, just as chunder does, but they don't jump anywhere

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Your living in some alternate reality dude.

YES,I don't watch TV or stare at my phone...


Do you form your opinions based on science or just lap up whatever some journalist says that fits your already preconceived views?

No journalists in that list...
Well maybe Vinnie, but being arrested by the horsefaced tranny does give him a bit of extra cred

Posted via

Okay blogs then same diff. Yea getting arrested definitely gives him extra cred... good one.

OK doctors and world renowned researchers, same diff...

But I'm not posting stuff to spoon feed anyone, - if you don't want to read it, stick to watching horseface spouting off. The government care deeply for your well being. Really they do. Communism will be wonderful.
