in #proofofbrainlast year (edited)

Single parenting is a critical and bad encounter everyone is praying not to experience. The products are deplorable and destructive, they pave the way for social distractions lead to immoralities and dehumanize innocent children. Some single parenting exists due to natural occurrences like death, sickness and natural disasters. Single Parenting could also occur artificially through divorce puberty and unwanted pregnancy All this aggravates to disrupts the peace of society

Another factor that could result in single parenting is a family crisis. When both families disallow their child from getting married to a particular person it may result in a dally relationship, a situation where both partners will hide and confine their affairs to prevent their parents from knowing, This act, could lead to pregnancy which will eventually lead to single parenting. This act is another critical factor that could result in this devilish. This usually happens in communities with huge contingent and diversities of tribes, ethnicities and religions

I will brief you on a story about two young partners who ended up in a divorce in my area, this happened due to their parent's lack of support for their affairs. As we all know Nigeria is a diversities of tribes which is another critical factor that afflicts single parenting. Despite the love and affection this young partner has for themselves they never got the support of their parents. What both parents were emphasizing was the difference in the tribe of their children and it had caused chaos before the dissolution of their affairs

These two parents were living in my biological community and they are both a stranger in my place though both would have lived for about fifteen to twenty years. Their children were born and brought up in the same community and they attend school and interact with other children in the community. Eventually, these guys met and started a relationship despite the struggle by both parents to separate them at an early stage They resisted until a pregnancy which deteriorated the crisis.

This crisis lasted for months before they ended up in court where the relationship legally dissolved, This gave room to single parenting where the lady was the one to charter for the baby. This innocent child has an acquittance relationship with his biological father due to a distance between both parents. Due to the destitute of the lady she couldn't render a standard living for the child. The child's education, health, and social well-being were deprived and it has structured the innocent child into a bum, deadbeat, and a drifter

It hurts me to see innocent children suffering from this act. The way to cushy and ameliorate this uncivilized and barbaric act should be our priority and concern. The fact is single parenting can't be prevented but it can be corrected. Below are some tips to correct this unpreventable disaster

The main function of government is to provide and care for its citizens Ministries where single Parents and children will be assisted should be created to avoid poverty and desultory

This also has resulted in many divorces in our society. Parents should avoid wading into courtship and marriages and instead support whoever their children brought for marriage

Everyone should deviate from tribe discrimination as there is no bad tribe but bad people every tribe is good for marriage and love

As economic inflation and economic recession has been the order of the day in our nation, the government should put forward to ameliorating and Cushing the effect to enable the single parent to charter and care for their children without hardship


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