Is your glass of life half empty or half full?

in #proofofbrain3 years ago


Call him by any name

God or if you prefer let us refer to him as nature what ever the name you may choose he or nature would not object.
he gives us the beautiful truth that show us we are a part of a beautiful picture of his.
However insignificant we may be yet we are a part of something big and beautiful.
If you are feeling low then think yourself to be here on this planet for a specific purpose.
In his scheme of things you and each one of us are much more than we can ever fathom.

Look at it this way

A small bee which has a much less complicated life than ours is so small.
It may seem weak and insignificant to some yet it can fly.
It gets to fly from flower to flower and collect nectar.
One may feel that it is doing so to feed itself but few know that it does not do so for itself.
It stores the nectar in the honey comb which we humans and other animals often use.

The often overlooked and forgotten facts

Often overlooked is the fact as it flies from one flower to another completing its arduous journey it carriers on its body pollen from one flower to another.
As it does so it pollinates so many flowers on its way.
This pollination leads to the process of fertilization and as a result the world gets its food.
Food that feeds millions of people around the globe.

Let us find our purpose for being here

Let us step back from our lives and the worries to think and use our vision to discover how we can be useful to others.
Maybe we cannot think of anything big so how about start by being polite and spreading a smile.

The smile does not cost…

The smile does not cost yet goes a long way.

Is your glass half empty or half full

Now you decide about your situation.

What sports means to your

Sports is a way of life that means to keep working on yourself and improving.


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