There are rumours now already in the air. Leave truly. This. Person actually did what he did. Some people are insinuating if it’s possible to break free from whatsoever that is happening. I have seen this scenario play modern ones.
Where someone was sacked from office, but the entire organisation made it look as if the person actually retired. Whenever people are. Doing this kind of a thing. You begin to wonder how. Most they love the organisation in the 1st place for them to be spreading rumours here and there about it and what they stand to gain.
Then there are another set of people that believe that they can see what so ever evil things that comes to their head concerning an organisation. So far those people did not come as to refute the rumour.
I will not go deep into all that is in this kind of a thing. But I have seen where people gathering together and do have any tangible thing that is positive to see contain an organisation except to bring it down and to make sure it’s wrecked.
They also make sure that things don’t go well. This is very common in some kind of organisation which I’m not going to mention now, but we can all relate with many of them very well.
