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RE: Age discrimination in Blockchain recruiting?

in #proofofbrain2 years ago

I am now nearly 40 and even I feel old when it comes to blockchain technology programming and stuff. Thats even though I studied IT 20 years ago.

On the other hamd many of rhese youmg folks sooner or later find out, that they are mussing a few things older ones could teach them.

10 years ago I thought as well I know everything better then the person in front of me. Today I am listening more, but still not as much as I should.

If you ever are interested in doing a blockchain project. I have lots of ideas, but no idea how to get a start to realize them.

E.g. i would love to do a game around the job of a works council to make this special job more understandable to "normal people".


If you ever make a crypto game please make it fun. All these crypto games are so poor in fun factor.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

It should be more than buying cards and click.