#0016 proofofblind || VBY Richlist and x-1pob-1vyb

in #proofofbrain3 years ago (edited)

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Hi All, I was curious about how POB to VBY swap was going as I was lucky to go for a 3 to 1 swap. For any who don't know, VBY is holding an approach, you dispatch in at a minimum 100 POB and you obtain back VBY in a proportion, starting at 4 to 1 and down to 1/23 with an amount in an account going up. To know what ratio is at you look at which account has 0, to a VYB rich list for a solution!

Ok first thing is that alot of pots a 0 and now down to x-1pob-1vyb so you can buy 1:1 POB for VYB. A big bag is @frot, follow by @trostparadox and finally 1alfa.vyb . 1alfa and trostparadox I know about, but I don't know frot!

Also sorry for the stilted words, I am choosing to ditch fifth glyphs from my ABC's



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It's obvious this is the V B Y rich list...

Only my name ain't Rich...

I'm just glyphing the fifth dike.

VBY is obviously...

Varifly Brains Ya'all


Why are brain surgeons so good at persuasion?
They can really get inside your head.

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/6)@proofofblind, I sent you an on behalf of @mineopoly

It's vyb, not vby... just saying. It may be plagiarism free, but I wish it was slightly corrected. I know the coin is new, and thus the confusion, but it was right in one place and not the rest.

Also sorry for the stilted words, I am choosing to ditch fifth glyphs from my ABC's

(emphasis added)

Oh no! A filthy fifth glyph snuck its way in!

Hey man, so this ditching the fifth glyph thing is all about avoiding the letter 'e'?

Tell me if I'm correct, I've gone through hell on Google and places trying to find out what it means, imagine even those trying to explain it's meaning were still trying to explain it without using the letter 'e', what the heck, y'all? That's taking it too far😀😅

I now wonder why this writer uses VBY instead of VYB and why proofofblind allowed that, is there something else I'm missing?

Damn, I'm trying to understand a lot of things going on in life, in the crypto world and on hive and you guys had to add this one to my workload? I'm not amused at all! You won't like me when I'm angry


I now wonder why this writer uses VBY instead of VYB and why proofofblind allowed that

The only things Proof of Blind does not allow is NSFW content and content that has already been published elsewhere (if it's plagiarized or has simply been previously published somewhere else by the same author, either way, it's forbidden on Proof of Blind).

Also, tag abuse is not allowed. And threats of violence and stuff like that.

Hahaha, but if VBY is a mistake I thought Proofofblind would correct that. If its a mistake why didn't Proofofblind correct it? If its not a mistake then what is it?

If its a mistake why didn't Proofofblind correct it? If its not a mistake then what is it?

Well, sometimes folks might intentionally misspell a word just to draw attention. IDK if that was the case here.

I wish it was, just a bit if dyslexia creeping in


Yes, the 'fifth glyph' is the letter 'e'. "Ditching that fifth glyph" means writing without using the letter 'e'.

This is supposed to be a fun way for folks to 'prove' and 'verify' that they have a brain. (It takes some serious brainpower to write coherent prose and poetry without using the letter 'e', which happens to be the most-frequently-used letter in the English alphabet).

The fact that it's hard to do is why extra VYB will be given to folks who submit original content to Proof of Blind without using the letter 'e'.

NOTE: Some folks might be tempted to simply drop the letter 'e' and replace it with an apostrophe, as in "What th' h'll was I thinking?" Don't expect much extra VYB for just doing that. You'll need to look for synonyms and find other ways to structure your sentences, e.g. "What in tarnations was I thinking?"

Have some fun with it. Show your creativity.

Ok, cool. I get it completely now. Its surely fun and tasking. My only quarrel was that the whole concept wasn't explained, all I saw was 'ditching that Fifth glyph' and explanations that wouldn't dare use the Fifth glyph even when they were trying to explain the concept, so it was kinda hard to know what it was all about.

Okay, I'm the sort of guy that can boss around a challenge such as this. No more talking, I'll show you in a post.


Hey. I've gotten together 100 POB and wanted to trade it for VYB. Are there any trades you are aware of still going on? I tend to stake POB so I had to wait until I had 100 that I normally would have staked.