Below My Purple Beauty Sweet Pepper seem to be Purpling Up!
Now? I am hoping they pump up to nice and large, sweet little peppers!
Above Speaking of Sweet Pepper? these Sweet Banana Pepper are indeed sweet, not spicy hot! Sweet Banana Pepper and Hungarian Wax Pepper look almost exactly alike, but Banana is sweet, and Hungarian Wax Pepper is very HOT! So, how can you tell the difference when they are growing on the vine? Easy, one Points UP (think HOT HOT HOT on the Scoville meter): Hungarian Wax Pepper, and one Points DOWN (down on the Scoville meter means SWEET SWEET SWEET)!
Below More Sweet Banana Pepper! Somewhat odd, I am growing 5 of these Sweet Banana Pepper plants. I actually do not eat Banana Pepper. I will use some fresh for my youngest, she loves them, and I will pickle some for use later in winter and early spring for her.
Above Sorry for the blurry photo of my Spaghetti Squash. I ahve four of these plants growing and looks like I will get a few of the squash out of them. The Blurry photo, btw? Right as I was about to trigger the shutter, I noticed a flurry of excitement out of the corner of my eye, to left of the garden:
Three of six rabbits, bouncin' and flouncin' by the gardens. They were so cute, the three smaller ones who took off to the left!
By the way, I am still in the middle of the Storm Elsa winds and rains. At some point a rather large limb snapped off a nearby tree, and more rains of course, fell. I imagine there are quite a few waterlogged plants, begging for some dry days. We shall see what the next week brings, but I am hopeful for some cooler, dryer weather!

Previous Grovid 21 Posts:
Sprawlin' Spaghetti Squash Surprise Sprawlin' Spaghetti Squash Surprise!
Dinner and More... Dinner, and More...
Potato Harvest One. Potato Harvest One
Cherry Cherry, Bo Berry Cherry Cherry, Bo Berry!
Almost Ripe, Almost Tasty Amost Ripe, Almost Tasty!
I Grow, Therefore I Am I Grow, Therefore I Am
Lettuce Look! Lettuce Look At The Garden
Vegetable Garden Vegetable Garden Video Tour
Plants and Flowers VIDEO TOUR Plants and Flowers Video Tour
Quick Recap Grovid21 Quick Recap Grovid 21
Alive After A Week Away Alive After A Week Away
40 Days and 40 nights 40 Days and 40 Nights
Label My Garden Label My Garden Grovid
Garden Labels So FAR Labels Grovid 21
Tomatos Are OUTSIDE! Tomatos Are Grovid Ready
Going Outside Grovid 21 Going Outside
Some Outside, Some In Some Outside, Some Inside
UpPotting Day! Uppotting Day!
Herbs and Veggies! Herbs and Veggies for Dinner
St. Patricks Day Grovid St. Patrick's Grovid21
Peppers and More Peppers, Peppers, Peppers!
Grow Baby Grow update Peppers, so far
Seed Starter Mix and Planting! Seed Starting
Indoor Lighting Station Set Up! Lighting Setup!
The Seed Packets Arrived! Starting From Seed
Here's a quick RECAP post about Last Year's Garden.

Bluefin Studios

Bluefin Studios is a photographer, specializing in wildlife, nature, landscapes, waterfalls and Lighthouses!

To the animals and birds around me
to put more plants in than I take out
And be a good steward for the world around me!

the bunnies are growing like weeds... definitely not starving
I love the shade of green your garden is, it's always looking vibrant and delicious!
We've had 9 out of 10 days with rains. I take all the credit for the green, lush colours!
Clearly, your not a video engineer. Those guies are as color blind as a Sound guy is deaf...
These days, I just point. no one on the crew would let me near gear anymore. It may explode if I touch it!
Hopefully, your still able to drive those golf carts around onsite so you don't take out myself or my union buddies when we don't see you pointing...