Not Overjoyed and OverWhelmed.
Just, perfectly: Joyed And Whelmed.
Sun is bright, but not hot. It's comfortable, not Humid. The garden is bountiful and fresh. And today's someone's special day.
Top right, is a half a bowl of Raspberries. half, because I moved too quick and the other half ended up in the bottom of the briar patch of thorny branches. In the basket, above, is red Sweet Cherry Tomato, White Cherry Tomato (yellow colour) a few test carrot (they're too small) and some of the last of my peas. (under carrot) Top, left, on the plate, is a Roma Tomato, and two rounder Beefsteak Tomato. ALSO, 3 green tomato that fell. Bottom three on plate are a small round Black Sea Man Tomato (round, green and some red) and two Black Tula (weird shaped Green/red). Just off left is the leftovers from Friday's picking.
Above Close ups of the harvest:Raspberries and Peas, the Cherry Tomato and finally, larger tomato and Carrot
Below These are the Spaghetti Squash, growing on my vines. Larger one is about the size of a small football. Smaller is about the size of a softball.
Above One more Spaghetti Squash growing. Needs some more support. I will add it soon. It is baseball sized, now.
Below Many Sweet Banana Pepper. named for their shape, not their flavor.
Above The Purple Pepper, slightly sweeter than the Yell and Red Sweet Bell. Much thinner wall.
Below The Lettuces and Herbs growing.
Above The Arugula, coming in nicely. Waiting on Romaine Lettuce, and some more butter crisp.
Below Lastly, some maintenance. I pulled these two dead pots' worth of Peas. I harvested plenty of peas. We never really cooked them. They were so good fresh, my oldest daughter and I ate them as snacks.
Normally, I am in my garden every day, although, lately, every two weekends I am away, at a craft fair. I am enjoying seeing the big changes over time, as it is hard to notice, day to day.
...I am THANKFUL for the wonderful woman who inspired me, both with song and with the GroVid Challenge. Thank You and Happy Birthday, Dreemie, @dreemsteem, Pirate Captain, Welcome Wagon, @dreemport, Talia, and so many more.

Previous Grovid 21 Posts:
Garden's Below Garden's Below
Food For Family Food For Family
Spaghetti Squash Soon Spaghetti Squash Soon
Peck of Purple Pepper Peck Of Purple Pepper
Today's Garden Pick Todays Garden Pickings
Midnight In the Garden of Bluefin and Elsa Minight In the Garden Of Bluefin And Elsa
Sprawlin' Spaghetti Squash Surprise Sprawlin' Spaghetti Squash Surprise!
Dinner and More... Dinner, and More...
Potato Harvest One. Potato Harvest One
Cherry Cherry, Bo Berry Cherry Cherry, Bo Berry!
Almost Ripe, Almost Tasty Amost Ripe, Almost Tasty!
I Grow, Therefore I Am I Grow, Therefore I Am
Lettuce Look! Lettuce Look At The Garden
Vegetable Garden Vegetable Garden Video Tour
Plants and Flowers VIDEO TOUR Plants and Flowers Video Tour
Quick Recap Grovid21 Quick Recap Grovid 21
Alive After A Week Away Alive After A Week Away
40 Days and 40 nights 40 Days and 40 Nights
Label My Garden Label My Garden Grovid
Garden Labels So FAR Labels Grovid 21
Tomatos Are OUTSIDE! Tomatos Are Grovid Ready
Going Outside Grovid 21 Going Outside
Some Outside, Some In Some Outside, Some Inside
UpPotting Day! Uppotting Day!
Herbs and Veggies! Herbs and Veggies for Dinner
St. Patricks Day Grovid St. Patrick's Grovid21
Peppers and More Peppers, Peppers, Peppers!
Grow Baby Grow update Peppers, so far
Seed Starter Mix and Planting! Seed Starting
Indoor Lighting Station Set Up! Lighting Setup!
The Seed Packets Arrived! Starting From Seed
Here's a quick RECAP post about Last Year's Garden.

Bluefin Studios

Bluefin Studios is a photographer, specializing in wildlife, nature, landscapes, waterfalls and Lighthouses!

To the animals and birds around me
to put more plants in than I take out
And be a good steward for the world around me!

hey you :)
your garden is amazing.
can you just stop it there and just do all that here? like - all of it. just - make it happen here on my patio - so i too can enjoy this kind of garden.
don't say no! just do it! i said pleeeeeeeeeease!!!!!
thanks for the bday wishes hehehe
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Yummmmmm, can I have some??
What a shame about the raspberries. I would have picked them up for you. Because I am brave and do not fear death by thorns. However. I am very far away.
I would kill to try that Purple Pepper. She's so pretty! I feel like I've never seen that in stores or anywhere else. Maybe I should check in to the local farmers market next time!
or maybe i can grow one?!?!?! cuzzzzzzzzz i'm a farmer now.
i'm not the deathbringer anymore, See!!!
wait til you see my garden when you come home you will be so impressed!!!
not as impressed with @bluefinstudios garden - cuz this is like Eden. honestly! how?!?!? how is this possible! ughhhhhhhh i need to learn at the feet of the master gardener!!!!!!
but i shall improve. and truth be told - i DID kill some plants midway - BUT THEY CAME BACK TO LIFE!
and i may have also made one tomato plant suicide off the balcony. BUT ITS OK NOWWWWWWWWWWWWW again - back to life!!!
SO i'm kinda the deathbringer - ANDDDDDDDDDDDD THE RESURRECTOR!!!!!!!!!
wooooooooooots hehehehe
and you know what? that's crazy cuz iw as just thinking - i wish See was here so she could go pick raspberries - or blackberries - whatever it is that we have growing by the creek! i don't know where to get it - and come on. truth be told - i'm not wandering around looking for it. i wish it was near meeeeeeeeeee so i could get as many as i wanted!
and can people not just use gloves to pick raspberries??? i'm confused.
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