This original-content post is certified plagiarism-free* by the Proof of Blind team (see below for what that means).
Proof of Blind is the Best place to write a Secret Santa Card.
Is there one person you want to send some good cheer?
Write them a short letter explaining why they are special.
Make sure to call out their username.
Add an original picture or drawing.
Post it in Proof of Blind.

No one will even know that it was you, but you will get the reward of giving to one person... And you will get the rewards from Proof of Blind and VYB!!!
My Christmas letter is here:
Dear Buffalobison,
Happy Holidays. I don't know you well but I see you all over the internet. Thank you for your pure heart and sincerity. You are unique and have managed to motivate me to interact and create when I felt like giving up. Anytime you show up people feel good and want to open up and engage.
I don't know if you will ever read this @buffalobison, but if you do read this I want you to know that I appreciate everything you have done for me and for this community. Keep making spirits bright.
Your Friend,
Secret Santa
Gifts are given to be received. Freely I have received and freely I will give. If you do see your name callout out on a secret I recommend writing your own. It's easy on @proofofblind.
Here is a little Pecan Pie for you. All images on this post including the pie come from my cell phone camera and I have the right to use them.
Merry Christmas
About this post
This post was submitted by an up-and-coming original-content creator to the Proof of Blind project, has been reviewed for plagiarism, and is certified plagiarism-free*.
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*What does certified plagiarism-free mean?
As a result of our plagiarism review, we are confident that this post represents original unpublished creative work.
We are backing that confidence with a 150% curation-reward guarantee.
If you vote for this post and it is found to have been plagiarized (prior to the close of the voting period), we will coordinate efforts to zero out all presumed author rewards. However, that also zeros out all curator rewards. To protect our curators, we will fully reimburse any would-be curation rewards that were zeroed as a result of the plagiarism enforcement, and we will add 50% to it.
This guarantee applies to any curation rewards that would have been worth at least $1 at the time the payout would have occurred. For example, if your upvote was worth $2 in HIVE and $2 in POB, but was zeroed out due to plagiarism-enforcement, then we would reimburse you $1.50 worth of HIVE and $1.50 worth of POB.
What is Proof of Blind and how does it work?
Here is a quick overview:
Content creators submit their original content (following the procedure detailed at the end of the "Request for Submissions" post).
Submitted content is checked for plagiarism.
Plagiarism-free content is posted via the @proofofblind account* (typically within 24 hours after submission), with
- the original author as 85% beneficiary,
- the person who coordinated the plagiarism review and finalized the @proofofblind post as 10% beneficiary,
- @proofofblind retaining 5%.
Thanks for you interest in the Proof of Blind project!
Secret Santa here is Ostrich Santa🤣🤣🤣
Still a good idea, though, and one can take it a step further by making the receiver beneficiary too😊
Ostrich Santa? Like this one? You must elaborate as this sounds too funny to be true haha
Hahahahaha. This one is really funny and it us actually what I mean. But here is a further elaboration: have you heard the myth about an Ostrich trying to hide? The Ostrich hides only it's head under the sand and feels satisfied that it has hidden, while it's whole body is still out there in full glare.
I think I may know who Secret Santa is but I'll keep it a secret. Thank you very much and I feel similar. 🎅🐤
It's pretty easy to find out... haha for those who don't know how to tell, I won't say. Even better, I'd say if you're going to secret Santa someone, put them as the full beneficiary, too. 😜
I think I found out. The submission requirements have changed but they are more user friendly so that's a great thing. I hope we all see more entries.
hint* you can look at the beneficiary of the post, and unless the author told proof of blind to designate someone else the beneficiary, the proceeds go to the author...but you didn't hear it from me ;)