Hello to any followers I still have after not posting for over two years! You must be pretty surprised to see me pop up with two posts in less than a day after all this time. No excuses, just, well you know, life... A shout out to @themagus who has kept the faith and still mentions me in dispatches sometimes, @dreemit, @dreemsteem, who else is still around?
We are back in Level 4 lockdown now, here in New Zealand. And are probably a laughing stock because of it, given that the rest of the world have finally figured out that elimination isn't actually possible. We still have a business and a household to keep ticking over, but I have a little bit more free time and lots of information I want to share.
These are some thoughts I quickly threw onto my website in March 2020 for friends, clients, etc but then couldn't share on FB as they block our entire domain. So probably nobody ever saw it. I updated it last month to send to a friend who asked what the alternative to the jab was, as if there wasn't one! Time to share with you all as well, and from here I can probably share to the dreaded FB as well.
So here are some ways to help your immune system. As always, please feel free to add other resources in the comments.
Level 1 – Staying Safe (through avoidance)
This is considered the most important level by many people, but I’ve been thinking that safety is really a bit of an illusion. Life on our beloved Planet Earth is inherently risky, and if we think we can keep ourselves safe from all dangers, we’re (a) deluding ourselves and (b) going to deprive ourselves of a lot of the richness of life. There’s a fine line between sensible precautions and living in a fear based way, and that line is in a different place for each of us.
Of course we want to look after the vulnerable amongst us. So, yes, let’s:
- Be hygienic
- Practice social distancing if we are vulnerable
- Stay home if we’re sick – for our own well being as well as that of others
- Make it possible for everybody to stay warm and eat healthily
- Let’s behave in a considerate way to ourselves and to others. But let’s do this every “flu season” not just because we think this is worse and is going to kill us all.
I’m not convinced that we need to go as far as we have in this area. But everybody needs to make their own call on this, depending on their own circumstances, and enough has been written about the “How To’s” elsewhere. So moving on..
Update July 2021 – Who could have foreseen the insanity that has prevailed over the last 15 months? Here are some things I never thought to write in March 2020 that I want to say now:
- Be hygienic – I meant “Wash your hands after going to the toilet or if they’re dirty”. I did not mean use hand sanitiser till you destroy your own natural skin biome and make your immune system lazy.
- Masks – Ashley Bloomfield said in March 2020 that we could wear masks if we wanted to but they didn’t work. That has not changed. So why are we being told to wear them, and why is everybody obeying? Masks prevent you from breathing fresh air. How is damaging your own health protecting anybody? More details in my post about masks here.
- In March 2020 we didn’t really know how serious this illness is. Now we do. Now we know that it’s mortality rate is only fractionally higher than previous seasonal flus. We know that there are plenty of substances that can help you get over it, even if you have a severe dose. I'll write more on that soon. We know that the figures have been inflated by categorising every death WITH Covid as being caused BY Covid. But given that the death rates last year were no higher than previous years, we can see they are not being completely truthful.
- Many of have seen first hand the damage caused by lockdowns. Damage to the economy, people’s livelihoods, people’s mental health, increase in suicides, increase in poverty, our seniors being kept from their families, and many more adverse results. The people imposing them (here and elsewhere in the world) do not have your best interests at heart.
- After decades of trying to find a vaccine for the common cold, they can’t do it. How have they managed to devise several for this in a few short months? And how have they managed to test it and verify that it’s safe? They haven’t – it’s still being trialed. And the deaths and vaccine injuries are mounting up AND being covered up. This article, by NZ doctors who are bravely risking their reputations and livelihoods to uphold their Hippocratic oath, is longish but vital reading https://nzdsos.com/2021/07/22/deaf-to-the-deaths/ – there is a lot more info, but really one article is all you need.
That's what the official narrative want us to think but we know better!
Level 2 – Physically preparing your own system to be able to deal with it
To me, one of the main foundations for good health is good nutrition. It might not fix everything, but it’s a good place to start. There is no “one size fits all” but there are a lot of commonalities to different nutrient dense whole food diets. Avoiding sugars and processed foods as much as possible is always a good start. Eat fresh, frozen or fermented foods. Eat foods rich in fat soluble vitamins such as full fat dairy, organ meats and seafood. For more details, here are Sally Fallon’s suggestions.
On top of that good grounding, we can:
- Take some natural supplements, but no need to go crazy. We are continuing to take our usual maintenance doses of supplements, which include Vitamin C, Vitamin B (from natural sources), Vitamins A & D from cod liver oil and desiccated liver, and minerals such as iodine, magnesium and zinc. If we show any signs of illness, we’ll increase our Vit C, and we have some extra immunity boosters on hand. There are lots of different herbs that promote immunity, and you may have your own favourites that work well for you. This year, I’ve chosen a liquid blend of echinacea, blackberry & honey plus some elderberry and zinc lozenges, that are in the cupboard, just in case.
- Drink clean water
- Get out into the fresh air and sunshine as much as possible.
- While out in the fresh air, breathe deeply. This lung exercises video demonstrates good exercises for those with lung cancer, COPD and other breathing problems. Since CoVid19 affects the lungs, this could be a good preventative routine. (Update Jul 2021 – and leave your mask off!)
- Get plenty of rest and sleep.
- But also make sure to get some exercise or movement every day. (July 2021 - I recently set up a webpage for my exercise classes for seniors at www.getfit.kiwi - pop along there, click on the Resources link for a variety of online exercise routines)
- Get your bare feet onto grass, sand or soil (grounding/earthing). This is a great way to balance your electrical system.
Update July 2021:
I’m still waiting for any elected officials to provide guidelines on how we can improve our immunity. Instead what I have seen is denial of all discussion about substances that are very effective against Covid (and other seasonal respiratory illnesses) – this includes Ivermectin, vitamins and other natural substances. Why would they not want us to use whatever will prevent or (gasp) even cure illnesses? And they expect me to believe they have my best interests at heart? (And yes, you’re not imagining that my tone is very different now than it was last year!)
Level 3 – Raise your emotional state
Fear will lower your immune status like nothing else. So why are government and the media trying to keep us in a fearful panicked state?
You don’t need to be fearful. Be sensible, sure. But then follow Dr Robert Anthony‘s advice to “reach for the better feeling”. One way might be favouring the activities that bring you joy. Or you might want to find some purpose for yourself in the current situation, whether it is lock-down or just the normal daily routines.
Update July 2021: - Even more important after the powers that be have spent 15 months browbeating the population into a terror of a disease with a very low death rate.
Level 4 – Energetic Healing
This is a broad category and I’m including lots of things, like these ones, in no particular order:
- Acupuncture
- Energy Kinesiology
- Emotional Freedom Technique
- Reiki
- Prayer
- Homeopathy
- Meditation
Some of them we might not have access to right now, as we need a skilled practitioner. But there are some we can do for ourselves.
Using the principles of energy kinesiology, we can wake up our brains and bodies with some simple daily routines.
- This YouTube video shows the basic Touch For Health switch on exercises
- This one has 3 foundational brain gym exercises – brain buttons, balance buttons and thinking cap.
- Also on my website at www.getfit.kiwi - on the Resources link are some daily Yoga or Tai Chi exercises.
But my absolute favourite immunity booster is an Immunity tapping protocol, originally put together by EFT practitioner Gwenn Bonnell. You can find it on my page about EFT for physical issues . If you’re new to EFT, take some time to look round the rest of the section and learn how you can tap for yourself.
Welcome back @kiwideb ,this is truly a crazy world we live in, I for one will not live in fear, I agree with taking the necessary precautions like washing of hands, I don't agree with all these sanitizing and mask wearing, because of it I hardly go out any more. Thank you for your post, I really found it very interesting.
Hi @artywink, so nice to touch base with like minded people :-)
You are so welcome @kiwideb .stay well and free.
by the way - had covid - it got very very VERY serious (back in Feb 2020) and my doc prescribed 2 inhalers. (like for asthma - this was BEFORE doctors was told to stop treating patients with things that were working) she told me "even if you feel better - keep using it for 2 weeks." which I did.
they were like $30 total maybe??
recovered fully.
i've since been exposed to it twice since then.
the first time after - i got covid-like symptoms MILDLY and then i assume my body kicked in and said "oh! i know what this is!" and i was fine
second time i got exposed - the delta variant RAGED all around me - including hitting my home (for one of my kids that DIDN'T get it the first time around) i didn't even get a sniffle.
(in my opinion) There are a LOT of people like me who do NOT need a vaccine because we GOT the original strain and even have been exposed to delta - and our bodies are MORE protected than those who are getting the shot.
remember all those scary numbers throughout 2020??? all those people who got covid and survived?? THEY SHOULD BE ADDING those numbers to those who have gotten the shot and we should all be in the clear. so why why why still all this fear and separation???
Hello stranger is lovely to see you back 😀
Thanks @karenb54 - hope you have got through these hard times ok. I'm not sure whether your health situation will have made things harder for you, or whether you are more accustomed to being house bound so stronger! Either way, all the best xx
Its been a difficult time, I hardly left the house. It was actually a nice change for me as I had company all day with hubby being furloughed from work. I am still here so think that's a positive. Hope you and yours are safe and well.♥️
It's been a while. Welcome back.
I should go back and do some Tai Chi too.
Thanks @ace018 - yes, sometimes we need a reminder of what we can do to lift our spirits
You're welcome
Welcome back stranger {WARM HANDCLAP} ... I had never heard of EFT and tapping before... just went down the rabbit hole and two hours of my life gone ...
There are worse ways to lose 2 hours of your life :-)
Nice to be back and see old friends.
Glad you back ... your man has been keeping himself busy stirring nonsense {smile}