A very good question. I don’t have a direct answer to that but I want to tag @trostparadox and @calumam to make them aware of it. There’s another meeting we three need to have next week and we can discuss it more in depth.
My initial response would be to work with POBio to bring up both communities similarly in development to provide similar services. Such an action may work to sustain the respective token value and perhaps allow for expansion on both ends at the same time.
The goal is to provide both environments to the community and not suppress one over another. I hope this answer helps you at this time, but follow up with me next week please and I’ll get back to you after our meeting.
Does that, at least for now, work for you?
Thanks @scholaris for trying to reply my question.
Working with POBio is a great idea and surely it'll be good to see both spaces work hand in hand.
I'll be sure to hear your more indepth response after the meeting, thanks a lot