The Trevails of Julian Assange: A Brief Overview and More Bad News

in #proofofbrain4 years ago (edited)

I watched a video on RT from November of 2016 in which journalist John Pilger interviews Julian Assange.

Among the topics discussed was the now infamous Clinton-Podesta emails that revealed among other things the Clinton pay-for-play while she was Secretary of State. During the discussion Assange alludes to the geopolitical machine behind the Clintons, people such as Lynn Forester De' Rothschild. It’s critical to understand that even though the Clintons and Podestas are currently out of the limelight the same political machine controlled by the Rothschild/Rockefeller coterie of foundations and NGOs which is still operating and is the impetus behind the current geopolitical machinations, i.e. Covid etc., and the persecution of Assange.

These criminals, now represented by the illegitimate Biden administration, knew back during the Pizzagate/Pedogate investigations being conducted by the alt-media all they had to do was wait it out. Americans, the alt-media included, have a very short attention span -- when’s the last time you heard anyone mention Pizzagate? The only thing that’s changed is that the alt-media in now focused on bigger and better conspiracies like a dog chasing its tail, in the meantime pedophilia among the elites still runs rampant.

 Those involved in Pizzagate/Pedogate, the Clintons, Podestas, and the Rothschild/Rockefeller political machine (along with their friends and associates) are the same people behind the Covid scamdemic and its tyrannical response. It’s all just draconian political theater designed to divert attention away from their criminal attempt to impose a global tyranny. Assange and Wikileaks began exposing the criminality during the Bush administration. The so-called “deep state” is an international network that includes all of the FVEY countries and is run out of the UK which is why Assange will never get a fair and impartial hearing. He is guilty only of enlightening millions of people and for that he must be punished.

It’s important to remember that Assange isn’t just up against a few angry deep state actors from the Trump DOJ, but an international apparatus that the intelligence agencies of both the US and UK are a part of. Assange had the temerity to go after “The Party,” first exposing the war crimes of the Bush administration and later the Clinton/Podesta emails that exposed among other things the corrupted 2016 primary election, something that cost Seth Rich his life. Contrary to common belief, the US does not have a two-party system, there is only The Party, a conglomerate of globalists and statists representing multinational corporations and other special interests. Opposed are a few dissenting voices such as Rand paul and Josh Hawley in the Senate and Jim Jordan, Louie Gohmert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and a very few others in the House -- a tiny minority comparatively speaking.

Before going into Assange’s current situation, one thing of note and relevance is the almost total lack of coverage by US media outlets, proving that they are merely the propaganda apparatus of the deep state. In fact the US mainstream media seems to have far less freedom of the press even though it’s codified in the Constitution. They have in recent years almost completely abandoned their duty as the “adversarial press,” to provide cover for massive corruption and the persecution of people such as Assange, Snowden, and others.

The media in countries without press protection, such as the UK and Australia have become the sources of information of Assange’s plight, found in outlets such as The Guardian in the UK, Skynet and SBS in Australia, and Global Research, a Canadian platform. No such coverage exists in the US except for small independent platforms that reach a limited number of viewers, and even there the coverage has been sparse. Assange’s situation is too critical to be overlooked having immense ramifications not only in the area of human rights but free speech as well.

Assange: A Symbol of Villainy Amid a Cacophony of Lies

What little coverage the Assange situation from beginning to end has been negative, as it was with Edward Snowden, using terms such as “treason,” “espionage,” and other derogatory characterizations such as “rapist,” “hacker,” etc. even though Wikileaks under Assange’s leadership has a 100% accuracy rating. If you can’t attack someone’s work, assassinate his character.

“When, conspicuously shortly after the breaking of the “Collateral Murder” and ‘Cablegate’ scandals, senior US security state officials hijacked the micromanagement of PR for Assange, it became their duty as Machiavellian imperialists to suppress the rising star of Wikileaks, a pacifist research institute with a record for 100% accuracy.”

“This they did with bitter, belligerent rigour, heinously spreading the rumour that Assange was a cyberterrorist-cum-rapist. By that gesture, which quickly turned Assange into a pariah on the justice warrior left, the national security state only reinforced its reputation for aspiring for total social control and world domination governed from the Washington power nexus. The rape smear was an ignominious lie, puritanical, messianic propaganda that seemed to have the media and wider public under its spell.”

Many of Assange’s contributions have been overlooked both by the mainstream and alt-media as well such as “...his Rubberhose encryption software, which predates Wikileaks but shares its mission to inaugurate the presence of ethical software.” Of course nobody in politics or the legacy media are interested in anything to do with ethics, but what made him particularly dangerous to the powers that be was his liberation of information. His use of encrypted internet servers across Europe made censorship difficult. The deep dark secrets of the ruling elites were being exposed and Assange had to be silenced no matter the cost.

“Once the preserve and exclusive class privilege of national security elites with classified access to special diplomatic data, state secrets, many of which are embarrassing to governments, are now exchanged in public, thanks to Wikileaks. Equally as important as the liberation of information is the revolutionary atmosphere it produces, with citizen pioneers commanding an internet through which elites retaliate by censoring revolutionaries and treating it as a realm for their exclusive use. Vast swathes of masses, especially youth coming of age, were radicalised by Wikileaks, which turned them into anti-imperial renegades. Then comes the backlash, a piece of Machiavellian theatre redolent of the tsars. Last, we find the tormented, emaciated figure of Assange, subject to calculated, premeditated torture and physical neglect.”

One of Assange’s most powerful driving forces has always been his dedication to the truth and transparency, without which there can be no liberty. Shadow governments working in secret are antithetical to freedom and a manifestation of tyranny. Being capable of critical thought and a love of truth, justice, and transparency makes Assange a dangerous man. As H.L. Menken so eloquently pointed out: “The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself… Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.” Given his ability to transmit information makes Assange even more dangerous further inflaming those who would silence him.

“At various points throughout his reign of publicity – notably in a very well received Ted talk but also on his popular, now deplatformed Twitter – Assange gave us an account of his motives. With fathomless moral fortitude he instanced [sic] a conviction that transparency is the method and justice the goal; his love for technology as a liberating force, and his commitment to coding democracy; and his desire to advance the cause of humanity against technocratic fascism. He seeks to defend history from whitewashing and facts from obliteration.”

In the age of Covid, there’s no telling how much damage he could do to the official narrative. This is likely why Assange will not see the light of day anytime soon. There’s no telling how much damage he could do to the spurious Covid narrative and illegitimate Biden administration should he be released. Even though Assange is p[robably physically unable to withstand the rigors of his former life, the deep state actors in both the UK and US are likely afraid that he would become a symbolic leader of the free speech movement and Covid vaccine dissenters. The mainstream media silence is likely designed to prevent this from happening while he’s incarcerated.

More Bad News

Judge Vanessa Baraitser, in her decision to deny extradition to the US, cited concerns over the conditions under which Assange would be held. This is almost laughable considering the fact that once he’s gone the likelihood of her ever checking is virtually nil. Whether or not Assange is extradited, the objective is to keep him imprisoned for the rest of his life. Dragging out the hearings serves this purpose given his failing physical and mental health. As far as Baraitser is concerned, as long as the US State Department ensures the humane treatment of Assange, she will likely be satisfied, explaining why she wrote her decision the way that she did.

“The High Court in July granted the U.S. government permission to appeal the Jan. 4 decision of District Judge Vanessa Baraitser to refuse the U.S. government’s request for Assange’s extradition to the United States, where he faces charges under the Espionage Act 1917 and for conspiracy to commit computer intrusion. The grant of permission was however limited to essentially a single ground: whether Baraitser erred by failing to provide the U.S. government with an opportunity to provide her with ‘assurances’ about the conditions of detention in which Assange would be held if he were extradited and convicted in the United States.”

The issue of Assange’s health is utter and absolute hypocrisy, the conditions at Belmarsh Prison being far worse than in many of America’s supermax facilities. After some legal wrangling over Baraitser’s decision a new hearing giving the US an opportunity to appeal whatever they want is scheduled for the end of October, yet another blatant attempt to drag this out further causing Assange’s health to deteriorate even more. As I said in my last article about Assange’s situation, this is murder in slow motion.

Everything now seems to hinge on these “assurances,” which ironically are being introduced as “new evidence.” How that works from within a legal framework I have no earthly idea. The best case scenario for Julian at this point seems to be “... ‘assurances’ (that it would not put Assange in special confinement and would let him serve his sentence in Australia) to Baraitser at the substantive hearing last September.” Even if this is the case, Assange still faces up to 175 years behind bars.

“Its attempt to do so now, months after Baraitser’s decision had been made, was an attempt to use the appeal process in order to introduce the ‘assurances’ as new evidence in the case, so as to change a decision which had already been made. This makes the ‘assurances’ new evidence, which is normally inadmissible on appeal. As for Baraitser’s decision to base her assessment of Assange’s health and of his potential risk of suicide on the evidence of Professor Kopelman, that was an assessment for her to make as the trial judge in the case, and there is no reason why the High Court on appeal should seek to interfere in it. Mr. Justice Swift, the High Court Judge who refused the U.S. government permission to appeal on this ground in July, was of precisely this view.”

All of this still adds up to a no-win situation for Assange, who it appears will spend the rest of his life behind bars. Ignored by the legacy media and seemingly forgotten by the alt-media, an icon of transparency, integrity, and free speech stands alone, wasting away in a British prison known for its inhumane treatment of prisoners, his only crime exposing the criminality and malfeasances of corrupt government actors. Assange is not only an icon but a symbol who plays a much bigger role in the fight for free speech than many people realize. The Covid scamdemic would have been far more difficult if not impossible if Assange and Wikileaks were exposing the criminality behind it.

Julian Assange proves that one man can make a difference, the reason that the deep state is going to such lengths to silence him. They intend to make his persecution an example to anyone else who would challenge them and in hopes that his work will die along with him. Given the tepid response by the public they may very well get their wish. I for one will continue to write about this man and his courage for as long as I can, but I’m just one small insignificant voice that almost no one hears. People need to start making some noise demanding freedom for Assange and others like him, otherwise the dark side wins and the liberty our forefathers fought and died for dies in darkness. #freeassange

Join the resistance…


I'm likely one of very Few who think Assange is part of Their play. When wikileaks first "leaked" things... I knew about every one of them. Yes, the data were in obscure places, but they were out there. How can You "leak" something that is not contained? I have to give high probability that He is just more manipulation of the masses.

Yes he has a lot of very odd history as well...i think he could be part of the psyop

Posted via

I give very high probability that He is. Haha!

his childhood history certainly fits the programming template

Thanks Rich, more info to rattle around in my head. We could be living in the last days of any kind of freedom. So so sad.

Keep your eye on Australia Mike, that's where the martial law tests are going on. Australia today, the rest of the FVEY countries tomorrow

Looks that way.. USA is the biggest and the hardest. Think they will go slower with us because if our 2nd amendment. They will figure a way to disarm us little by little.

I think they'll go after our food supply first to "soften us up." Then they'll come for guns.

Keep fighting the good fight Rich.. It ain't over till the fat lady sings..

Amen Brother!

Rich )) our future and it's coming fast.

Hit the "more" button for the web sites she is referring to ..

Cool, thanks Brother. I like Deb Tavares, I haven't watched her in a couple of years. I'm in the middle of an article (page 11) and I'll watch on my next break. I'm trying to finish by Fri.

Good rich ... look forward to it..... where do all these psychopaths come from.. Australian's men have had enough. Cops must join the people.

The quick answer is the lower dimensions.