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RE: New Tribe & Token: Verify Your Brain || vybrainium (VYB)

Allright... I'll bite, particularly since I am in the middle of evaluating POB's viability, anyway.

  1. Freedom from downvotes. I suppose that can work, as long as "freedom from downvotes" isn't merely clever semantics for "freedom from CONSEQUENCES" of saying something broadly disagreed with. That tends to be the "unmentionable" Achilles heel of many who crusade for free speech. All in favor of "no self-votes," however... self-votes have always struck me as being akin to publishing a book, and then going down to the bookstore to buy your own book in service of "make believe" that you're a more popular author than you actually are.

  2. Perhaps really "1a," but this notion of tribe level control with mutes seems to immediately invite a certain degree of centralization. Maybe that's just part and parcel of Layer 2 communities since they tend to be "focused" and there has to be some kind of mechanism to *include/exclude."

  3. Glad to see this will all be run on an *"Outpost" front end. One of my concerns about POB for a while has been the appearance of a community that was slowly fading away. As I am sure you are well aware, communities require constant nurturing. The generic POB front end has — at least for me — been somewhat of a drawback, and I have preferred to willingly pay the "tax" to post from something more user-friendly like PeakD or LeoFinance.

Anyway, this is all interesting to see and goes a ways towards answering some of my doubts in my most recent post... although I remain slightly uncertain as to whether or not this all has a "purpose" or "focus" or whether that merely consists of being "yet another blockchain posting venue."

I guess I am still looking for a somewhat concise "This tribe exists BECAUSE _______ and aims to fill these _______ objectives."



this notion of tribe level control with mutes seems to immediately invite a certain degree of centralization.

in this post, all Hive-Engine tribes and tokens are fully centralized when it really comes down to brass tacks. That's why you really need to focus on the team, in general, and, more importantly, the individual who holds the private keys to the issuing account.That is true. However, as explained by @themarkymark a few months ago,

With respect to VYB, all mute actions will be handled by a team (which will be led by @scholaris), each of whom will be granted 'mute' authority by the issuing account (@vyb.vyb), but each of whom will be following a strict and transparent policy. That policy will require notifications to all accountholders receiving mute actions (explaining the rationale behind the action and telling them how to appeal it), issuing warnings for certain first offenses, etc.

Members of the anti-abuse team who do not abide by the policy will be removed from team.

I guess I am still looking for a somewhat concise "This tribe exists BECAUSE _______ and aims to fill these _______ objectives."

I appreciate that sentiment. I don't know that a single concise answer can be given.

I guess I would say

  • This tribe exists BECAUSE a growing number of Hivers have expressed various levels of discontent with the status quo and we believe the changes we are instituting with Verify Your Brain and VYB will [1] provide a level of freshness in the air for those growing weary of the status quo and [2] might spur others to launch their own Layer 2 experiments -- to either attempt to solve other problems or to solve some of the same problems in different ways.
  • and aims to fill these objectives:
    • in all ways, complement the Proof of Brain tribe and the POB token,
    • demonstrate an effective way to combat abuse without the need for downvotes,
    • provide a mechanism wherein content creators who need to 'make a living' off their on-chain efforts can still earn tokens for that purpose (e.g. HIVE, HBD, POB) while also earning a token that they will be more likely to hodl (i.e. VYB) either for retirement or for a rainy day,
    • create a world-class example of community-driven curation, an example that will hopefully eventually be emulated by other and future tribes,
    • provide a token (i.e. VYB) that will be uniquely attractive to outside investors.

There are no doubt other objectives that don't come to mind at the moment, but that's a pretty good overview of where we're coming from.

The overview is a good one , lets keep fingers crossed to see how everything will turn out to be...i am positive towards this great project of yours..