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in #proofofbrain3 years ago

Are you really saying that the engagement program is a Spam right now and I can even see that you made mention of the @vempromundo Pobtalk too.

I can't declare something is spam without repetitious patterns. I enjoy the POB engagement project, but when I approached POB about supporting it he wrote that it appeared spammy. The engagement changed in each article based upon the questions made by insight.pob, yes? The bulk of the article rarely changed.

It was following this commentary on discord that I reached out to insight. Shortly after I made recommendations in a separate article whose rewards went to insight for his past efforts. It is his to use the recommendations or not.

A problem with engagement articles focused upon a project like POB is the recognition of spin-off project possible for development. I saw this as a problem which is why I wrote the article. I feel like these articles are pointing towards something. I didn't just know what it was.

It also seemed like insight was getting too bogged down with things. I recommended changing from daily to weekly at times so he could take the time to give his perspective. Apologies for the long-winded response.


Never will I ever called a project that as increase engagement the level of engagement well enough in the community a spam and to that I was only letting @calumam to understand that one reason why engagement program is still alive here is due to the fact that the #pobstreet and POB talk engagement room are still functioning.

Wish will can get the stat of how people comment or engage in the community outside the engagement room against inside the engagement room.

Fine their might not be new intiative as to what they post or how they post it,but to me it as been of more benefits to the community the more.

I've been trying to get people to measure engagement on POB street with relation to unique comments. No one can seem to measure it by either article or article series. No one is going to try to stop the POB project from continuing or expanding into VYB. I would just like to see it become self-sufficient.

Definitely no one is going to stop it boss, irrespective of what they might think of it and am.nit trying to advocate for @insight.pob at all cause I also wish he comes up with something more unique too very soon so as to avoid lot of eye and negative opinion on this engagement program.

But I want to believe he will soon come up with something perfect and unique very soon

A problem with the POB project is that it appears as though it's reaching for something. At least, it did with the first dozen or so articles. Now, it just appears like it is becoming a general topic series. This is fine too if that's the intent of the creator.

Like I wrote earlier, no one will prevent or limit this series administratively. There's no reason. However, it's up to the creator and those managing the series to make sure it stands the test of time.

it's up to the creator and those managing the series to make sure it stands the test of time.

Definitely and that is why people like me is actually throwing my voice behind the engagement room too.

But still wish their is a reform on it template too in future,but of all I will say #pobstreet has come to stay.

Definitely and that is why people like me is actually throwing my voice behind the engagement room too.

I agree whole-heartedly with your approach especially if insight is on board. I would recommend, though, to avoid my mistake. I was putting in some hard hours before I found my pace in the POB community. I wish I started smarter in the community.

But still wish their is a reform on it template too in future,but of all I will say #pobstreet has come to stay.

I'm certain @insight.pob would be more than willing to hear your advice on a new potential template. Maybe you could even write your own article or spin on the project? When the WOTW contest fell into my hands I took it in a slightly different direction than Calumam. It continued to do well.

Definitely am always willing to help if am asked to,thanks for coming here to add your view boss.

Might give a review on #pobstreet very soon and have also gave him some suggestions,which I think he should fellow too