When I'm having fun flinging money around like a happy whale, here are 11 things I'm looking out for:
We may all be just be cogs in the machine, but at least we can be colourful cogs
"Cogs.23" by fROt - spraypaint on canvas with digital editing
Wherever we may be, funny as fuck is just around the corner
Our history books are full of shit, so let's start flinging some shit right back at the fuckers trying to spoon feed us lie upon lie (and that includes ALL politicians, every last one of of the worthless lying maggots)
There's nothing quite like gawking at some photos - a gateway to other worlds
But keep in mind "they" are playing both sides - basic tactics 101
In the digital age we can all be artists - make some shapes
"Naked In A Field" by fROt - Crayon on paper with digital editing
There is an entire world out there - get off your fucking phones and fill it with colour
If the end is nigh, and we are all fucked, and we are going to end our days beaten into submission - we can still have some fun before we shrivel up and die...
Less words, more pictures - stop trying to bore each other's pants off with endless tossfest word salads
One of the fastest way to transmit ideas in an age of information overload is with memes
Interesting Shit
You know - the opposite of boring shit...
So basically when you spot some purple .. ;-)
Good to know ,... ;-)
yes purple always does the trick
oooooh pretty, so you get to that place called outside too! OMG isn't it amazing? :)
not at the moment i don't - it's pissing down sideways all the way from Antarctica!
I reason in these same lines, my
dbeak would be shaped just like yours if I was a whale.Hehehe. Cool @frot!Long story is not part of me. Get it brief and get it done.
Oush, it feels so good to be a whale!😄
Nice approach, lets keep Hive interesting!!
May i ask a question ,... if you have a product , like some cool puzzle , bit rubicscube style of thing ,.. is the blockchain a way to claim origin , like proof of creation , like protected against steeling the concept ?
I have a thing created that would make a great party puzzle or ornament to place on a desk . created on a design from the great M.C. Escher . I wonder how to proceed now without loosing any rights to my creation . I was thinking that the blockchain , hive or better POB could be my witness of origin when i do a full post on it .
Any advice is match appreciated , :-)
I don't know about such things, but I suspect that although it might help your case if it came to a legal battle, if say a big multinational corporation stole your idea the only thing that would help is a registered patent and that would only apply to one country at a time.
So what I'm saying here is might be better to just start selling it without letting the idea be seen first. But get better advice, I'm clueless about legal stuff.
There was a lawyer in the comments ones , can't remember his name do , he might know the legal state of a blockchain entry . I know FB and TWat and all legally don't give a shit , so what about blockchain ? ,... can someone DV you in to oblivion and steel your colors ?
Anyways , thanks m8 , see the Escher i used .thank for that ,.. i might need some crowdfunding for production and all ,... simple production , like @lucylin could do it with a jig-saw , or anyone having the proper means for production ( like a laser cutter ) ;-) .
Those long neck women, oh wow, cannot imagine.
This could be my mother-in-law. 🤣
Does she object to your arseless chaps?
Ohhhh... could that be be why she didn't approve of me?...
LOL, less boring shit... we know!
yeah, interesting shit is always preferable to boring shit :)))) making tautologies fun like boss
I'd say that guy in the last pic definitely isn't a chin above the rest.
He has more manboobs
I probably agree with you 100%, but I'm not sure because I can't read Norwegian...😕
hva i helvete holder du på med?
Those last two were the most impacting. I think you could actually save time and skip the first ten or so and just say:
Fuck the man
But then having ten steps previous does drive your point in.
Colorful downvote queen