US Stock Market , or house of Cards Inferno? πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯β›½β›½β›½

in #proofofbrain β€’ 4 years ago

Screenshot 2021-07-09 at 3.54.35 PM.png Stonks are on Fire, that's for sure - Image by @coininstant! β›½β›½β›½

Stocks appear to be trading on the edge!

When it comes to stocks, lately all I hear about is how strong they are, how they only go up, stocks to the moon! This has been true, if you look at the chart we're at all time highs, & on the surface it appears great, however there is something more insidious that the media isn't talking about. This problem that I see as now is as clear as day, it's the extraordinarily high margin level of the Security Brokers & Dealers!! See Chart Below, Margin Traders are at all time highs too. Oooooof!

Everyone's margined to the gills!

fred-margin-levels-2021.png Stock Buyer Beware: Chart Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve

This level of margin raises a very big red flag!

The chart above does not look too healthy for the market as a whole. Every time in the past after margin levels even spiked like this, we came tumbling down, and way down. 1986, 2000, 2008, were all followed by deflation. The only logical thing to happen next will be a mass liquidation event like never before seen. If you thought March 2020 was bad, then wait till you see this!!

1200px-Black_Monday_Dow_Jones.svg.png Image Source: (Above) 1987 Black Monday!!

All it takes is one card in the house to fall, and the whole financial system may come tumbling down!

We're on the event horizon of one of the greatest liquidity margin calls of all time, it's history in the making!! Shame on these traders now for acting so irresponsible, they're acting like greedy pigs, buying up all the assets, increasing prices with borrowed money, and it may be time for their history lesson really soon! As Jim Cramer says β€œBulls Make Money, bears make money, and Pigs get slaughtered”, I love bacon!!

I'm not sure why the fed is permitting all this margin to go down either? To me, it looks like a giant trap set up to liquidate all their assets, just like how huckexchanges do with Cryptocurrency futures traders every few months. BTC went to 60K, everyone said 100k, then it crashed. Stocks are rising now, everyone says "Stonks only go up!", but what is sure to follow is another crash, the biggest one in history IMHO, and soon!!

Once interest rates rise, or the Delta variant +, or another black swan, or the great reset happens, all these traders on margin are going to be toast! If things don't change, eventually we’re going to see the reckoning, and it's gonna trickle down into every facet of the economy, it might even reck bitcoin again!!

The day when the house of cards tumbles, history is going to repeat, and it ain’t gonna be pretty. So take my advice now, if you are part of the margin herd, get out and get out now! Also don't forget to take profits on your stocks before it's too late. Margin holders are the weakest link, this market certainly is not built on diamond hands like the meme WSB traders will have you think. The next collapse is most likely going to stem from the Meme Stock Bubble collapse as a matter of fact! lol, you've been warned! Time is money, money is time, and the stock market is a ticking time bomb, running hot on borrowed time, and gas fumes. I don't see how much longer this market can be sustainable.

I’m not the only one worried about the future stock market's deflation.

β€œThe Bond Market Knows All” - Alessio Rastani

There is a famous financial guru named Allessio Rastani which I follow on YouTube from time to time, and he just posted a video that is concerning. Allessio sees the writing on the wall, in his latest video, which I linked below, he explains how deflation may be coming soon, most likely in Q2 2022 and beyond! Some signs that we’re seeing now are the big players in the market, the smartest money, are already hedging their bets and buying up safety in the Bond Market for the future. Markets are forward looking, these huge Bond investors are investing now looking years ahead. They are betting on rising bond prices, which is deflationary!

Screenshot 2021-07-09 at 1.38.54 PM.png

β€œThe Bond Market Knows All” -- Alessio Rastani

Screenshot 2021-07-09 at 1.48.10 PM.png The Smart money doesn’t buy big spikes, they buy dips, and it already looks like the Bond market put in a bullish reversal pattern (above)!

Deflation - Not what everyone is expecting!

The video above is just a warning, it says not to worry now because we're still safe in inflation, maybe for a couple more years, however eventually deflation will rear it's ugly head again. Markets move in inflation / deflation swings, that's just the way it works, and the bond market can predict these swings way in advance. Allessio compers the economy to a boiling pot of water, when we had Covid-19, it was like putting a lid on the economy, causing deflation. There always unknown factors that can arise in the future, recessions, and depressions, so it's best to be prepared and think about the future before it's too late.

I personally don't look forward to seeing this next deflationary move, however I am ready, already, will you be?? So the time is now to start pairing the margin, cooling the economy with controlled burns, hopefully the fed will act now, rather than later, because later might be too late and the whole system might go poof, up in smoke, poof, like a house of cards in a raging inferno! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯β›½β›½β›½

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If you look at pob's richlist on marky's tool, you will see a rewards curve that puts our's to shame.
From what I can see they have a tremendous amount of small stakeholders.
If you could make a script and airdrop 10 pay on a couple thousand active users I think it would help improve our curve on that tool.
I've been air dropping and/or dumping all I've been getting trying to get more pay into more hands.

That's a good idea, I heard @Klye has an airdrop script, that might be the best route. Pay's been going up lately, so it must be helping!! I got into pay because I received an airdrop a long time ago, so I know airdrops work!

There was an airdrop?

I've noticed my daily rewards are down.
I'm guessing that is from the folks I've staked pulling out more.

Yeah in the very beginning I had 4200 sent to me for free, that's how I found out about it because I saw it in my account. I just tried to go look, but the records don't seem to go back that far in Hive-Engine.

I just stake everything and when the big green candle lit up the room I saw I had 10's of thousands of dollars of pay!
It was quite exciting.
Then I came back to reality.
Maybe we can make something out of this with the newbs.
If we make the tail long enough nobody will want it stepped on?

Β 4 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Screenshot 2021-07-11 at 8.46.54 AM.png
I just sent some out to some accounts that look political.

FBS just bought some of your airdrops.
I was gonna powerup the folks with the buy back that bought my dump, but they are you and some other whales, lol.
Now I gotta look at the small fish.
Probably best to do it manually, for me.

If we can coordinate a large burn by the top 10 or so holders, it might help the price.

It might be better to power them up, liquid is too easy to dump.

The snowball is rolling down the hill,...

Yeah. I have an airdrop script that turns posts into script powered airdrops somewhere..

Lemme dig this shit out...

Only works for HE tokens atm.. As with all my software it is use at your own risk.
I'm just waking up now, cannot for the life of things remember how to use that script.
Maybe search through HIVE looking for klye and dropbot.. The originating post should show.

You always provide great information

This is the best time to make a profit and get out. Wait a while And re-enter when the correct time has come. Otherwise what is in the circle of excessive greed can also get out of your hands.

Your post is very informative. Thanks for sharing. Great work dear.

thank you very much for the exchange, have a good day and a great weekend

First time I am changing your posting today very hot πŸ”₯

What's a brilliant posting !

Posted via

thank you very much for sharing a great post, have a good day and a great mood

Β 4 years agoΒ (edited)Β 


Your posting is reblog dear sir

Reblog your posting

Been callign for deflation since 2008.. but the money printers plunge protect. Same play book. Deflation is completely game over- stone age WWIII shit, inflation and debt is the system of the world. Nothing goes on forever, but inflating the debt away with a slower psychological approach is the preferred way imo

BTC been deflating nicely as of late though, lol. I'm not really worried, hope your right and things stay like this, except for the crypto deflating thing.

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Very hot posting

Amazing idea of the information posting dear

Your every post is is informative for us




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