Verified by Santa Claus' Free Clip art Library.
I delegated more than 1500 POB from Yellow Bird Games.
Get part of the 400 POB up for grabs today.
3 Easy steps:
Make a comment to the main post including at least five words and number the comment.
Make sure your comment contains some words with the letters "V" and "Y" and "B", but do not include the acronym VYB. Do not include the words "your" or "brain" in the comment.
(The acronym VYB belongs to @vyb.vyb)Wait for at least 2 more valid comments before commenting again.
@sugandhaseth will count the comments. She can participate in the contest too. But when there are 71 comments total then the game is over. Until then she will not let us know the count. I will check here count and send out prizes in the end. Remember there are only 7 winners so a player can only win one comment prize.
Every comment that follows the three rules will be given a number in accordance to its appearance.
Comment #71 will receive a POB delegation of 70 POB.
Comment #61 will receive a POB delegation of 60 POB.
Comment #51 will receive a POB delegation of 50 POB.
Comment #41 will receive a POB delegation of 40 POB.
Comment #31 will receive a POB delegation of 30 POB.
Comment #21 will receive a POB delegation of 20 POB.
Comment #11 will receive a POB delegation of 10 POB.
The game ends at comment #71 or the expiration of the post, whichever comes first.
delegations are good for one year
Two surprise bonus prizes will be given for 25 POB. Even if you win a prize you can also win a bonus prize.
This is the last Yellow Bird Game of 2021. I will be co-hosting an even more electrifying VYB engagement project very soon.

Who can we call?
Let's call some POBsters to participate. Feel free to shout out more friends in the comments. Here are some for starters:
If you prefer your username not to be included in this call out please notify me. The moment you have all been waiting for: The future is now!!! Read some entries from the #pob-wotw week contest. The contest is finished but the articles are intriguing. Who would have thunk it? The word of the week was 7 deadly sins. --- Are you into blind submission?BIG NEWS
VYB's big intro post:
Still Bored?
Take a minute and write a post. Then send it to @blindsubmit's initiative right here:
This is a good opportunity for lesser known writers to get their voice out and rewards @proofofblind. In fact there is potential for revolution in free speech.
Don't worry about the price of Crypto today.
Our Valiant Young Black Night will protect us.
It's merely a flesh wound.
Merry Christmas
@sofs-su @vikbuddy @malopie @funshee @knowledge23.pob the legend @trostparadox.pob @sugandhaseth @chincoculbert @edystringz @vcclothing @finguru go figure @newman42 @aiuna @curatorcat.pal @blezyn @rapha-el7 @tfranzini @da-prince still waiting for your comment @d-pend @finguru @nonsowrites.pob @selfhelp4trolls @iamchuks @abimbola753 moon me @moon-city @blezyn @williamtboy fire at will @comandoyeya rambo @da-prince @ashleycole @sophiapics29 @theabsolute vodka math teacher @buffalobison @monica-ene @gloriaolar @zanoz @meri-ahama @dprudent at this juncture @esmeesmith @profdanzy @amril @iamchuks up chuck @popmanj @sreypov the moose bit my sister @wrestlingdesires @dreemsteem Ni @shadowspub @offgridlife participate this round @shadflyfilms @alovely088 @ddn688 @houseofdavid @lordemmy @merit.ahama @pthker2010 @doziekash @whiteangey lovely @alovely088 @fayewrites @relf87 @nineclaws @shinyobjects syndrome @filmspace @khaleesii @peaq handsome @hansn must be buffalo bison's friend @bearmol charlie brown @blockheadgames @nasri11 @wongi @eil7304 @hudsonjr1 @wil.metcalfe (fire at will) @megpeters @sreypov @kidsisters feed the @beeber @blezyn @evachin @hansn @lordemmy last but not least @ninahaskin
this comment is to tell you i saw your comment on GINA... immediately came here - and looked through twice and cannot find it.
but i'm not rude!!!! i had to answer and tell you - i cannot find it.. but i'm sure it was awesome LOL@buffalobison
it was something about finding ways to annoy people and i can only assume that was about my idiotic move today to edit a post where i tagged 200 people who then got tagged AGAIN today LOLOLOL
yes! yes -i'm sure it annoyed them all hahahahahahahah
Great job. I'm so mixed up lately I'm responding to everything in my notifications and trying to remember what you or other people said while failing miserably haha 😀
hahahahahaha I wish that GINA would take you right to the comment - but sometimes when the comments become so much - she only takes you to the post LOL
then - good luck finding it hahahaha
dreeeeemiiiiiiiieeeeee 😍
beeeeeeeeeeber!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😍😘😊
You are a dreem send to us all.
You're it.
hahahahaha ok but i can somehow find THIS comment hahahahaha
tag - now you're it. no backsies. LOL
Yes. Now it's my turn to comment surf 🏄
They can't see the red flags.
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/6)@dreemsteem, I sent you an on behalf of @mineopoly
This is valid comment #69
Its not every day I get that number
oh my gosh - @dandays - are you jealous???? i'm #69 lololol
I'm pretty upside down about it.
nyuk nyuk nyuk... LOL
Did you just gnash your teeth at me?!?
that is an original Curly laugh from the Three Stooges
sigh. i'm so disappointed that I had to explain that. to you??? really??? aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
comment 67
You are right, but Let Dreemsteem keep her fantasy.
Lololol oh nooooo...
@merit.ahama where are you at? Remember you are not backing down anytime soon.
One very cute cat in my house
I've been so busy today, I may just back down for today and get on it tomorrow 😒
Eiya, takecares of you okay.
That is a gorgeous kitty you have! Love its color and markings
Aww! One of my now grown up daughter and my favorite movies!!!
He looks comfortable, did you wake him up???
Hahah, I didn't woke him up. he is always comfortable and calm even when not sleeping, the reason why I love him so much.
He must be a really special cat :)
Yes he is, thank you.
comment 23
comment 23
Very Youthful Barristers also can’t jump 100 meters.
They’d rather argue about the definition of a meter! Rofl.
I fell in love with you @amyx
Now I have to buy more !LOLZ tokens to send them your way.
but the day before is a sadder day.
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/4)@amyx, I sent you an on behalf of @mineopoly
lol, maybe they are also too busy drinking the coffee 😂
I think that's how they enjoy their weak end.
comment 7
Hello everyone. I was wandering the plains today until I checked my phone. My inbox was melting like a burned grilled cheese. Thank very much for all the tags, @bluntalobureaucrat is here to help spread the Christmas cheer with everyone
Are we on number #63 already? No need for blowing up the place I see its happened already 🙂
I like the name @mineopoly, this yellow bird knows how to rock. Tis the season!
Welcome and enjoy the game. We have been expecting you.
Thank you for the warm welcome as always. Everything is looking great over here
I guess this is my song of the day.
It's time to leave the plains for a while, and enter the Hive ❤️
comment 35
Today December 7 is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 2021 in United States. Let us never forget those who lost their lives. #61
Much !LUV and remembrance.
(3/5) gave you
comment 57
This round of verified-valiant-yellow-bird-game has finally concluded with a wonderful response from you folks and our awesome host @mineopoly. Big mama was very vigilant this time and was eyeing every comment :D
I'm gonna number the comments very soon, keep watching to see if you won or not.
You worked hard. Just remember to take notice in the count that each winner can only win once^^
Ok so what if comment no. 51 is already a winner? Does that make comment no 52 a winner?
And also, I counted "two" and a valid number and hence a valid comment. Hope that's correct?
@mineopoly Knock knock, anybody there??
Hi @sugandhaseth,
I went through the comments twice and then labeled them with numbers. You can double check to make sure. This was the hardest one to count yet.
Yes.. the next valid comment is a winner... like 52. I will check it out now.
Its Very possible that if You drive a vehicle with no Brakes you might end up in an accident #11
Cheers for the reminder @vikbuddy , I wonder has @chincoculbert or @pantera1 had the privilege to take on the greedy yellow bird yet. !LOLZ
These stories are getting better and better. Full speed ahead on this comment section, we need no brakes I tell you!
We don't need brakes, we need rocket boosters!
Turbo charged of course he he
Ships ahoy mattie
We can use some !PIZZA for rocket fuel
Welcome back @jaxsonmurph,
Some of the kids I teach are like a car with no brakes. They are super creative and energetic...
Hmm... This post is kind of like a car with no beaks.
Thank you @mineopoly glad to be back in the race, Those kids you teach might be fast and loose, but with your expert tutorial I am sure they will know how to stop on time, time to up my game he he
Go for it @jaxsonmurph!!
Best of luck ❤️
Woodstock has a beak!
I'm a Engwish teacha
I am not Very sure what this is about, although I Yearn to Become aware.
Hello Pal, its a fun contest just to have a laugh and engage, as a Very Youthful Boy or girl to win some #pob delegations, don't forget to add a number to your comment he he
It's all about fun :) !!!
I wish you were a little patient.
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/2)@mineopoly, I sent you an on behalf of @jaxsonmurph
Unfortunately, I didn't get the opportunity to take up the greedy Yellow bird this time
No problem, I'm sure he will be back again real soon Lol
I don't think it is over yet @chincobulbert and... where are you taking me?
Obviously I'll bring you down to Nigeria so you can try out this dish Afang soup with better akpu, you'll love it
Something about that dish seems very healthy. I think it is the word "afang" or soup.
You are awesome !PIZZA
Yeahh, it's quite healthy and is filled with a lot of fish and meat.
It is actually a soup called Afang pronounced Ah-fang
🤣 someone here was recently talking about needing to repair some brakes 🤯
I like to think I'm a formula one driver and use the gears to slow me down, but when all else fails, I've always got my ejector seat at the ready, Lol
Baby Driver
Ha ha that's the truth, awesome track
comment 26
Very young babies cannot jump 100 meters.
I'm loving this one and it includes all of the elements of a good comment in only 7 words!
Awesome and so logical @amyx
Maybe they can't jump but they can still dance. Notice it's the Korean baby in the center.
🤣 why don't they ever do that in the stores? Mostly they just scream and point at cookies 😂
comment 1
Christmas is still 19 days ahead.
Very well. Aren't you guys missing @buffalobison today? Where he had been?
She is where the buffalos roam. It's still early Monday morning in her neck of the woods. I expect her to show up within 12 hours.
Yea will come at the end when all "work " Herr is done and catch the biggest pot 😅 😘
Wale up little @buffalobison. .. and where is @ninahaskin?
I think @beeber you can mix some German in your comments and it still works ♥
Ah das ist eine sehr gute Idee lieber @mineopoly allerdings gibt es in der deutschen Sprache nicht so viele y
Aber es würde bestimmt alle schön verwirren beim zählen
I think anyone with a brain can read this. We love you @beeber
Woops, sorry about that. This place is on fire 🔥🔥
The roof is on fire
Some !PIZZA while waiting.
Maybe it's rather a buffalobearison and gone to winter sleep
Wich definitely will make it easier for us catching pobs 🤗🤗🤗
I was hibernating a bit today until my inbox exploded with all the fun. I'm hungry now
Hehe look at the pictures of my latest post if your hungry 😘
🤣 very true!
I'm in the gym working on my abs as usual. I see Mr. Bean is in the plains but I didn't see him today for some reason.
Mr. Bean got caught up in traffic.
comment 19
This is a very interesting way for young bachelors to find the woman of their dreams, don't you think @nelson-george 😏😏, I don't mind being the #126 person to find love..I'll do it eventually even if it's with @merit.ahama
This is a fun way to meet people.
😂 My crazy friend, what about the babe that you're a sucker for? Did you stop being a sucker? 🤣
Better Vision and Better Lifestyle need determination and dedication. You need to be always up for challenges. 3,2,1 Go.... @jaxsonmurph
The letter "V" has given us some noble new words.
comment 14
Hey gang, Welcome to valedictory yellow bird contest, make your entries memorable for 1st Jan ☺️👍 @jaxsonmurph do the honours pal😀
I'm all revved up and ready to take flight He he
Where you going? Can I come? I like unexpected trips!!
I'm going where the sun keeps shining, through the pouring rain, where the ocean meets the sky.
You are welcome to climb on board Pal
I didn't know you were a poet. This sounds like a magical place. First we need to be told to stop commenting on @mineopoly's posting then we take a nice trip
Sounds like a plan, I just hope the that yellow bird ain't blindfolded Lol
I guess there were a lot more invalid comments. Maybe I have go and start counting.
comment 62
comment 60
This is comment 60. I stand corrected.
Hello @beeber wakee, wakee don't let all this greedy birds finishes the prize.
I'm seeing over 200 comments, I'm wondering why we are not at 71 yet.
It's the required v word
y word and b word
Here I am @funshee not sure... too late?
no v
The word "OVER" Is in the comment.
Wow. This was hardest count ever. Now I have count again ㅠㅠ.
comment 49
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(4/10)@mineopoly! to your account on behalf of @globetrottergcc.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
Welcome @globetrottergcc,
It looks like this is the last for Yellow Bird but more engagement to come in vyb. Are you a rock star yet?
Hey gang, what Up? Are you Bored? Vik is here, let's call @chincoculbert for some Christmas Jokes. Comment #2
“This one will sleigh you”
Let that sink in
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)@vikbuddy, I sent you an on behalf of @mineopoly
This is a real beauty and brings a tear to my eye. How do I get these fun lol things to hand out?
Ghetto christmas funny
comment 2
What do I do for a bitch to visit my yacht? Buy one I guess 😅
Waddup people 😅🏃♂️
Get Dripped Home Boy
American rappers, I fancy a few and he ain't amongst them😅😅😅
Hahaha! He is a rude bouy.
Or try one of these:
comment 3
I hope you have some very yummy bread and jam! Maybe 5 loaves?
Welcome back @wrestlingdesires,
You are becoming a master at this game.
She has no !PIZZA
Well I have a slice of !PIZZA just for her ❤️
Francis does love bread and jam. Did you know that in Korea the word Jam is short for "Jam-i-it-ta" meaning "exciting". So when Korean kids want to say something is boring they say:
"No Jam"
😂 I guess to a lot of kids, actual jam is pretty exciting too
The little kids can get pretty sticky about jam...
Even some adults get into jam but that's a different story. The jam I like the most is getting together and making noise in harmony with drums, guitar and a bass.
The other two are far preferable to the adult type of jam 😂
comment 4
Now I see you have made 2day's episode a bit trickish😊 I'm Loving It 💃🏼💃🏼
Oh Shiii... Did somebody say "drippage"?
On second glance this is trickish.
I knew a girl named Trisha
She was really into Krishna
She got lost in the dark
And started to bark,
"Now I'm happy as a Lark"
comment 5
I very much like how beautifully well every comment is constructed. It is easy for you to follow through the next 1. Comment #6
I wonder how many Number 1 comments we have now @blezyn ? In my school we learned that two comes after one but after that it is all hazy.
Hahahaha, Ikr!
comment 6
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
mineopoly tipped alovely088 (x1)
mineopoly tipped doziekash (x1)
mineopoly tipped wrestlingdesires (x1)
vikbuddy tipped buffalobison (x1)
buffalobison tipped mineopoly (x1)
samsmith1971 tipped dreemsteem (x1)
samsmith1971 tipped jaxsonmurph (x2)
mineopoly tipped sugandhaseth (x2)
mineopoly tipped chincoculbert (x1)
buffalobison tipped funshee (x1)
mineopoly tipped vikbuddy (x1)
buffalobison tipped bearmol (x1)
mineopoly tipped hansn (x1)
mineopoly tipped buffalobison (x1)
mineopoly tipped funshee (x1) @wrestlingdesires tipped @mineopoly (x4)
Please vote for pizza.witness!
Wowo! This is some kind of pizza rain here.
That's a lot of Pizza. What a party!!
A very blessed day buddies. The #12th month of the year is progressing smoothly. Thank God we are alive to see it.
Welcome @alovely088
I remember the '88 Olympics. They were in Seoul but I was in Chicago. At the time McDonalds had an Olympic scratch card event. Every time you buy something you get a scratch card. The loop hole was that every time you redeem the scratch card you get another scratch card. No purchase was necessary to redeem the scratch card. I stayed at McDonads all day with my friends. We ardered a 25 cent ice cream and ate hamburgers, fries, drinks and shakes. If only we knew how unhealthy that food was. Anyway. Now I live in Seoul and just passed the old 88 Olympic stadium.
Isn't that lovely?
Hahahahaha, very lovely indeed. Thanks for the memories too. That's reminiscences!
!PIZZA always brings back memories.
comment 8
Hmm this won't be easy 🙄 but I'm not backing out, we're still here 👌
Hey guys, welcome back to the new round of greedy yellow bird game 😋
This round is a little bit tricky but even more fun.
I'm glad you joined us and hope you can say,
My legs still very hurt and my battery let me down yesterday at the mountain side when it gets to 15% but I'm still going to do it again and more often.
I read that article and like how you used the word "vibrate".
Mountain climbing is a daily event for me.
You are living up to your name "Fun Shee"
Thank you for taking out your to read through.
I had mad fun climbing, it was like discovery a new part of me.
Maybe you should rest a little !LUV
Thank for the love, am done resting and now is time for me to respond to some lightning shock.
Oh my... That is a long gif. That girl seems half Smurf.
(2/5) gave you
comment 9
Very interesting addition this time, You guys need to Be creative and put the thoughts around think twice and comment once 🤔💭😅
That's right. It seems we don't have all the winners yet.
comment 10
Are you counting twice and once as numbers? I actually didn't.
Ok let's get started, I know Victory is mine this Year as the Best is yet to come. Comment #11
Great blessings to you @popmanj. I'm glad to see you in the Yellow Bird Game. I hope you are a big winner.
Yes. This is comment 11
This is looking cool, thumb up to you
Congratulations. I know you entered many times and I'm glad you can win a prize.
The very best part of the year is here with us. Enjoy the #12th month of the year guys.
I miscounted. This is comment 12
Its ok
I think I still have a bottle of !WINE for Christmas
0.100 WINEXCongratulations, @mineopoly You Successfully Shared With @alovely088.
You Earned 0.100 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/1 Successful Calls.
Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.321
Wow, that's lovely.
A pretty very young baby boy playing in my neighborhood always at 1:30pm.
comment 13
Violet, Yellow, and Blue Christmas lights are some of my favorites
Me too, we must be related. Hi there, having fun like me I see.
Yeah, I'm glad the greedy yellow bird has quite a few comments. Wish I had bought some Hive when it was selling for Peanuts
I can see the twinkle and the tinsle.
Only you can prevent Christmas tree fires.
Oh dear yellow bird this seems to be a ticky one for not english natives. So my goal is to catch the 41 today 😂
Thanks for tagging me hope @buffalobison will Wale up soon
I guess some people will have to look in the dictionary. Thank you for calling @buffalobison. I haven't seen her online for a couple days.
Seems to dive in old memory lane music listening if you look at last posting about INXS 😊
She will be back here with music and !BEER
View or trade
Hey @beeber, here is a little bit of from @mineopoly for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.This is a good one too
I remember this song very well. This blondie blew up the comments again !LUV
(1/5) gave you
You're doing very well from what I've seen. Good job
comment 15
well, I think it's appropriate to drop this lyrics by Mika in her song Grace Kelly. "I could be brown, I could be blue, I could be violet sky, I could be hurtful, I could be purple, I could be anything you like". I've heard this lyrics over 20 times on Tiktok.
Hmmm as it's not my turn now I write here ☺ dont know this song youre talking about Bug nice to meet you here ☺
Nice to meet you too! The song is quite popular on Tiktok, so if you watch tiktok then you'll come across it one of these days.
You can be anything you like
But I don't like Tiktok^^
comment 16
I guess it's official to call this the #SquidPOB END OF THE YEAR PARTY.
Vj please play me song number 4

Hey 🤗 nice to see you again! Dont you think there will be another monday left 🤔
There is a couple of Mondays left in the year, but @mineopoly the boss says this would be the last #POBsquid for the year.
I don't know if you can use this gif in here. I may need to change my picture to a little yellow bird for some laughs. Snoopy is having a blast, literally
The little yellow bird is on the other side of the giphy taking the picture.
Merry Christmas Mr. Bean!!!
It's been a much better year than 2020 but it's not over yet @dostoevsky.
comment 17
Big mama is here guys :D I'm watching you all for the past 6 hours, smart people I must say! @Mineopoly has given us an advance Christmas gift that I am loving very very much :D
I'm so glad to see your comment here
Enjoy some Christmas Cheer
It's always fun to be here :) I have my eyes rolling here all the time !LOL
No one, it happens Autumnatically.
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/1)@mineopoly, I sent you an on behalf of @sugandhaseth
0.100 WINEXCongratulations, @mineopoly You Successfully Shared With @sugandhaseth.
You Earned 0.100 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/1 Successful Calls.
Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.300
I count this as 16
comment 18
Hellow You Very Busy people. Wishing you all the best for the start of the festive season. Number 6
Welcome @bearmol,
It's great to see you back again. You deserve a !BEER
Thanks @mineopoly
Thank you all the best to you too ☺
View or trade
Hey @bearmol, here is a little bit of from @mineopoly for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Hi @bearmol and best wishes to you this fun season. Let's see if I can give you some pizza or not? !PIZZA
comment 20
Strange... normally @vikbuddy is best im counting but this time we dusagree about around very small 1 counting 😅
It's because his username begins with V... Maybe it is difficult for him to seperate himself emotionally.
comment 21
17 23 19 21 ??? Uuuups did I Mix up you counting ;-) sorry ;-)
So I have made light turbulences here but now have to go living a little bit RL
See you in the (european) evening
Get some rest @beeber. You worked hard.
Play smart guys, keep counting comments :D This time I have already caught some 12 mistakes, remember the big mama is very vigilant :D
This great !PIZZA It may be a week before we get 71. I'm in no hurry.
12 mistakes? That's it. We must be doing much better now, everyone knows I can't count 🙂
Buffalos don't have many fingers.
I feel dyslexic at this point, I was off by one. This is comment 22
comment 22
Lol, Big mama is very alert. Make sure you count right. @merit.ahama make sure you count the chickens before hatch, or in this case pob lol, are we in 30s now??
It will take some time for our eyes to adjust to the letters v, y and b. When our eyes finally adjust they will see not only quanity but also quality.
Holding it down as usual I see. I wonder if there are pob chickens on here? I wouldn't be surprised
comment 24
Heroes and villains! Meowing cats and yapping dogs! I call all to bring fun to this post! 45
Wuff wuff
Nice to see you here again ☺
Nice to see you here too ❤️
I love your incantation... It have a very magical sound to eat.
I didn't mention food 😂
I must have been really hungry. Cats and dogs should not make me hungry.
No, they should not! Best to buy some yams!
Carefree 1938.... "The Yam Dance"
Oh here's Fred Astaire now....
But where's the Ginger?
I yam all yours.
🤣Yam it up, it's Christmas after all 🙌
I'd like to see a t-shirt with this on the front and a little yellow bird, what do you think @mineopoly. This one knows how to write 🙂
Having fun I see @wrestlingdesires, keep it up!
Something like this?
I will make one NFT and then a T-shirt on Redbubble
It just proves that replying to comments when you are busy does not lead to anything logical response, but definitely comical.
comment 25
Reading the post and the comment reminds me of the lyrics of a Christmas song, something like: "It the very best time of the year"
Enjoy the holidays and December. I'm not sure where you are from @hnsn but wherever you are may you feel the holiday cheer.
Honestly this is sincerely the best thing to come here on hive, vividly I agree with you on this intiative boss.
Here with number 46
You'll always have fun on hive and in this posting. Bring the joy and cheer!!
Thank you @lordemmy,
You chose a great number for your post. I hope you find some friends here and have a good time.
Ho ho ho
comment 27
Seems everybody is on a 100 meter race. Hey! @beeber I see you have jumped into the game. Have you seen @ninhaskin and @buffalobison in the stadium?
Didnt see them 😂 otherwise the game would already be finished
A little slow today isnt it ?
@mineopoly maybe better stay with GREEEEED 😂
Yeah A bit slow.. Could it be everybody is getting ready for Christmas already.
Who knows. Just maybe Lol
Could be yes all in christmas stress
You know it. I need to start shopping soon
Hmmmm I know they all are waiting me going to sleep and THAN they finish the game again 😭😂😂😂
Right? @buffalobison @ninahaskin @vikbuddy @meeit.ahama @funshee @wrestlingdesires
Don't worry @beeber I will keep you awake.
thank you :-) just ping me short bevor the 71 ;-)
It must be close by now.
Hehehe ..i think that's right. They hop in at the dying minute and leave with fat points.
Maybe you should be awake all night😂
Did someone mention my name?
Is it time to sing yet?
You figured it out @bleeber. But we all know nobody sleeps in this game 🙂
ah and what did YOU do the last 18 hours? sleepybison ;-)
I will use this as my username next time haha
hmmm why do I bet a notification if you bleeb my .... NNNNNNNot possible :-)
bleeb my ....
I think some are waiting for the big numbers. The best thing to do is call new fiends and enjoy !PIZZA if there is any left.
I noticed the race is almost done. Or is it? Hi @doziekash, how are you doing?
I'm great buddy....I think we still have a few meters left in the race. Nice of you to finally join us.
I showed up late but I'm trying to pick up the slack. Beeber has being going hard at it today
Yeah at this rate I'm pretty sure you will cover lost ground.
Where have you been all day by the way?
Me? I've been roaming the plains as usual. I'm pretty bad at checking my notifications sometimes
That's the first thing i click on whenever I enter the platform lol. You are roaming the planes and making the game much fun😊
Get that lady to sing and it's over
comment 28
Locked i guess very big surprise
25356 155667
@buffalobison missing you
You rang my dear? Hello.
haha ... exactly midnight here
and you apear
but happy youre doing fine
comment 29
Very good evening you you all.
Once again we're here..
Welcome @wongi,
It's interesting to watch this game go around the clock and around the world.
I guess once can be counted, but just once.
Have a very merry yultide !BEER
View or trade
Hey @wongi, here is a little bit of from @mineopoly for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.I hope one day to receive this from you too. I'll send you little ones but they still mean the same 🧡🧡
Where have you been all this while we all have been searching for you.
Looks like somebody has a Secret Santa
comment 30
I haven't seen @blezyn in a while. Hope you are good. Jump in here and grab 1 or 2 prices for thyself.
Very good option to avoid "your" and keep the y. Good solution.
Hehehe.. trying to keep my head in the game😊
Where is @blezyn? We haven't met yet. Hellooooo out there?
She seems busy today. Have you met @merit.ahama ?
@merit.ahama and I may have met last time when I spelled the incorrect username of course 🙂 Hello there if you see this notification.
Hi @buffalobison glad you remember we've met last time, I didn't forget you as well... @doziekash keeps making me remember the new person's I've met 😊
There is a lot of !LUV in these posts.
(2/5) gave you
Hehe... That's right.
Seems your memories are much stronger than mine😊
Thanks for checking up on me@merit.ahama have been so busy as well 😩 how are you friend?
Finally!!! I'm glad to have you here. I'm sorry for tagging you so many times yesterday😁
😂 You know you don't have to apologize for that, tag me as much as you can... I like better thing abeg 😁
😊Never seen you as busy as yesterday.... didn't see your brake light the whole day.
Take it easy on yourself and take a break once in a while!
Helllooooooo! I heard your call from the other side😁😁
Hey there, I was a little busy yesterday. I couldn't stay for long. How have you been?
I've been awesome. Glad to have you finally join us here. Hope you are Less busy today.
Yes, I am a little less busy today. I've got some free time on my hands. How's your day going?
The usual.. Work and hive. I hope you have been having a great time here.
So far so good
I count this as comment #31
Woot!! We have A winning comment 💃🏼💃🏼
comment 31
Ha... It's not a delegation. I did that on accident but use it and buy some VYB.
Remind me to send you a Christmas NFT for being so close to 71
Woot!! Thanks A whole lot. I'll definitely remind you of the Christmas NFT😊
I was confused as well.. Thanks tho. How can I buy VYB?
Very soon, you will be yearning for the game to begin again. So enjoy it while it lasts.
Falalala la la la
Tis the season to be POBers
Falalala la la la
Now we all are
Dum dum dum dum
dum dum dum dum
Dum dee dity dee
Dee dee dum dum
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/6)@wrestlingdesires, I sent you an on behalf of @mineopoly
You are a gas lolzbot.
Tis the season for laughing! !LOL
My doctor told me to sleep on it.
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/2)@mineopoly, I sent you an on behalf of @wrestlingdesires
I like this joke a lot @lolzbot
I didn't know you could sing. This is why this game exists. I'm taking notes
I guess I'm in a jolly mood. I don't know if I would call this singing but if you can than I can. I learned from my youngest son.
I wanna with you
A merry thithmas
Brom da battum a ma heaaaart!!!
comment 32
Yay could it be, very soon I will be number
I bet you are close but about a day early @fallingforwards
comment 33
Virtually making me find and examine ways I can utilise my Youthful BI must say @mineopoly you have outdone yourself with this wicked game, You are arnicles in a not so promising way that makes me look foolish Lol #69 @wrestlingdesires can you untangle the greedy yellow birds tongue.
Barnicles. Have you ever scraped these off the hull of a boat? No thank you very much
No, I haven't had to risk that yet, he he, it doesnt sound much fun when put into context ha ha
You have verified thine intelligence with a worthy comment @jazonmurph.
Thank you my friend, its always nice to hear Jolly news
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(7/10)@jaxsonmurph! to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
You are out of jokes for the day!
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!@samsmith1971 you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 2 times per day.
comment 34
it comes at it had to come... while beeber goes to bed ... this little buffalo comes here and gets all prices ;-)
but I must say, I hope everything alright with @buffalobison is strange to not have you here, hope youre ok :-)
It's a tag team. You did your share with great results. Now it is Buffalo's turn.
Thank you
Time to go to work haha
Awesome. I thought my commute was difficult.
Good night
I am here, maybe you missed me 🙂Good to know there is always one of us watching whats going on 😉 I forgot to prepare something for tomorrow so will be awake a few time
For sure i missed you crazy buffaloN
I missed you too. Sleep tight, this comment section will be full of funny things while you sleep.
Ready to run around at the playground with you! @buffalobison
Not so much as happened last game :-)
That's for sure!
comment 36