Internet free day, TV free too

in #proofofbrain3 months ago


Wow what a day.

I wanted to go for 24 hours with zero interaction with the outside world.
I locked my car on the drive of our farm, closed the gates and spent 24 hours away from the rest of the world.
That included my partner and daughter.

I had no laptop. I have no TV full stop, just an old tube one that is not even plugged in.
I had no internet and only a phone so I could speak to some people that genuinely annoyed me with therm germ theory & others that were of a similar mind.

The most interesting part for me came down to what is it all about. Life?
When you condense it down to the basics like I did it came down to two or three things.

  • Staying warm.

  • Eating a good meal.

  • Getting a good nights sleep.

Sadly I had to go shopping today so had the misfortune of being stared at or is it glared at by the maskrons and the vaccinated.

I got into a heated debate 2 nights ago on fakebook with a vaccination person. I tried to work out what it is exactly they want.
It was a woman who was saying she had been vaxed and anti vaxers were insane. I stated thus "you are vaccinated yes? Then you should feel safe yes? Then why are you calling other people names and not just enjoying your new found freedom?"

Oh my lord she went off on a rant at me. "It is people like you that make it so we can not go back to normal"
"It is all your fault"
"If you lot do not get vaxed we are all doomed"

And on and on she went like that.

I just sat and watched the rant as it amuses me.

What can I say. I am easily pleased to the extent I did not need the internet for 24 hours.
The only reason I have it today is so the world still knows I am alive. Maybe. Possibly.

I wanted a T'bone steak too and Lidl had them on offer :-)

It was in Lidl the vaxxed were glaring at me. With their safety face diaper on all you can see is the angry staring eyes. "HOW DARE YOU BE DIFFERENT AND NOT WEAR A FACE DIAPER!!!!!"

Is what those eyes scream at me.

My body my choice honey bunny!

It looks like a collective insomnia. A government pushed shut your mouth you fool.


There are other reasons I decided to cop out for a day.

Just to try and make some sense of it all!.

In 4 days time here. There is an international outdoor event where you buy food from all around the world.
The temporary food stalls are already in place.
I will take a picture next time I pass them like I did today.

Now what you are expected to do is thus.

Wear a mask to walk there.
Wear a mask to order food there. Sit down in the middle with hundreds of people, remove said mask sitting next to strangers and eat?
And I am the insane one?

There is some logic to it somewhere I am sure. I just fail to see it.


Lidl supermarket experience.

All them glaring eyes, all them frowns, and all them staring people fail to note the people on the till. You know the ones, they touch every single item you buy. They are all still very much alive.
They wear the mask below the nose so they can breath.
They accept money. You know that thing called cash.

And yet they are all still here alive and kicking.

Them food products, beers, bottles the lot have been touched by thousands of people.
Do the germ theory people take them home and disinfect them? One by one before putting them away? Curious, asking for a friend.


Now that is bound to trigger someone is it not?

That was another thing I did not miss without the internet. Arguments.
Seems a lot of people only come online to kick scream and shout. Keyboard warriors in their own lunch time.

The more that work from home the worse it will get.

I think I might disconnect for a week or a month then. Possibly for good.

It is a beautiful world and one full of life if we take risks and go and live it.
The safety net brigade have had a full on year., Take off the masks and breath.

What it takes to get them to realise they have been played by bankers is beyond my comprehension.

There you go. My day back online. I can not promise I will be tomorrow.

I went to sleep at 10pm last night. First time in decades. I had nobody to chat with online to 3 or 4am. I felt better for it.

Maybe the internet is not so healthy after all. Maybe we need a break from time to time.

It helped me re-balance anyway. Try it. You might like it.

Darren here, just a man. Over and OUT.

Have a superb week and try to make some sense of it all.