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comments of the day:
Today's topic
What will it take for any altcoin to take the throne of bitcoin?
Topic from @sugandhaseth
- note winners will also be judge by engagements and quality
Let me try and answer my own question.
First of all, it's not going to be easy and the possibility in itself is very bleak. Bitcoin is kind of used as an alternative name for Crypto currency. As a terminology, bitcoin is more famous and popular than bitcoin. Bitcoin is like the Gucci and Prada and other coins are like Adidas and Nike, some are even less like Bata.
So the question is - Can Adidas and Nike ever take the place of Gucci? I think we all know the answer.
But can Adidas compete with Gucci? Yes, why not, for sure.
Let's talk about that.
Winning this battle required 2 things primarily:
I would still take my initial stand, it is going to be extremely difficult but nothing is impossible.
But ethereum is not yet at bitcoin level.
Even though ethereum is trying but bitcoin is still it father.
I thought I'm still have a very long way to go before it's reach bitcoin level.
It's all an experiment and as far as I can tell bitcoin was the first. After decades things might look different. Bitcoin could be looked at as an antique like an old Ferrari or a Harley Davidson. They are gas guzzlers but they are classic and hold their value.
For an altcoin to take bitcoin's throne they need to win the name brand spot while providing overwhelming services and prove themselves to be just as decentralized as bitcoin or more.
Good morning all and thank God for another wonderful question
Altcoin is just like alternative coin to bitcoin.
However,before talking about how altcoin can take over the throne of bitcoin we should discuss about what make bitcoin better than altcoin
One of the things is the that bitcoin is easy accessible, it also as more liquid and more softward and hardware are more in support of it than altcoin
Now, for altcoin to take over the throne... altcoin must have a liquid with higher number of volume that is far morethan bitcoin and also have a strong developer ecosystem with strong software and more implementations than any bitcoins
If all this can be possible I believe it will going along way to bring altcoin to take over the throne of bitcoin
True boss
Bitcoin has a very easy access and that's what I do say about proofofbrain community token Pob.
For pob to move higher, proofofbrain easy access is so important even in every crypto growth.
It is easy to access hive than pob so hive value surpassed pob value. until pob also have easy access and can be used in other exchange then it's popularity and value will increase.
With the knowledge I have,
The only reason why Bitcoin was the king of all cryptocurrency is because it's the first cryptocurrency ever existed in around 2009 and nothing more.
There are some cryptocurrency that are more creative than bitcoin and have a great project and plan than bitcoin but it still amazes me why bitcoin still rule them.
Hive even has more blockchain activities than Bitcoin and you have fee less transaction or a very low transaction than Bitcoin
Many cryptocurrency has all what it takes to be better than Bitcoin but Bitcoin still rules them all . Even Solana with it's great project under it is still rules by Bitcoin.
All this is because bitcoin existed before them all and nothing more.
Now about the topic
For an altcoin to take over Bitcoin throne, it must have a stronger community than bitcoin which I think it's possible and Bitcoin community is something else.
If you noticed world market in the crypto, all markets to follow bitcoin trend most of the time . If Bitcoin fall most of them will fall on a bitcoin rise most of them will rise.
If altcoin can build a stronger community than bitcoin it will surely take Bitcoin throne
I quite agreed with you, altcoin could be stronger than Bitcoin as time goes on I strongly believe that.
Cryptocurrency is divided into three parts according to people.
1 Bitcoin- bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency and is regarded as the leading figure of cryptocurrency. It has a total supply of 21 million and was formed in 2008.
2 Altcoin-altcoin are cryptocurrency that are different from Bitcoin and has its blockchain on its own and can stand alone.
The most popular altcoin known by everyone is ethereum and it is known as bitcoin competitor.
Order altcoin include Hive, litecoin, dogecoin,fantom,steem,Monero, binance smart chain,Solana and more I can't mention
3.Token- token is a cryptocurrency under a particular altcoin that does not hurt block chain on its own like pob under hive blockchain,solanium under Solana block chain,freecoin under BNB blockchain
What a nice lecture from you
I learnt a lot from your explanation.
My question is can a talking later become and altcoin?
For example can pob have it's own blockchain like be an altcoin?
Oh I think pob can have its own blockchain.
Hive was away from steem and now have it's own blockchain,so pob can also go to that extent This question has once been treated in this community #pobstreet.
Quick, simple and easy answer - The Coin need to Top the CoinmarketCap, which is currently $820 Billion of Bitcoin.
But it is that easy so. I don't think. Because Bitcoin is the Foundation of Cryptocurrencies, and as we are moving closer to its limited 21 Million total supply, it will only increase the demand and Its marketcap as well as price. Even though with boom of many altcoins people still know cryptocurrency with Bitcoin as its only face. That's the reason why in every Cryptocurrency Market Crush, Even after massive price decline, Bitcoin gains strong market dominance, the more the dip, the more gain in BTC Dominance. Its because panic sellers prefer Bitcoin over other altcoins. Bitcoin holds so much trust in cryptocurrency market that most investors know that their investment will be not lost forever, it may take some time but BTC is going to boom again, it has to. For example we can all agree that BTC will hit 100k $ one day, but when that is still to watch out for. I don't think any other coin have such market dominance, Ethereum (ETH) is strong alternative, even if ETH beats BTC at CoinmarketCap, it will be hard to Beat BTC market price. Because ETH current Marketcap is $356 B but its price is just 3k $.
But still nothing is impossible and no one can predict the future, we don't know how Cryptocurrency will shape the future. Who knows we may have other virtual currency or new alternatives of technology. All that is in future. 😊👍
I don't think it's possible for any altcoin this moment to take the throne of the almighty Bitcoin because as all altcoin at developing so as bitcoin also.
But for altcoin to take the throne of Bitcoin,
Ethereum is the only altcoin that can compete with bitcoin but bitcoin is still above it and ethereum still have a long way to go to catch bitcoin and the advantage bitcoin have over all other cryptocurrency is because it is the first cryptocurrency that ever existed.
So big and top rich people trusted it than many other cryptocurrency but ethereum also carries top world investors trust.
Great Creativity in blockchain and ecosystem is what can make any altcoin take over Bitcoin.It might not take over it now but in years to come it can later overshadow it.
Cryptocurrency is still early and you are early to know about cryptocurrency.
You are early to know about hive and pob so be thankful that you know cryptocurrency now. Just imagine how rich you will be in 20years to come and by that time some people will just know about cryptocurrency.
The presence of Bitcoin can never be dethroned easily except by
There are just little altcoin with the total supply less than that of Bitcoin total supply 21 million coin
It takes only time for any altcoin to take the throne of Bitcoin because I don't think it can happen soon but there is nothing that cant happen as far as CryptoCURRENCY is concerned.
This world is full of surprise and anything can happen.
You can hear that dogecoin price is more than that of bitcoin and that's the world we are in
Even we can also create a topic we can discuss here
I love this #pobstreet. I have an interesting #topic and Avery great topic that will favour this tribe if answered.
What can this tribe proofofbrain do to influence this hive community
There is a strange cryptocurrency currency that is yet to enter mainnet and the cryptocurrency as a very great potential to take the throne of Bitcoin.
The name of the cryptocurrency is pi network. It has a very high potential to be the most used to cryptocurrency in the world and has over 25 million coin holders and it use case according to how it's going might be so much.
It has all it takes to overthrone bitcoin but still yet to reach mainnet
Nice being here again
What will take for any altcoin to take the throne of Bitcoin is that if any altcoin price or market capacity can be more than that of Bitcoin or if people invest in other altcoin than Bitcoin then it's will definitely take Bitcoin throne.
Altcoin taking Bitcoin throne?
We all know it's impossible for all present altcoin except a new cryptocurrency is formed today that can take on Bitcoin
To allow an altcoin to take the throne of Bitcoin, the coin must be used more than Bitcoin and how can that be possible,other altcoin like ethereum,hive,litecoin and binance must be more creative to enhance it's usecase
Honestly, truth be said bitcoin have be the first and any other coins that wanted to take the sit or that throne will also be in support of those who have been in support of bitcoin too and more also I don't think that altcoin can the throne bitcoin and so is a time frame thing
Today is another beautiful day and I thank God to be among this platform,as ever before I hope pob will get better soon.i don't know so but let hope so.
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