Moist Moist, Make It Rain!


Seeds Are So Moist

...Germinating Squash, Cukes, and Melon
there are a few different ways to germinate seeds. in this instance, I am going to use seeds, water, paper towel, and a plastic zip bag.

It really is simple: Lay out a couple of paper towels, and fold them into about the size of twice as big as a plastic zipper bag. Place a few seeds on the paper towel, then fold THAT into the size that will fit into a plastic baggie. Pour a little bit of water over that. Then, place the paper towel with seeds, into a baggie, and zip it closed. THEN, place the entire bag onto a heat mat.


Above: A dozen potted up tomato Plants, Ready to be moved into my sunporch for hardening off, later this week, or early next.
Below: More tomato plants, ready to move.


White Cherry, Sweetie Cherry, Blueberry Cherry, Yellow pear are the smaller grape, cherry style tomato plants this year. Ukrainian Plum, San Marzano, and Roma, are the plum style Tomato. Beefsteak, Brandywine Black, Cherokee Purple, Black Tula, Black Sea Man, Jubilee, and Tigerella are the large tomato plants for my garden this year.


Above: Pepper plants, in the sunroom, ready for the next step of hardening off.

Sweet Banana Pepper, Sunbright Yellow Bell, Coral Bell, and Purple Bell Pepper, and a Lemon Drop Yellow Pepper (medium Heat) are the varieties of pepper growing this year, for me.


Above: I am growing National Pickling, Straight 8, Spacemaster 80, and Muncher Cucumber.
Below: For Squash, I am growing Zucchini, Golden Summer Squash, Butternut and Spaghetti Squash, A Pumpkin, as well as Honeydew and Watermelon.


Tomorrow, I hope to set up the 10 Gallon (37 liter) Fabric Grow Bags, for the Butternut and Spaghetti Squash, the Watermelon, and the Honeydew Melon.

My next tasks for me to accomplish, this coming week:

  • I have another 20 grow bags, to fill, that's the last of them. A total of 20 or so for pepper, 45 or so for tomato, a half dozen for other plants.
  • I have ten 10 Gallon Grow Bags, on order, for squash, melon, watermelon, and larger plants.
  • end of week, I will start Hardening OFF my peppers: transplanting outside, within 10 days.
  • Next week, I will be hardening off Tomato, and following week, squash, Zucchini and more herbs! It takes about a week for Hardening off plants. so, once I start, I transplant in 7 or 8 days, depending on weather.

I need to find a couple of large container for the Blueberry Bushes.

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Happy New Planting and Cheers,

All Photos by Bluefin Studios unless specified.

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You've been curated by @gardenhive on behalf of the HIVE GARDEN COMMUNITY! We support gardening, homesteading, cannabis growers, permaculture and other garden related content. Delegations to the curation account, @gardenhive, are appreciated, and help YOUR Hive garden grow! Find our community here!

I can imagine your garden with lots of plants 😁.

This year, I started about twice as many seedlings, as I did last year.
Here's a look at August last year!

I've been helping my mom with the garden while she's away. 🐘 and I'm realizing it's not as simple as I thought it was! The seeds that she planted before she left are growing like mad! And I'm not going to transplant until she comes home. 😆 The blueberries are growing though - she will be so excited to see them when she gets back! Nice to see you today!

It's cool fun, tho... right?

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Stay creative & hive on!

Beautiful @bluefinstudios This year I'm working on planting in my garden Butternut Squash, Beetroot, Corn, potatoes, but I think it is too late to start with tomatoes. Thanks for sharing!

@acgalarza it's not too late. Many tomato take 60-70 days for maturity... so,m you can definitely find varieties that you can sow!

Are you doing posts about your garden?

Hi @bluefinstudios ! No, I haven't done any garden posts this year. I'm new in the Hive Community, and I'm thinking I probably should. I'll think about it.

What variety of Tomatoes would your recommend this late in the year?

For a smaller cherry tomato, I strongly recommend either Sweetie, or Sweetie 100, or Sun Gold.
For a slightly larger sized tomato, Early Girl definitely works, (short growing season), beefsteak, any Roma (plum type), or try a Cherokee Purple!

I'm going to definitely try it! Prices here in Europe are skyrocketing and at the moment Tomatoes or tomato products are slowly being rationed. Thanks for the tips, @bluefinstudios

You make gardening so fun but, it is so hard, helped my mother recently and I've quit 😆

I can tell how much you love gardening. I hope you meet your next task for this coming week

Sure hope so, TOO!

Wow, I don't have a garden of my own yet, but I hope to get one in the future. Your garden is beautiful 😍😍.

I know I have fun, hopefully, we'll see garden posts from you soon!

I hope so too 😊.

That is some amount of seedlings, I expect a bumper harvest, how many mouths are you feeding!
I used to grow chillies tomatoes and courgettes when I was resident in my house in Florida!
Popped in via Dreemport

@tengolotodo thanks for supporting @dreemport! we love it.
As for how ,many I am feeding? I have my own family of 4, plus I give away some vegetables to my neighbors, and my brother. I raise the food, and enjoy gardening, but none goes to waste. I give it away and truly enjoy sharing the bounty with those around me.

I am growing 4 types of courgettes this year, some zucchini and some summer squash.

My pleasure Greg, @dreemport is awesome and I wish I had more time to do more, well perhaps I shall, who knows.
Yes when I grew veggies, one of the best feelings apart from them tasting so delicious was sharing the bounty with people, you can't beat the feeling of giving!

Sharing that bounty is AMAZING!

Yes a great feeling!

Bluefins and the fantastic garden. Always a delight to watch how well you care for these plants. watching them grow must be relaxing. Bravo as always Bluefins, love to see it😍💗

Thank you much, my friend @queenstarr !
As you can tell from following, Gardening is a joy for me!

😍Yes True. Gardening is your niche🌟

You have been busy 🌾Are you going to use pots again this year?

I ahve been a weeeee bit busy!
as you can see This post HERE!, (only small part of the pots) I am again using Fabric grow bags. They were very successful, last year, and hopefully again this year. I am close to doubled the pots this year,over last.

Nice 🙌 Those grow bags could easily produce enough to feed a LOT of people!


@bluefinstudios! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Why did the parents not like their son’s biology teacher?
He had skeletons in his closet.

Credit: marshmellowman
@bluefinstudios, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @wrestlingdesires
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Indeed, they do!

Have I mentioned before that you are a great inspiration! You are so organized and methodical. I seem to throw things into the ground - although I keep according to the seasons and moon cycles. My husband asked me why I was planting garlic last week if I hadn't first chilled the garlic. Ummm.....ooops

Garlic is kinda cool!
Sure, there's the BEST way, and that's planting in mid fall, so it overwinters, but, you can also plant now, and it will be perfect for a late fall harvest,. Also, you can harvest smaller, garlic, and use it. Still tastes great, and its mild, not strong flavor is perfect. As is the garlic greens!

So, nothing wrng wiht planting garlic in spring.

Ah, but here in South Africa it is mid Fall ;) I held back some garlic to delay another couple weeks because our weather is still all over the place. Seasons aren't sure if they're heading in or out of summer!

You nailed that he is very organized and methodical. I watched his season last year and the harvest that he brought in from the space in his backyard. It was pretty cool.

It must've been! It's a privilege to learn from someone like that

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 104 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Lay out a couple of paper towels, and fold them into about the size of twice as big as a plastic zipper bag. Place a few seeds on the paper towel, then fold THAT into the size that will fit into a plastic baggie. Pour a little bit of water over that. Then, place the paper towel with seeds, into a baggie, and zip it closed. THEN, place the entire bag onto a heat mat.


I knew about germinating seeds resting on wet, paper towels in Ziploc baggies for a few days but the heat mat part is new to me.

For how long do you leave the baggies with the wet seeds on paper towels on it?

📷 An excellent, informative post with great photographs📸

Keep up the good work!

Upvoted and curated!

If you take a peak at an earlier post, where I start me seeds in soil, Seed Starter Trays, in the image of the shelf, and trays, you can see an LED light above, then the tray, then at left of each tray a black wire left bottom. That goes to a thin black heat mat, under each seed tray. I kept the heat mats on, and entire shelf covered in plastic sheeting, to help retain heat and moisture for my basement seed starting.

For the Papertowel method, since the squash and pumpkin, etc all have lower germination rates (maybe 1 of 2? or 2 of 5 seeds germinate?) I can see which seeds will germinate before taking up space in soil Seed Starter Trays.

Not sure if you saw, but there's some 200 plus seedlings going on (tomato, pepper, zucchini, cucumber, squash, brussels sprouts, tons of herbs and more)... so, each seed cell is prime real estate!

@ninahaskin Most seeds will germinate faster with heat. Vegetables can germinate in 50 ºF soil, but ideally prefer 80 or so! I do my seeds in the basement ona shelf, and that's between 50 and 60 right now. Cool, but doable. Take Tomato, for instance. At 50ºF that's close to 40 days. At 60, it's more like 15, and at 80 it's 6 days, on average.

The Cukes, squash, and pumpkin I did above, would take 30 -40 days at 50ºF, so, I can cut that to a week or so, by using the heat mat. It raises the temps about 20ºF compared to ambient.

I use the heat mats under my seed starter trays, too, for the same reason: Faster germination. These Ziplocs will be opened in about 6 days, (I'll hold them up to the light each day at 4 days on... to check for germination) and then, I'll take the seedlings, and plant them into 3 or 4 inch (7cm to 10cm) pots, and eventually, after hardening off, into the 10 Gallon (37 liter) Grow Bags outside.


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@wrestlingdesires(1/15) tipped @bluefinstudios (x1)

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