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RE: Eco-Friendly Digital Coin

it's not 1000 more efficient - but 100x yes !! you probably enter a zero more!!

anyway - it's possible thanks to a new different "blockchain engine"

you see - BITCOIN works with Proof of Work - BURST with Proof of Capacity

BITCOIN uses electricity to do calculations every-time for every block
BURST uses electricity to do calculations once - store the relative files on huge hard disks network - and then uses these files when needed...

from a high level point of view -
BITCOIN throws away a lot of good stuff
BURST keeps the processed information on hard disk and make use of it when needed

You might wonder - why didn't BITCOIN inventors did the same..

The answer is simple.... a system like BURST network take longer to develop.

There's more... people is saying that BURST is invented by the same team that created BITCOIN .. and it's actually the eco-friendly version of BITCOIN

Apart of this mystery about the inventor of BURST ... everything else is just perfect - fast transactions - mobile wallet - smart contracts and growing community.

I actually think Steemit and Burstcoin are already working on some kind of partnership

I hope I have covered your questions



yes - definitely

I am actually a programmer... in the meantime I had a look to the source code code of the application... it's simply genial and better than any other code base I ever seen!! Bitcoin is a toy compared to this!!

Thank you for introducing this to Steemit Community

The world need projects like BURST around!!

pleasure !!

so you are already in there looking at code-base!! can you tell community more about your discovery

BURST community will really appreciate your witness

the market cap is really low - and we just started to promote the coin !!

I am one of the evangelists...

Sure I will - as soon as possible

What I can tell now it's that it looks like an evolved version of BITCOIN...

I can understand now why people think BURST is developed by BITCOIN guys

I am so sorry I didn't discovered the coin before!!

it's not too late - the market cap it's still small - you can buy 100 000 coins with just 1600$ !!

what's the market cap size

you can find BURST coin network information on

Currently the market cap is $31,574,736
24H volume - $3,906,440
CIrculating supply 1,781,357,310
MAX total supply - 2,158,812,800

mind blowing !! 24H gain - +30% !!!!