There is always this statement that money cannot buy happiness. Well, morning can actually buy happiness, and more of it.
Money can buy. If we are. Poor. At least we can see that we are poor. That’s fine, but that doesn’t mean that was so obvious. You are denying it, and you’re trying to claim what is not by saying that money cannot buy happiness.
In actual reality, Monica, money can buy happiness, and there are still lots and lots of things that money can buy.
Even if you’re not careful, you might fall into a bad mindset thinking that poverty is good and you have to pass through some tribulations of life to enjoy at the end.
The day of enjoyment might not come if we’re if we’re not careful. I have seen people that actually suffer from the beginning of their years. In life, even to the very end, when opportunity comes, they don’t make use of his. And they thought that there will be a better day tomorrow. The better they never came. Does the worst part of it never came?
