Promoting a self published book

in #promotion8 years ago

As the author of the child series Love Child, Child No More, and Child Scorned, three self published books, I understand the importance of promoting your books. Not that promoting isn't always important and necessary. It always is. However when you choose to self publish your book, you are responsible for promoting your own books. Unlike a traditional publisher who takes care of so many things for you, a self published author is responsible not only for their own promotions, but their own editing, and pretty much everything that comes with publishing. This could be expensive. I've invested money and it has been one frustrated ride because things have moved slow too slow especially when I've spent hundreds of dollars only to get one disappointment after the next. 

Of course we know nothing is ever guaranteed or a sure thing when we invest money in anything to begin with. Investing in self publishing is expensive as it is, but there are articles I've read, and different ways I've looked into when it comes to promoting my books. More affordable ways. It all depends on what you are looking for and what kind of budget you have, and what kind of money you can afford to spend.  Some things I've tried, but am still currently trying are:

1. Making a new sales sheet so I can distribute them to book stores, (this can be through mailings as well) libraries, readers, etc. 

2. Speaking of libraries trying to arrange book readings. If you're lucky some may allow you to donate copy or copies of your book. Check for every possibility. Of course do your research. If you donate your book or should anyone donate books for you, you can always check this website to follow up: All you need is your book title and your author name.

3. Arrange a book signing. I once read an interview from Debbie Macomber where she described that some of her earliest book signings before she became established was in supermarkets near her home. A few years ago, I spotted an author (likely self published but can't swear on that) signing books from a table in front of the Cyclones stadium where the Brooklyn Cyclones play in Coney Island in Brooklyn. I can't speak for myself on this one because I have yet to have a book signing hard as it it to believe. But planning a a book signing is not only finding the right place to have one ( meaning affordable) but having the right money to invest in the books you need, the carfare, etc. It can be done however.

4. Contact the media. I always read this one, and of course I'm working on this too. Begin with local media. Maybe colleges, of course the podcast interviews (I wrote about that) reach out to your neighborhood newspaper, meaning the local newspaper. Don't give up on the big papers however, brush up on a good press release which is a good reason to have for the release of your book. I've also looked into advertising with my church's local bulletin. It's a start and at least worth looking into.

5. Word of mouth. The cheapest, and easiest promotional tool. Well easy as it is you need to get your family and friends to help you spread the word. Have readers do it too. Every thing helps. The more people who can give a good word for your book the better it'll be well received. The interest will grow, but it takes time so be patient. 

6. Get reviews. Request them from readers (no matter who the reader is) and submit your book to reviewers. Don't be shy to ask for reviews. Reviews helps spread the world of your books.

These are a few things an author can manage to do without having to spend tons of money. Oh you will always need money for promotions, but if you're on a budget or don't have much money to spend then just work around what you can. 


Good luck with all your self publishing endeavors. It can be a trying task to accomplish on your own. Steemit is a great place to do so though.

Thank you. It sure is. Being new here I still am not sure how to upload pictures here which may help for visual expression can help so much too. From what I'm seeing on Steemit many self published authors are getting many followers here.

You'll need a free pic hosting account or your own hosting to upload them to and then just paste the url in the post or comment.

Thank you I'll look into that right away