I suspect that like everywhere else, there is a war waging between good and evil on Hive. Sometimes it's a bit of a downer that evil fuckers clearly have larger wallets, but on the upside, they are greedy, lazy, bloated, humourless twats, rushing their plans out before the adrenochome runs out and they all drop dead.
And drop dead soon they will! (Yes that is hopium, but if it helps I'll put it in my vape and inhale it)

Sometimes it's a bit of a downer that evil fuckers clearly have larger wallets, but on the upside, they are greedy, lazy, bloated, humourless twats,
....And they think that's their good points !!!....bless
When I copied the post I cut off the final few sentences (now fixed):
We are partly to blame, he says: “We have failed to act against the Masonic madness due to our enormous gullibility. We have been totally fooled and ignored the warning signals.”(274)
He ends on a hopeful note, saying evil is dysfunctional and inevitably destroys itself. “Freemasonry carries within it the seeds of its own destruction.” (563)
Wars, revolutions and depressions are all part of a “revolutionary” process designed to frogmarch humanity to “world government” under the rubric of Freemasonry which may be a surrogate for an alliance of occult Khazarian and gentile financial elites.
Their “self-destruction” seems to be our best hope since the public is too feckless and weak to resist.
synchronicity - post coming very shorty...